River Ridge
More like desperate, stay-at-home-dads!!!!
Thanks again and ill try to work on what happens when I make it to the bay next time. Maybe we could run a shock collar on me to help keep me in check. First hog I ever caught with you almost 5 years ago the hog ran off with me and Catch. Then a week ago I thought I broke my hand on that one little boar. Now I have ridden a Russian and stayed on for the full eight seconds. I seriously doubt that youll just watch. You tend to always get at least a little part of the action. lol Thanks for the help and Ill try to return the favor if you ever decide to ride one yourself. At this point I may even be able to give you some advice on the best way to mount and dismount. I seem to have it down for the most part!!!!LOL
Noah and LaDogo,
Thanks guys. Woke up around 6:30 am and kajun seems to be doing better. He walked all the way down the steps on all four legs which is an improvement. Im gonna run by the vet on my way to the farm to get him some more med. for him. Once again thanks for the concern. Hey Marvin, how is that dogo of yours doin? He didnt get it very easy that night either. Hope all is well.
Thats a good one, good story.
Take a kid hunting,thats our dogs future!
Joey Great story and I wish I was there. Thank you for taking care of my dogs and keeping them hunting while I do the oil spill thing. Sure hope BP plugs that pipe soon, so I can come visit!!! I sent you my hounds and a couple jags, but sent Squirt's sister Tang to Florida with a friend and Squirt's brother Einstein to Dr. Larkin DVM in Mississippi to hunt. Mr. James Mills of Kentucky, owner of the Cumberland Pack Jagdterrier Kennels where I bought Bart, Squirt's father, was visiting Larkin in Mississippi. Here are his comments he posted on the Jagdterrier Hunter's Forum : "My son, Ben and I had the great privilege to hunt in Mississippi with Pat and Howard. We saw some great jagdterrier work. Goatcher's Einstein dog took a track and stayed with a hog for 7.44 miles according to the GPS. It was too hot to catch many hogs, but we did catch one at night and caught one in a trap." As you know, I have had as many as 12 jagdterriers, but those three pups out of Bart, all from the same litter are blowing my mind. I regret their mother, a Scott Als, Dixieland Jags x Wasabi cross got killed by a bad boar. You had her mother and brother for a while. So the mold was broken. About your boar in the story - I was really surprised to see he was a big monster feral boar, I thought with all those nearly pure European wild boar you have up there, he would be (or is) a rare find. I guess he was looking to hook-up with some sows with those funny European accents.<' Best regards my friend - and stay safe Bud P.S. I guess I will have some problems getting my Squirt dog back after this. Maybe I should trade you two pups out of Lily to get him home?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 08:05:51 pm by Goatcher »
Tomball Dogos
GREAT STORY and one hell of a hog
Bud, He was definitely different, but still a lot of European blood, I think in that particular area the genetics are pretty limited and I have been seeing some changes over the years in hair color and shape. Squirt is still pretty sore sfrom that boar and has enjoyed being on the long zip line. He has really impressed me so far and he is welcome as long as he wants to stay. I am worried about my folks not letting the puppies leave. They are calling pretty regular to see if they have been born yet. Should be anyday now and she looks like she swallowed a watermelon. Thanks again for letting the dogs come play for a while. Joey
"You lose a lot of money chasing hogs and women, but never lose women chasing money."
thats a good hog man, I like them corn fields.
Take a kid hunting,thats our dogs future!
Good hog man, I really liked the story!
Nice Hog!!! Gives whole new meaning to "Fat as a Corn Fed Hog"
Caney Creek Hog Doggers
Good hog joey, you still have that trailer?
" When they run we chase em', when they stop we catch em', when they squeal we stick em' "
Colton Baker (979) 533 -1416
Nice hog....congrats on a good catch
Rex Bumpus
I just enjoyed reading you guys hunting story for probably the fifth time. What a great hunt - wish I would've been there! Like I keep saying "It's like Africa right there in Caddo Parish!" Keep'um running...
River Ridge
Been missin you man. You'll have to plan another trip soon. We could have really used your help that night. Hope to see ya soon
Josh Loker
Ahh Parker! I see you finally decided to chime in on this wonderful hunting board. You need to introduce yourself on the different topic boards and enjoy the folks on here. I have learned a lot and met some GREAT FOLKS on here as well. I talk to some of them more than I care too, but they are still alright!LOL
"You lose a lot of money chasing hogs and women, but never lose women chasing money."