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Author Topic: HSUS is sweating but the fight is still going....especially here in Texas!!  (Read 1134 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: May 24, 2010, 11:06:36 am »

From RPOA Texas Outreach and
Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
"Animal welfare, not animal 'rights'
and, yes, there is a difference."
Permission granted to crosspost.

May 24, 2010

HSUS is playing defense for a change! Don't you love it? Their Charity
Navigator rating has dropped and Wayne Pacelle, their vegan president, is
sweating bullets -- thanks to Consumer Freedom (CF). CF has the financial
backing to expose the truth about HSUS through billboards, ads in major
publications, and their website. And Wayne-O doesn't
like it!

HSUS has launched a major attack against Richard Berman, Consumer Freedom
lobbyist, on a personal level. It's ironic that HSUS must resort to
personal attacks instead of addressing the issues. If the Consumer Freedom
information were not factual, HSUS would have already filed the lawsuits.

So how does that affect us Texans? Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN)
is a bosom buddy to HSUS. With your help, Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
(RPOA) fought them both and won major victories at the last Texas
Legislative Session.

But did you know that HSUS and THLN shared THREE "very" well paid lobbyists
for the last legislative session? Info on THLN at: (Scroll to the bottom for
a link to "H's" for HSUS lobbyists. RPOA Texas Outreach is also listed.)
The HSUS and THLN shared lobbyists' names are: Walter Fisher, Steve G.
Holzheauser, and Patricia Shipton. HSUS also listed Lou A. Guyton, formerly
with their regional office in Texas.

RPOA can sympathize with Berman as we are also under major attack from
THLN/HSUS with the most preposterous defamatory libelous and slanderous
statements being made about us - some even posted on the THLN website. Why
would they lie? They're too ridiculous to repeat and have nothing to do
with the facts that we publish in this newsletter regarding the "Animal
Rights" Agenda. If we had the money, we'd sue but our dollars are best
spent elsewhere.

We have Gibson Lewis, former Speaker of the House, on retainer as our
lobbyist for the upcoming session in January but must have much more
financial support as the retainer is all we have! Anyone can join RPOA
Texas Outreach (our lobbying arm) with PayPal on the website below or the
RPOA C3 nonprofit if they prefer. Talk about David and Goliath; it's hard
to keep our slingshot in rubber bands. We're up against big bucks with
THLN/HSUS throwing big fundraisers all over the state.

We now have hotspots in Austin and San Antonio due to THLN influence. (More
on that later.) RPOA has to be here everyday with our office as a
clearinghouse for Texas animal issues and all the expense that entails --
not only when something bad comes up. Join up today!

Jo Lynne Stark
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Strike Dog
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« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 05:43:40 pm »

good to hear we got them at least a little worried. Im no legal scholar myself, however I found this one statement kinda odd:

"If we had the money, we'd sue but our dollars are best spent elsewhere."

Do they not have even one lawyer that is sympathetic to the RPOA cause that will offer pro-bono work. And if you sued for slander and won wouldn't the other party have to cover your court costs and legal fees. I say if they are slandering you sue the crap out of them and get some of that money out of HSUS's coffers. Just food for thought, they ain't gonna be able to fund all them anti-hunting billboards if you get enough big judgments against them.
Hog Master
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« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2010, 06:22:48 pm »

Liberal's like this have one main agenda and it is to take away our individual liberty and our freedom that this country was founded on ( christian values/free market capitalism/constitution)

I am sure the presidents adviser cas sunstein is behind this some how and has been quoted saying animials have rights and wants to inforce this communist does the new judge obama just appointed soto meyor or however you spell it.....Tea party revolution!!!!
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