the dogos are just kinda big for me .... i like smaller dogs ..... i have heard the same problems with dogos as pits or bulldogs .....a dogo is a form of bulldog ...... its the bulldog in em that makes em catch ....... a real nice dog from me that was in south texas was killed by a dogo ....friend of mine down there had one catch his mule with him on it ....
there's real nice bulldogs and real nice dogo's ...just depends on what you like ..... its like trucks there's fords dodges and chevy's ..... drive the one you like and love it but beware there's lemons in all of em .....
Great posts Bryant and Leon, pulled the thoughts right out of my head.
the doing the breed an injustice arguement is kinda crazy to me. no one says your doing the bmcs an injustice when you cross it with a lacy or cat! jeeze fellas we are talking about hog dogs here. we all think the same, we want dogs that get the job done. when we need to replace a dog we breed to what is the best around us. unfourtunately there aren't a lot of dogos around that people are willing to breed without a large price attached to it, so you cross to whats available to you. that isn't doing the breed an i said those people are doing the dogo no more of an injustice than those people who are running cross bred baydogs.
the 1920's of just beginning to formulate the breed is a young breed my friend. the pit bull was bred for 100's of years, pointers were bred for 100's of years, bmcs, cats, lacy's, etc. all these dogs have been selectively bred for more than 90 years. 90 years is not a long time when you compare to the other breeds of hunting dogs..i bought pits BECAUSE of their temperment! they have been the best dogs with my kids and family bar none. hell on strangers and other dogs(at the time i wasn't into hunting and didn't care if my dogs hated other dogs).
Pet's Choice BP, Houston Distrubution
no one says your doing the bmcs an injustice when you cross it with a lacy or cat!
I do.
A truly rich man is one whose children rush to fill his arms even though his hands are empty.
okay bryant you may be one of the few to only people on this whole board that runs all pure dogs..most everyone on here will tell you they do have a preferance of bay dogs but they will take a crossbred dog if they are good..they never say why are you crossing pure dogs, that is an injustice...
i guess i don't see that as an injustice. i like pure dogs(two of my three are is a cross of the two breed that are pure), but i'm not above making a crossbred litter if the other dog is linebred and a great dog..
Pet's Choice BP, Houston Distrubution
I culled a AB/Dogo pup of mine because he wasnt as far along as my other one. Sold him as a pet for $1400 people like the dogs because they are big and pretty and great natured. I have yet to run into anyone that buys a pitbull because they are good natured.
Atleast you ain't in it for the money  1400 bucks for a cull/pet...... If you haven't run into anyone who buys a APBT because they are good natured tells me you don't know that breed very well. (repectfully) If you knew me very well you would know money is the last thing I'm concerned with! I did know he was an exceptional animal and wanted him to go to a good home. If I give him away as a pet the new owner will have nothing invested and therefore would be more likely not to take care of him. When someone pays that kind of money for a pet they are much more likely to take care of him. The first three people that came to look at him wanted to fight him and I wouldnt sell him to them. You are right I am not a Pitbull Guru, nor do I care to be, we have had plenty of them over the years some good and some bad just like everything else. I see you find it amuseing to be sarcastic with your keyboard, it really isn't necessary 
I TALK ALOT OF SMACK-COME GO WITH ME AND I'LL SHOW YOU IT ISNT ALL SMACK Facebook Check Out-Hog Hunting Texas Style See our web site
I own, raise and hunt BMC's because those were the first dogs that hit my yard that I was pleased with. I have nothing against crossbred or other breeds of cur dogs, but I don't plan to bring them into my thing.
Said it before, but the purpose of linebreeding is to produce consistancy. If your bringing in all kinds of dogs to try and improve your line simple fact is that you started with the wrong dogs.
The same can be said with any breed. People feel the need to cross Dogo's, because the people before them didn't understand culling. If people would take care of their business instead of being out to re-coup their losses, there would be a lot less sorry dogs.
And in the words of Forrest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 09:28:15 am by Bryant »
A truly rich man is one whose children rush to fill his arms even though his hands are empty.
Bryant, you may be absolutely right! 
I TALK ALOT OF SMACK-COME GO WITH ME AND I'LL SHOW YOU IT ISNT ALL SMACK Facebook Check Out-Hog Hunting Texas Style See our web site
I own, raise and hunt BMC's because those were the first dogs that hit my yard that I was pleased with. I have nothing against crossbred or other breeds of cur dogs, but I don't plan to bring them into my thing.
Said it before, but the purpose of linebreeding is to produce consistancy. If your bringing in all kinds of dogs to try and improve your line simple fact is that you started with the wrong dogs.
The same can be said with any breed. People feel the need to cross Dogo's, because the people before them didn't understand culling. If people would take care of their business instead of being out to re-coup their losses, there would be a lot less sorry dogs.
And in the words of Forrest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."
Nice Post! Dayuum!
Well said Bryant. I agree 100%. Only thing I will say is if I have a bmc and I don't have another linebrd bmc to breed her to i I will take her to another LINEBRED dog of a different breed if that dog is exceptional and carries many of the same traits. The breed of dog is secondary to me the traits a dog carries are more important to me than the breed. Long as the two dogs are linebred and have the same traits I will stick them together. To me the problem is people want PUREBRED dogs to say they have purebred dogs and will only breed them to a dog of the same breed so they can have purebred dogs instead of just good dogs regardless of breed.
Pet's Choice BP, Houston Distrubution
Do Dogo s ever bay? Not just pups. I woujdbt want a dog that ever backed up.
There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.
"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off" Rich.
Do Dogo s ever bay? Not just pups. I woujdbt want a dog that ever backed up.
Culls do, so do cull pits and cull AB's...  I've seen quite a few over the years that would give bay pen dogs a run for their money... dogo's, pit's, AB's and crosses inbetween. 
Do Dogo s ever bay? Not just pups. I woujdbt want a dog that ever backed up.
I have seen it! 2 times but that being said Daisy dog traded for a nice Pit CD here a while back and after catching several hogs he put him in the pen to catch a hog out to move to another pen and he ran in a bayed like a champ......I dont believe either of them are supposed to bay
I TALK ALOT OF SMACK-COME GO WITH ME AND I'LL SHOW YOU IT ISNT ALL SMACK Facebook Check Out-Hog Hunting Texas Style See our web site
Bar M
our dogo is the best lead in i have ever owned but if you use him is a running catch dog he turns into a one out aramidillo dog lol you can hear one crunch from a log ways
ppc dogos
LOL, Bar M I have had that a couple of times with young unexperienced dogs in fieldwork, in Greece a couple of month ago, We were on our way back from a dry run, then suddenly Epo was working real great on something, we were waiting anxiously to see the pig comming out of the bushes that he was searching in.....or hear the sweet grunt of caught hog..but this is what he brought out..:  B
PPC Dogos Denmark
LOL at PPC . epo just didnt want to have a totally dry run . LOL
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 8
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Can you post some pics of you and your Dogos Hunting. There are none on your website.
HAHAHA, man, this is an old one to pull up!  Why don't you just get to your point then? How about you, what you got to show for yourself?
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