« on: August 20, 2008, 10:14:33 pm » |
everyone talks about how you never forget that first hog you got to stick or catch and i was just wanting to hear everyones story of their first hog kill or catch. ill start  i had just started hog doggin, for a month straight i went every other night and never heard a bark one time, i was really down and not really sure what was goin on. i was hunting with 2 other guys that have never been hog hunting either so i didnt really have kind of advice from any hog hunters. then one night we were about to load up and we figured we would try this one spot we have never tried before we left, this was before we all got our 4 wheelers we were constantly walkin for miles every night. it was about 2 am when we decided to walk down to this spot and we were all really tired but determined to get a hog. when a couple of my dogs took off. we heard a bay way off, so not really knowing what to do we took off running full speed, we were no longer tired cause it was the first time we had heard barkin in a month so we were so excited. after about a mile run we get down to a creek and there was about a 200 pound boar in the creek bed caught. my 2 buddies stood up at the top of the creek in amazement. once it hit me i jumped down in the creek bed got on top of the beast i tried to stab when i stabbed to high, i then got the sweet spot down went the hog, one of my hunting buddies was at the top just cheerin me on the whole time lol we were so proud of that hog we didnt even gut it, me and my buddies dragged that thing a mile through 3 creek beds so we could show it off to everyone first. from that night it just clicked and its been hogs ever since. well thats my first hog kill story now lets hear yalls
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 11:51:35 am » |
I really don't remember my first kill, and we don't always stick the hogs anyhow. I do remember my most memorable hog though. We were hunting with Mike, Matt, and our neighbor kid Roolie. The dogs bayed up down a fence line, but there were some strange headlights we'd seen on the road inside the ranch. As the guys headed over to the bay, I thought I might need to stay in case I needed to talk to someone since that truck was heading our way up the road. I stayed on the road with a catchy cur dog on a leash.
All of a sudden, Blue opened up with another dog of whom I didn't recognize the bark. They were hammering on something in the tall grass, but all the guys and the catch dogs were about 100 yards away at the first bay. I was hollering that we had another bay, but they couldn't hear. I cut the catchy cur loose, but she ran up the fence line to the squealing hog rather than to the bay dogs in the grass. Just then, I heard the hog rush the dogs, and one of the dogs caught. I ran to the grass and legged a fat little sow. I had hold of the sow with one hand, camera in the other, and in comes a bulldog. I'm yelling "caught hog!" and the guys head over surprised that I had caught ahead of the catch dog. That's when I got the dubious distinction of being about "quarter pit". It was a fun hunt, and we caught more hogs that night.
At least I'm successful at doing nothing right. I guess it could be worse.
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2008, 12:56:58 pm » |
Thats a funny story Mandi.
next time I shave my Ass, we are gonna have to glue it on them slick haired ones.
capt jack
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2008, 05:47:52 pm » |
gardner 32 i am not going to bore anyone with the first hog i killed. i would like to take a minute to rag on you. lol i remember when you posted your first kill, how proud you were. i also remember the posts you made, explaining how bad of hunts you were having. i also remember the hunters on this site helping you with question. you took the advice and you have become a good hunter with good dogs and many hogs under your belt.
it is refreshing to see a young hunter take advise and go and apply it and catch hogs. i think with out the good folks on this site, you would not be as far along as you are now.
so son my hat is off to you and the folks on this site. good hunting.
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2008, 08:59:05 pm » |
Mine was in 1992. I had just graduated high school, and I had gone with my girlfriend (and unknown to me at the time future wife) to her Aunt and Uncle's house for the evening. It got late and we decided to stay the night with them. Her cousin who was younger (and is now a Game Warden) invited me to accompany him and a couple buddies the following morning "hog hunting" with his dog. At that point in my life it took a whole bunch of excitement to get me fired up about getting up early, but without much fuss I was up the next morning and ready to see what this was all about. Poured a little coffee down my throat, and we were off. These guys hunted with two dogs and no catch dogs...just rifles. (hence how I learned to hunt and hunted for many years). We walked around the woods for about an hour with not much going on. Then we heard a bark, and the excitement of the hunt filled the air. I was standing there looking back and forth, trying to figure out what was happening and all the while getting pretty worked up and not really even knowing why. We took off running in that direction. When we got fairly close, a sort of stealth mode replaced the all-out run. We eased into place, and a shot was fired that took down the prey. Although I wasn't the one who fired the shot, I was just as proud of our kill. That's the day I became a hog-dog junkie! (and I will never forget that was also the day I discovered I was TERRIBLY allergic to Poision Ivy  ) The rest is history...
A truly rich man is one whose children rush to fill his arms even though his hands are empty.
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2008, 10:30:13 pm » |
I'd killed plenty of hogs before I finally got talked into my first dog hunt. It was a few yrs after high school, I was down on the gulf for a wknd of diving and my old friends talked me into an evening hunt. I'd never been interested in it, because I thought of hogs as "off" game... you know, how most still(deer) hunters look at them... "why do I want to chase a stinking pig?" I told myself...  "Oh well, at least I can drink a few while they mess around".... So this guy(whom I still hunt with to this day) shows up with a box full of dogs, I go up to look at them and one tries to take my finger off  ... I'm like, "you're not really gonna turn him loose with me right here are you??lol", he says, "oh, he won't mess with anybody once he's hunting" :  ....We get to the spot, some cattle spread that had a decent # of pigs. Once he let the dogs out, I was immediately fascinated... These were the scariest bunch of dogs I'd ever seen, not to mention them all being loose around my legs. Scarred from head to toe, big(70-80#'s), block headed yellow dogs... Simply beautiful animals, built for a specific job... I was already hooked.. Stuck a beer in each back pocket and off we went.. got the quick version of what not to do on the way in... you know, like "just stay out of the way, you'll get hurt" kind of stuff  ... well, I've never been the type to worry about stuff like that so, the first bay everybody starts running towards... so I figure.. "must be a race...  ", so off I went, beating everyone there by a long shot, and bailing in like a comakazi bulldog... head high palmettos thrashing around with dogs barking, hog huffing... with absolutely no idea what I was gonna do next  Well, I spot the hog, but having no idea what to expect, I didn't give the dogs time to catch and just grabbed at the boar's rear end(miracle I didn't get my a$$ handed to me)... well, the hog broke(surprise surprise :  ) and the dogs ended up catching a couple shoats, but it was too late, I was hooked deep. Been hunting for my next fix ever since... 
Welcome to the Gun Show
Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2008, 02:52:17 am » |
my first hog kill was when i was 13 . my dad took me up to our other property just to check the fences and this boar run out and my dog jumped out and got him about 50 metres from the 4wd. we walked over and my dad said here you are get it and i said ill be right lol the pig was about 180lbs and my dad said dont be a sook get in and grab it so i did and it took me a second to hit the spot to kill it but the pig died quickly after i stuck it . it was actually the last time i really hunted with my dad so thats why i remember it so well.
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2008, 03:20:33 am » |
capt jack you are right about that, if it wasnt for websites like this i would not be the hog hunter extrodinaire that i am now 
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2008, 10:54:42 pm » |
I don't remember the first hog I killed but I remember getting put in trees before I was big enough to climb very well. When I was a kid it seemed like hogs must be the meanest things in the world if you have to climb trees to get away from them.
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2008, 11:08:29 pm » |
I don't remember the first hog I killed but I remember getting put in trees before I was big enough to climb very well. That's funny, that's the first pre-requisite I ask little fellers to demonstrate before I'll take them hunting.... So...."can you climb a tree?" 
Welcome to the Gun Show
Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2008, 11:20:08 pm » |
thats funny noah  but you know it can come in handy 
Quality over Quantity!
You gotta cut the boars to catch the Barrs.
Get Ahead Son!
That's funny, that's the first pre-requisite I ask little fellers to demonstrate before I'll take them hunting.... So...."can you climb a tree?"  [/quote] X2 lol
Kind of like my first girlfriend or piece of ass... I forgot  ugh.. oh well I remember allot of them 
My first hunt with dogs was in early january of 2006, i ran into an old co-worker bud of mine who had dogs his whole life and told him i wanted to get some dogs and start hunting. He had a litter on the ground and made me a deal for 1 pup per hunt on my deerlease, i left his house with 5 pups lol. The next morning i met him around 4:45am in nome and we met up the the other hunter we were goin with (who is now considered a friend by me and my girl. I remember it like it was yesterday, it was unusually foggy for january, in the low 40's with a light light wind. We ran the dogs by a feeder that was still spinnin corn and they bayed about 100yds out. They ended up finding and baying a bedded 235lb boar. The rush i got while running into the bay in a palmetta flat and being mere feet away from that hog was like nothing i'd ever felt, i was immediately hooked and immersed myself in it. My former co-worker is now my closest friend, we have literally hunted together 100's of times since that day. Couldnt ask for a better friend and hunting buddy, he got me into it and for that I will forever be thankful.
"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland
"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
Central Tx
My first hog i killed with dogs was a boar about 135lbs I was about 7 years old and i went hunting with Jerry Campbell near Lakey Tx. I killed it with about a 3in blade pocket knife.
My first hog hunt was the night of the first day of my first job out of college. My boss came over to the house I was staying in. He asked if I wanted to go hog hunting. I agreed and we went to his truck. We went to the kennels and pulled 7 big cur dogs out and loaded them into the truck. We drve the 22 miles to cedar bayou and crossed onto matagorda island. He is on the hog permit over there. We dropped the dogs and after a while heard the dogs barking. We drove to the bay and the dogs had a 100 lb sow caught. He handed me his knife and I stabbed her. I was so pumped I put a pinch of snuff ontop of my snuff. After that night I went every chance I could. 10 years later Im still at it.
For me it began when a guy started on at my work who was into hog dogging. I'd never really even heard about it, but I was into hunting about anything else that moved. He told me stories about it and I wanted in. I finally got to tag along with him on a hunt. That first hunt, we didnt even get on a hog, but I was already hooked. I'd been around working German Shepherds for years, but I was immediately fascinated watching these hunting dogs work. Just so happens shortly after that first hunt, I got pics of hogs on my trail cams on the land that my inlaws had just moved onto. So I invited him to bring his dogs out. About 30 minutes into the hunt I stuck my first hog. The hog wasnt nothing special, but for sure after getting it, I was all in. That was just a little over a year ago and now I've got two pups I am trying to get started. I've only stuck one other hog since then, but been there for several other kills. For me it is more about watching and enjoying the dogs working than it is killin a hog. Doggin has consumed my thoughts nearly every moment since that first hunt. Here is a pic of my first kill. Like I said not a big hog, but it sure was tasty!! 
Show me a good loser and I will show you A loser!!
First hog I caught it was about 4 years ago and it was the middle of December. It was just me and a cowboy I roped with that had dogs. We turned out, drive across a river, and suddenly there are no more dogs in the headlights  ?? He stops the truck and cracks the window were we can just hear outside. Then a ton of splashing and howling and yipping and growling and barking in the water. While its 35 degrees outside. My buddy said get that bulldog out of the back and hold the leash TIGHT! So I did and that was the first time I had been pulled around by a stinking dog. Lol. We walk along the river bank and Alton is about 20 yds in front of me and he shines his light over the river and he just hollers "HOLY $h!t that's a big one!" " Send the bulldOg send her send her send her!!! Give her to me my lord boy you can't un snap a leash!?"...  well the bulldog finds a way down and slams this 280 pound boar. Then he starts cuttin down every dog there. Every dog got cut to hell.... The bulldog went and layed under a tree. And she's a Dam good bulldog... I ran back to the truck and got an old rope so I could see Wat I could do to help. After pulling my loop off his head about three times I learned hogs dont have much of a neck. At all. Lol. All this time I don't know where Alton is. Then I hear him start cussing like a sailor. I go "Wat happened!!!!" while I'm on the bank he found a way down to the river. He said "I f***ing chipped my tooth on my f***ing flash light"  . Then I try to find a way down. Oh ya I'm 13 at the time.... And I hear him yell "I got him I got him....... $H!T I don't got him!"...... "GOT HIM!!!" ...... I get there and he hands me the back leg of a wild freakin hog  and half of him is under water. I think ok he wants to drown him...  So I keep him under water. He wasn't fighting hardly so I thought I could handle it. He's catching dogs. Then turns around and goes "NO NO GIMMIE THAT HOG GET HIS HEAD UP!!!"  . He grabs the hogs ear and holds it up.... That was his last breath....
Seth Gillespie
spring 2004, out hunting some coon with some trashy hounds they had him bayed up and i had no idea what to do next. called my old man up told him 2 words and he hung up. he shows up with a house pit we had at the time and i was hollerin "WTF are you doing???" he picked the dog up and threw him at the pig and i guess in the meeley of what happened the pit locked on and the hounds went in and locked him down and we put a bullet point blank and i was hooked.
Matt H Cleveland, OH