« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 08:42:23 am » |
Pretty neat but the pens are impressive! I wonder why they mashed the end of all the pipe rather than cut saddles? Either way it is a nice set up.
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 08:46:55 am » |
The man said he could weld it faster that way... I wondered the same thing
Cull Hard
TDHA Member
Cutter Bay Kennels
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 08:48:05 am » |
They look like they would weigh in around 150#'s each.  If I'm buying them by the pound, that is my answer anyway. 
"To me it is not always about the game you caught, but the memories you can't let go of.  " Josh Farnsworth
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 08:57:14 am » |
Flankin' and workin' the calves got a little weird 
Cull Hard
TDHA Member
Colby T. Brown
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 09:15:55 am » |
Here are a few more...... Getting them out of the woods...  Got them out in the open... for the time being!!  Fence shot....  2year old colt I used to pen them on... 
Colby T. Brown ph# (903)278-8477
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2010, 09:18:28 am » |
What did roany think of the buffs? I bed he didn't like that oil check with those pointy azz horns haha
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
Colby T. Brown
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2010, 09:26:40 am » |
He and I both tried to stay out of that situation... It got a little weird a few times though. Lets just say he learned how to run that day!! lol
Jay's colt wasn't quiet as fortunate!! He got a gash about 5 or 6 inch long in his hip....
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 09:28:14 am by Colby T. Brown »
Colby T. Brown ph# (903)278-8477
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2010, 10:05:33 am » |
You Sir are a better man than me to pull off penning anything much less buffs on a 2 year old colt.  The pictures are great James! Thanks for taking the time to post em.
"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman
“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2010, 10:22:35 am » |
Hindsight brought some questions as to how much sense we had....especially after my horse breakin in two with a cow buff on his tail....and then the showstopping gash in his .... but I always heard if you're gonna be dumb you gotta be tough...
Cull Hard
TDHA Member
Circle C
Awesome pics. I think this is my favorite buff picture I have ever seen.  In 1998, the JA gave the state of Texas the last remaining wild herd of buffalo in Texas. While we miss the buffalo, this photo shows why we had to get rid of them. Just west of the pens, you can see an open gate. Yet, the buffalo are walking through the fence.
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
someone droped a load of $ in those pens and chute..
my neighbor raises buffalo , i dont want anything to do with them..
Silverton Boar Dogs
I have never had a horse hooked by a buffalo, but my vet tells me that buffalo have a weird type of bacteria on their horns and that a hole from a buffalo horn will get infected and there could be some problem getting it healed up. So let me know how that heals up.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 11:51:28 am by Silverton Boar Dogs »
Cutter Bay Kennels
I have never had a horse hooked by a buffalo, but my vet tells me that buffalo have a weird type of bacteria on their horns and that a hole from a buffalo horn will get infected and there could be some problem getting it healed up. He ,So let me know how that heals up.
Wow, what a vote of confidence. Man, that sounds like bad news. Hope your horse pulls through just fine. Regards
"To me it is not always about the game you caught, but the memories you can't let go of.  " Josh Farnsworth
I've always heard that you can drive a buffalo anywhere HE wants to go  some pretty neat pictures there.
LONESTAR WORKING DOG ASSOCIATION www.lswda.orgDiplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggie" until you can find a rock- Will Rogers
Colby T. Brown
I've always heard that you can drive a buffalo anywhere HE wants to go  some pretty neat pictures there. You are 100% right!!! We thought about putting some dogs on them, but we didnt have a problem getting them stopped. Getting them going was another story at times!! I have never had a horse hooked by a buffalo, but my vet tells me that buffalo have a weird type of bacteria on their horns and that a hole from a buffalo horn will get infected and there could be some problem getting it healed up. He ,So let me know how that heals up.
Wow, what a vote of confidence. Man, that sounds like bad news. Hope your horse pulls through just fine. Regards Jays colt healed fine. He took it straight to the vet, but there wasnt much the vet could do. He laid off from him for about 2 months, and now there is just a scar. It makes for a good story though!!
Colby T. Brown ph# (903)278-8477
Silverton Boar Dogs
Glad he healed up OK, Dr. Brock told me of several horses (cutters) that had been hooked and died from a staph type infection. Here is some video of a pair of Sturts Border Collies working a fresh buffalo. If you think of BC's as being soft "sheep dogs" this might change your mind. http://www.sturtzstockdogs.com/Tony%20on%20Bison%202-1.wmv
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 12:05:06 pm by Silverton Boar Dogs »
Antibiotics, water hose, cutheal, and lots of time was the successful equation...and like colby said...the scar makes for a pretty good story! Keep in mind this is my colt that has "MDM" freeze branded on his hip, which looks a heck of a lot like "MOM"....he needs a few cool scars! 
Cull Hard
TDHA Member
Cutter Bay Kennels
Good n crazy dogs.
"To me it is not always about the game you caught, but the memories you can't let go of.  " Josh Farnsworth
That's an awesome video...we've talked to Steve Sturtz numerous times about Tony! I have a hard enough time findin a damn curdog with that much heart and grit, much less be lucky enough to have it in a BC....maybe someday..
Cull Hard
TDHA Member