« on: May 12, 2010, 08:49:18 am » |
Been hunting now for about 10 years and always wondered why people dont eat boars. I've eaten them for this whole time and have yet to come across one that tasted any different. and to aliviate the question I have kill some large ones and from cotulla all the way to Oklahoma line. So why is it you guys are either killing and leaving or barring a hog just cause of the way he tastes? Is it personal preferance or just result of "folk lore"  ?
run as they may they will only die tired!!!!!
" If your gonna be dumb, your gonna be strong" TACP instructors first day of class
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 09:00:22 am » |
It's not folk lore, i've smelled and tasted several that were rank. I used to take guys from work out all the time, they always wanted hogs. And of course they would bring some to the shop for everyone. Lots of times them bigger boars the meat smelled like piss and tasted like it too. Yes, they were gutted, skinned and iced properly... I usually did it. Now, all of these came out of the piney woods. I've never experienced or heard anything bad from boars in other regions, mainly grain country and cattle country. So i'm assuming their diet has a lot to do with it. Once you've smelled or tasted a bad one, you won't forget it. The old timers have always said to cut a chunk out and through it in the skillet. If it stinks... feed it to the coyotes. 
waylon-N.E. OK
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2010, 09:15:58 am » |
There not fit to eat up here if there on wheat pasture. If the boar is 150+ he is dog food or we just leave them for the critters no matter of what they have been eating because the odor is tough to get past
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2010, 09:52:44 am » |
Most of the hogs we take are from GA and feed on crops...peanuts, corn and soybeans. We killed 125 hosg there this year and they all were as fat as mud,.....could be due to a lot of peanuts being grown this past year, but I've never seen the hogs in this good of a shape. 5 of those hogs were big boars....200+ lbs. had one that was over 300 and they all tasted fine from what I heard. I got some meat from most of them and it was fine, but I do agree that they can taste bad at times.
It's easy to judge the character of a man,....by how he treats those that can do nothing for him.
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2010, 11:35:00 am » |
In Hawaii you would be looked down on if anybody found out you were wasting meat There are many ways they use to remove the boar smell and taste The Philippines prefer a vinegar adobo flavor NOT FOR ME!! Hawaiians Treiaki or soy sauce and Houle [WHITIE] hahah barbecue brown sugar glaze The most common way to cook is by smoke house My kids like many in hawaii were raised on hogs When you catch a fat hog and your smoke house is pumpen you get allot of people stop-en by
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2010, 11:49:12 am » |
I like to cook them in the sun...they always get eaten...even the big stanky wild boar hogs 
Rex Bumpus
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2010, 12:54:44 pm » |
I have cooked alot of east texas boars with no problem, but when you get a bad one it will clear the house out no matter what you season it with......
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 11
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2010, 01:32:23 pm » |
Last year (Deer season), I shot a 75Ibs Boar… I told my dad I would cook the hog that night for supper thinking it would be good… My father informed me that the hog would stink and be no good… We all know how sons follow everything there fathers tell them… Put the hog on the pit and it looked good – 3 hours latter my god you could smell it a mile away (Skunk smell)… You would think as much corn they eat at feeders the meat would not be that bad – I was wrong… Now we kill them and leave them… However, buzzards seem to like them…
"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car"
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2010, 02:43:09 pm » |
I hunt south florida alot of pasture, swamp, pines, oaks, and we only have ran into a couple stankers. Best way to cook hog in my opinion is a smoker.
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2010, 02:44:38 pm » |
If the gland that is behind his sheath is cut into it will completely contaminate the meat. If this is removed without cutting into it you will be fine. Only ones that have stunk the whole house up while cooking have had the gland cut into. Just my .02
Bleed your meat well and get it on ice asap! Fire up the smoke house!
Competition is not the domination of others, But rather the pursuit of excellence within each of us.
I have cooked every boar that has been brought home and I only had one that I did not like the way it tasted. I usually chop up small pieces and put it in the pressure cooker, after 30 minutes dump that water and add new water in a new pot, then season it with tomatoe sauce, potatoes, bell peppers, comino, oregano, onions, garlic, black pepper etc, and it always comes out fine. Not saying that there is not a boar that tastes bad but I also think a boars age has a lot to do with it. Could also be the cook too 
Anything can be a weapon if your holding it right.
IHO I think the hogs diet has alot to do with it. I have even had sows that smelled and tasted like crap that were caught after grain season when they are eating the mesquite beans and such. I always tell the folks who want the hogs from us, when they do want them that is LOL, to leave them on ice for about a week before cutting them up. This has seemed to help some.
here in mississippi,the big ole boars all taste like they smell if he stinks dont eat them.small boars under 120lb sum taste ok but i just keep them ole sows my 2cents
me personnally i dont waste anything. Had a few boars that were musky. I soak them in ice and salt for bout 2 weaks and they taste fine to me. just spray the salt of with hose pipe and put in freezer.
Ive killed several boars that stunk one 310 lb boar, ground the meat up and made smoke link sausage with all of them. The best you ever ate, no smell, no bad taste. 
When I was fresh out of high school I made about 100 pounds of sausage out of a big boar. You couldn't be in the house with it while it was cooking! I was obviously pissed that it was not edible. I did a little research to find out what the problem may be. A boar has a preputial diverticulum (pouch) that is dorsal to the piss hole. The diverticulum accumulates urine, secretions, and deal cells which contribute to the typical oder of a mature boar. It is easily removed prior to skinning. If the diverticulum is properly removed the meat will taste no different no matter the size of the boar. After figuring this out I have had no problem with the taste of a boar. The reason boars get a bad rap is the diverticulum in located on the midline on the belly, exactally where people typically cut to remove hide and guts. Once this pouch is cut the contents easily come in contact with a significant portion meat. You are not going to be able to wash it off, it is the culprit on giving boars a bad rap.
i think it has to with your own taste buds some ppl have stronger taste buds
You goin to do somthing or just stand there and bleed (tombstone)
5G ybmc
When a sow is in season she will stink when cooked. when a boar is running a sow he will stink no matter size or age. 
If you going to do it do it in style. ( GO YELLOW)
5G ybmc
I have have raised & hunted yellow dogs for 29 years now. dogs always was known as double G . after my 2 boys. now i have 5 grand kids so now they are 5 G.
If you going to do it do it in style. ( GO YELLOW)