« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2008, 05:13:07 pm » |
Oh yeah iI almost forgot about two months ago I went out to Benjamin area and put my cow dogs on 48 hd of buffalo that got out of a high fence and dogged them through two pastures back in to the pasture they came out of. We didnt know how they would work but they bunched as good as dog broke cattle there was a bunch of calve and the cows really bunched and came togather from all over. when we kicked the dogs on them there was only about 20 that we could see and the rest came togather right there .
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2008, 05:46:33 pm » |
Oh yeah iI almost forgot about two months ago I went out to Benjamin area and put my cow dogs on 48 hd of buffalo that got out of a high fence and dogged them through two pastures back in to the pasture they came out of. We didnt know how they would work but they bunched as good as dog broke cattle there was a bunch of calve and the cows really bunched and came togather from all over. when we kicked the dogs on them there was only about 20 that we could see and the rest came togather right there .
Thats cool.....I've always wondered about buffalo. I had a hunch they would bay like cows but never seen or heard of it to know for sure. I'd bet you that Cape buffalo would do the same thing. U said you dont use the same dogs for cows and hogs. I was just curious why that is if you dont mind me asking. Waylon
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2008, 06:53:45 pm » |
Waylon , it was pretty cool the buffalo would run at the dogs and grunt almost like a bunch of hogs it was pretty funny. When we kicked out on them we just sent two dogs to kind of feel them out and see what they were gonna do. I was thinking they might just run like hell but they bayed real nice and once they got togather we sent a few more dogs in and got them out to the road then my dad and my son folowed in the pickup and sent more dogs when the others got hot it worked better than alot of cow gatherings ive been on. All of these buffalo were wild as buffalo get they just run wild on that place so we didnt know what to expect . I guess thats why they handled so good with the dogs instead of being spoiled or somthing like alot of the cows that need catchin. To answer your question . I hog hunt alot of places that have cattle everywhere and I dont want to be baying up cows when im hunting. and when Im catching cows I dont want to be catching hogs. When I had dogs that would go both ways it seemed like they would bay the opposit of what I was after.ha ha It is just alot easier for me to keep two sets of broke dogs. I hope those buffalo get out again cause I would like to take a camera along and get some good pictures.
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2008, 07:24:03 pm » |
I'll bet them having calves on them helped a bunch and they were not spoiled like you said. Cows may seem stupid most of the time but some of them figgure it out pretty quick. Yesterday we had one that did not want to go to the house, but she waited till we got them right up to the wing before she broke and we were committed to pushing them through it or loose the whole bunch, and the dogs did not bring her back so we let her go and the dogs bayed her for about an hour down in a draw. Maybe that taught her a little lesson.
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2008, 09:59:22 pm » |
neat deal, ive always wondered if buffalo would bay, or if they would just run through the dogs. it makes sense though, for hundreds of years theyve been bred to get in a bunch and put the calves in the middle.the ones that didnt the wolves pulled down and eliminated from the gene pool.lol i always wanted to rope one just so i could say i did. that is until i got a call to go catch 2 beefalo steers that weighed about 1600 a peice. they were the rankest ive ever caught, fast, and mean. they split and ran as soon as they saw us , all 3 dogs stayed with one and he went 3/4 of a mile before we got close enough to get a rope on him. ive roped alot of bucking bulls but not a one that was as stout as that one. tied him down and went after the other one , found him in the edge of a thicket and run em out towards the truck , when we got him caught i t was 50 yds to the trailer and i was glad! we left the other one and lead him out the next day, had to cross 2 creeks and go through a briar thicket. he had been at least 30 hrs without a drink and after all that he was still just as bad , crippled 1 dog cathing him and flipped a horse down in the creek leading him out. that evening he weighed1630 at the barn. dont really care if i never get to rope a buffalo after thatlol. sorry for the long story, thought some might enjoy it.