how long do ya'll recommend keeping a puppy in a bay pen before you start bringing them in the woods with the pig on a rope?? I have a 4 month old cat that i just started in the pen.
FL hogdogger
I 2nd that question as well! My pup has only seen a hog in a crate!
BTW... I took some slop over to my friends hogs he has penned up. All sows btw - one of 'em gotta be about 200lbs at least. Anyway, poured out the slop along the fence/hog panel line because I knew they wouldn't move for nothin. I had my son holding my 2 young catahoulas with a leash. The female just stood there, neither moving forward or backing up. The male barked a lot and moved toward the fence. He got pretty close while barking at one of the smaller sows - who lifted her and grunted at first and squealed at the end. He backed up a bit and then went at the hog panel again barking. The sows backed up a bit... and then sort of stared at him, then walked back up and went back to eating. Tahyo (the male's name... Cajun for big, hungry dog) kept barking and lunging at the panel, but I guess they figured they were safe and kind of ignored him. In the end, I'm happy to see him interested in getting after them!!
My religious belief teaches me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time for my death. I do not concern myself about that, but to be always ready, no matter when it may overtake me."--Stonewall Jackson