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Author Topic: Dog Transport  (Read 35303 times)
Black Gold
Alpha Dog
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« on: September 18, 2008, 09:26:54 am »

Just wanted to pass on the info for anyone needing dogs/pups shipped in the lower 48 states.  Go to and register (takes just a few minutes and is free).  It is set-up kinda like e-bay.  You can place an ad describing what kind of dog (size) that you need shipped and enter in pickup point and destination.  Then you can put a target price of what you are trying to get the dog shipped for and then transporters can bid on it.  Sometimes it's truck drivers that are just trying to make an extra buck, sometimes it sno-bird people, and sometimes mom-n-pop animal transport businesses.  Have used it twice to move three dogs.  Got 2 large pups from Kansas to South Texas for $250 (would have cost me over $1,000.00 with a professional service) and got a 100 pound dog from Missouri to South Texas for $200 (would have also cost me over $800.00 with a professional service.....
All the transporters have a feedback rating just like on e-bay with comments so you can see their past customers comments......Just useful info to have if needing a dog moved a lond distance for a bargain price.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 08:12:01 pm by Mike » Logged

CODY WEISER - WWT Founder & Official Scorer - T.D.H.A. Advisor
Buckeye Dog Haul
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2011, 04:08:31 pm »

Buckeye Dog has joined this board.  I have transported dogs since 2002.  Currently I am running 2 routes, one with me and another with my driver.  You can see areas we cover if you visit my website:
I am insured with a commercial animal policy, USDA licensed and 30+ years Life member of the NRA.  I have 2 prices, big dog and little dog.  There are no hidden charges.  We do door to door transport, you do not have to meet us at the interstate or pay extra for us to deliver to your location.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2011, 04:54:30 am by Buckeye Dog Haul » Logged

Mary Ann
740-236-0578 (web)
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« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2011, 01:08:08 pm »

I am a native of Louisiana and a former member of the Louisiana Wild Boar Association. I was an avid hog hunter and lived on the infamous Dixie Ranch in Lacombe, La. I later named my kennel Dixie Ranch Kennels. Our office is located in Covington, Louisiana and we transport in Texas normally twice a month.  I drive a 2010 Mercedes Benz Sprinter Van, Ice Cold Commercial A/C, Back up roof A/C with Generator, Large Roomy Crates, Comfortable Ride, Very Dependable Service. When you hire me you get a dogman with 20 years experience breeding, handling and raising bulldogs. Dave 985-516-6713


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