« on: July 25, 2010, 07:15:31 pm » |
You know I asked you if you liked your dogs open on the track today #1 to just make conversation with you and #2 because I was interested in your hunting style. Well now Chance tells me you asked, in true smart ass form, if we liked our dogs open on the track.  WTF! Listen hear kitty and pig chaser! I don't have to tolerate that number 2! You just drive your ass on over here to Cleveland and we are gonna have us a mud wrestlin' cage match, no holds barred. I'm gonna put you in the crawfish crippler and make you beg for mercy, BOY! They call me Pistol over here cause you don't know wether i'm gonna whip ya or kill ya'. I will lay the smacketh down on your candy ass!!!! Can you smell what the Pistol is cooking?   I'll be waiting on you to get brave enough to set the time and date. Soon! Crystal the Pistol
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2010, 07:18:20 pm » |
Sounds like a dare to me. Where is the Ninja when you need him!!!!!!
« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 07:34:07 pm by Rockin-P-Ranch »
Cowboys stay in the saddle longer.
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2010, 07:32:54 pm » |
lets get it on when ever your open mouth curs get there feet back under them  number 2 i kinda scared
They Call It The Hill Country I Call It Home ! The more people I'm around the more I like my dogs !! ROOT HOG OR DIE
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2010, 07:41:23 pm » |
A wrestling match doesn't sound like much of a threat there crystal, weve seen the pictures... be careful or all the guys here will start picking on ur dogs, if your offering to put them in the crawfish crippler 
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2010, 07:42:31 pm » |
They Call It The Hill Country I Call It Home ! The more people I'm around the more I like my dogs !! ROOT HOG OR DIE
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2010, 07:49:28 pm » |
This has nothing to do with my tenderfoots! This is me and you....eye to eye. JDJP the pictures might make the thought sound nice but, I only take baths once a month (every third Sunday) whether I need it or not!  The smell can get quite pungant! Hey kitty chaser. Quite PM'ing Chance and telling him to make me leave you alone. Take this one like a man.
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2010, 07:51:30 pm » |
I will pay good money and drive 2 hours to go see this one.
Cowboys stay in the saddle longer.
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2010, 07:55:08 pm » |
well i guess i am gona hav to get me one of them ninja sticks when i come i dont no weather i should use it on you or chance!!  i am gona take it like a man you tell me the time and place and i will be there
They Call It The Hill Country I Call It Home ! The more people I'm around the more I like my dogs !! ROOT HOG OR DIE
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2010, 08:01:22 pm » |
Hey - Hey my friend I have been married to that women for 11 years don't drag me into this!! Take it all out on her!!I bought a life insureance policy on both of you I will come out ahead either way!!
But watch that crawfish crippler it is a pretty wicked move she's got!!LOL
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2010, 08:05:06 pm » |
They call me DRILLER ---- DRILLER FROM BEHIND!!!! 
They Call It The Hill Country I Call It Home ! The more people I'm around the more I like my dogs !! ROOT HOG OR DIE
Dang y'all, we just got settled in at the Woodlands, but I'd make the drive back to get a front row seat.
Pro-Staff @ Wild Boar USA www.wildboarusa.com"Peace is that brief, glorious moment in history, when everybody stands around reloading!" unknown Bacon is a vegetable!
Rocking P, no need to waste 2 hours of drive time to come see the event... the entire 30 second ars kickin will be on youtube as soon as I'm done with him.  Kittychaser, you better get a mentor to show you how to use that ninja stick before you come down here slinging it around. They call me DRILLER ---- DRILLER FROM BEHIND!!!!  Hey don't be telling on yourself like that on a public forum. Gesh, PM me that stuff!
Dam girl i think chance done whooped you up side the head to many times you are craaazzy!
They Call It The Hill Country I Call It Home ! The more people I'm around the more I like my dogs !! ROOT HOG OR DIE
Lion I got one thing to say. I lived in Cleveland back in the late 70s.And dated a few females from that country. There where two things that they where very good at Loving you or kickin you B!!!.
Cowboys stay in the saddle longer.
Well Mr P i belief i willl take your word on that Well for what it is worth them wards had some fine lookin yeller dogs i would like to see them work when there pads arnt run off 
They Call It The Hill Country I Call It Home ! The more people I'm around the more I like my dogs !! ROOT HOG OR DIE
Slimpickens I will feel some people in on what happen for this rival to start up!! We all went hunting together for the wounded warrior hunt!! Mike Circle C Aldatrot Mattaggie the long horn fan!! Slimpickens Jls41 Uglydog Tomas Cward HdlCrystal And the famous pig catching wild kitty chasen Lionandandboarhunter HdlCrystal The smart a$$ of all Smart A$$'s ask kitty chaser if he like his dogs to bark on track because he had a dog that was trail barking alittle!!! Witch was a very good dog and trailed the big little pig a very long way's to bay it!!A wieght of about 20lbs so it proved to us that all his picture with the big toothed hogs have been photoshopped!!  Any ways I turn some of my dogs loose that done run all the pads off there feet from the hunt the day before Dang rocks!! My dogs are used to the swamps!!Not moutains!!Well they jumped some of those big toothy pigs and the race was on one of my dogs was giveing it hell on the track kitty chaser said in a dry smartass way you like them dogs that bark on track!! We got back home after a 6 hr drive and I repeated what he said!!HdlCrystal did not hear him say it!!So being she like to get in the last word she did it pubicly on ETDH!!
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
who caught hogs ?
Miller Lite
lol thats good stuff right there
Can you skin griz. pilgrim
well i admit i am just a little fella you can probally kick my azz but will just llet the dogs do the talkin i will give them yeller dogs a run for there money 
They Call It The Hill Country I Call It Home ! The more people I'm around the more I like my dogs !! ROOT HOG OR DIE