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Author Topic: Antique Spurs (for using, not just looking at)  (Read 3938 times)
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« on: July 21, 2010, 12:58:37 pm »


I would like a pair of antique spurs from the old west - circa 1880's or so - and I want to be able to ride in them. I'm thinking I don't need silver, some rust would be appreciated, and I want them used - possibly repaired at one time, rode hard and with the scars to prove it.

Where would I find such a pair of spurs? What would you guess as far as price, and what is a good way to judge authenticity? I have noticed that the larger spur makers were active right up through the middle of the 20th century. Is there any way to really tell if a pair was pre 1900?


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« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 01:24:49 pm »

  a freind of mine bought a pair of spurs at an estate sale for i think $20,  no markings at all.   Luke took them to a few shows and started getting bids on them right away of say $4000, Luke can correct me on the prices.   the old man wouldnt let Luke sell them the last bid i think was $10,000 by a doctor from dallas.  they turned out to be old Garcias ,  i wore them around one day just to say i had worn some expensive spurs..
   needless to say Alfred woulnt sell them he said thats the only thing he had anyone wanted so he hung them on the mantle, he died a few years ago and  his wife still has them.
Craig Loftin
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« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 01:43:10 pm »

Mandi I have no idea about the price of old spurs at all. But I do have two pair of spurs that my grandfather used Roy, Kelly maded they may not be worth anything but they are to me. And both pair carry lots of use marks on them. I will try to dig them out and get pics if you would like.

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« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 02:13:49 pm »

That's pretty awesome the old guy wouldn't sell the spurs. I'm glad his wife kept them as well. Do you have pictures of them? I'm going to venture out on a limb and assume that those spurs were made by the old man in Elko, NV. His kids and grandkids carried the company into present time (I think), but the old man's spurs carry the highest prices. As I understand, he learned the craft in Old Mexico and then started making spurs out of his home for a number of years before he got a shop up and running. I just love History, I think that makes me a nerd in some circles. Thank goodness I have a couple of folks tricked into thinking I'm cool  Afro

Mr Ronnie, I would love to see pics of your grandfather's spurs. Any idea when they were made?


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« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 04:40:04 pm »

Mandy,  you can find plain iron buermanns and anchors and such anywhere from $25 - $200  for a good matched pair.  thats often the hard part, finding a good matched pair, but if you dont care if they have been repaired, had rowels changed etc., it shouldnt be to hard to find some. I'm goin to a little trade this weekend, if you want, i'll keep an eye out for something. if you want to PM me a cell #
 and i can send u pics and prices.

RPR, Roys were good quality stuff, but are usually plain and so arent exceptionally valuable in the collectors market. Kellys have a really wide range of value, they still make kellys (although imported now) so the newer cheap stuff is not worth much, but the old iron stuff with silver can be worth a lot of money.

Craig, Alfred's spurs are McChesneys. they never marked their stuff until after justin-nocona bought out the company in 1929. those are probably one of the best pairs i've ever seen. i could have got him $4k or so, but i dont doubt he got a $10k bid. some guys will give whatever it takes to get something that fits their collection.

and on the subject of Garcias,  G.S. Garcias are the most valuable ones.  he started out in CA then moved to Elko (pre 1900's). eventually bought out by Capriolas who still sell Garcia bits and spurs. Then there is also E. Garcia, who they say was an underwear salesman of no relation, who started importing bits from Mexico and selling them under his name. although it is beleived that modern Garcias(from Cap's),  E. Garcias,  and many others are probably all imported from the same makers in Mexico now.  most modern Garcias are worth from $200-$500, where as G.S.'s may be worth thousands. so do your homework before you spend big bucks for this stuff. i saw a lady give $1700 for a pair of E. Garcias at an auction, i could have ordered her 4 or 5 pairs EXACTLY like em for that price.

and as a general rule of thumb, if spurs have brass rowels or buttons, they are usually modern imports (overseas chineese, korea crap) there are a few exceptions, but very few

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« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 04:56:38 pm »

Just for converstation sake I found these at my grandparents house after they had both past on so I didn't get a story on them but they have been in that house for a LONG tim.  Thought they were pretty cool and of the "gal leg" design.  I keep them on my mantel now.


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« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2010, 09:31:08 am »

i seen the thread ,so i just looked on e bay ..there is alot for sale on it ..maybe something you are looking for...

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