Many of you know that Wilbur was caught the last weekend of February 2009.
Those that saw him know he was not much bigger than a Coke can and his navel wasn't entirely dry.
Well, here he is now, close to 300 lbs.
Some friends from Seymour caught Ted (Ted Nuggent) about 6 or 8 weeks ago and have decided they can no longer raise him.
We figured Wilbur would like a little play buddy.
Since neither one of them understands that they are a pig, or even know what each other is, it's taken over a week for them to tolerate each other.
I say tolerate because Ted just aggravates the crap out of Wilbur day and night and Wilbur doesn't make as much noise and get as mad as he did.

Ted's biggest problem is his attitude and willingness to hook a boot or anything else he can.
We're going to remove his "attitudes" next week and see if we can get him settled down and growing as fast as Wilbur did.