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Author Topic: New Breast Plate  (Read 6039 times)
Hog Master
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« on: August 12, 2010, 08:27:56 pm »

Check out my new breast plate from L3 made by Duncan's pig gear. The pictures don't do the quality of the stitching justice...its first class. Very dence seat belt material that seems nearly impossible to get all the way through in one try, and as you can see heat and mobility are not an issue....seems to be a great summer option for a cd you would only have a cut collar on or for the gritty cur...What do yall think, I'm happy.

I am happy with this but cant wait until my 7 layer turtleskin chest plate comes in (more protection & lighter material thats harder to penetrate)

I wish she would have had it on this boar she(PPC Itaca) was 11 mo. old caught great but took a bad beating on some trees etc
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2010, 08:31:49 pm »

Would like to see some pictures and feedback after its been used on about ten good boar hogs, to see how you like it, see if it stays in place and if your dog can put its head down.
Keep us posted and post some pictures after its been used awhile, I am sure others would like to see besides just me.

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« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2010, 08:34:59 pm »

Would like to see some pictures and feedback after its been used on about ten good boar hogs, to see how you like it, see if it stays in place and if your dog can put its head down.
Keep us posted and post some pictures after its been used awhile, I am sure others would like to see besides just me.

Sure thing, I hope she can put her head down after some wear/tear Wink
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« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2010, 08:50:51 pm »

let us know how it works out
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« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2010, 09:11:47 pm »

I have been checking them out. I like the ones that cover the shoulders.

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« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2010, 09:15:48 pm »

It's pretty... but not much protection?

Why not go with a light-weight kevlar vest instead?

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« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2010, 09:19:50 pm »

What's the cost ?

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« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2010, 09:29:37 pm »

looks good.  surely no restrictions on movement and no problems with heat.  my  buddy ordered a breast plate that is full length made for a his pit catch dog and it came in yesterday.  i really want to see it in action.  I really really like it. 


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Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2010, 09:34:35 pm »

How do you know there are no restrictions with movement if he just orderd it yesterday?

It looks like it makes the neck really stiff, but thats why I want to hear from somebody that has it, uses it and has used it on several big hogs.


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« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2010, 10:19:51 pm »

i bet it will work good  them aussie  guys  been useing them for a long time   and they catch nothin  but big boars   i really like the seatbelt webbing  its very flexable and tough as nail  that plate should work very well  if your dog holds clean

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« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2010, 06:09:51 am »

 my .02
    I will stick with uglydog gear unless i make it

Confetti Catahoulas
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« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2010, 07:57:49 am »

How do you know there are no restrictions with movement if he just orderd it yesterday?

Let me rephrase. It "looks" like there won't be any restrictions, and one of the other guys i run with has been running one just like that for years and not one single problem with the neck movement.  I don't think anyone should knock it until they try it.  It doesn't really matter what i think or anyone else.  If he likes the vest and it works good for him then it's a great vest.  I don't know if i would put one on my dogs, but that's becuase they don't hold CLEAN not because i don't trust it.  JMO though

This is what we run on the catchdogs i hunt with.  no neck restrictions at all. 

« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 08:42:15 am by boarwild » Logged


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« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2010, 09:48:42 am »

How do you know there are no restrictions with movement if he just orderd it yesterday?

It looks like it makes the neck really stiff, but thats why I want to hear from somebody that has it, uses it and has used it on several big hogs.

I will let you know more after i have actually put it to use, i cant really speak now. The reason i said she has good mobility is because she was licking her but with it on while i was taking these pics  Grin
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« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2010, 10:55:31 am »

Why does it look HOT PINK grant???!? you're such a woman.....
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« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2010, 11:57:42 am »

It looks good Grant let me know how it holds up, I cant wait to put in my order for my pony, I have to get him a custom size and I want to go with the one boarwild posted. Mine will also be purple with pink trim  Wink Cheesy

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« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2010, 12:31:25 pm »

Not trying to pick an arguement, but sometimes its real hard for someone to get real feed back, I don't care what the dog did in it a couple of times in the woods I want to know how it holds up after some serious abuse on a dog that has to really catch and hold a hog with some cutters and how the dog handles the running in and hitting up in the vest. Besides that some dogs are going to catch cleaner than others and I would like to see some of the comparisons and feedbacks

Most of the stuff I have seen promoting these things has been in pretty clean vests, or just the dog running around for a few minutes. In my opinion if a dog cant put there head up and down and move it with the shoulders when running, in a race for a hog or can't lean its neck into its shoulder because its wearing aneck brace, then its seriously keeping the dog from being able to maneveure. Which may be fine for a dog that is only helping hold a big hog, but not one that it getting flipped and thrown around which does not happen all the time, but thats when its gonna count and really need the maneverability to get its feet under him or be able to swing its weight around to control a good hog.

Alot of folks get defensive and take there toys and run away when they get asked the hard questions. I am trying to ask politely to get some real feed back to real questions, not predicitions,

Make-em-Squeal is being polite back and I appreciate it, and really do want to hear what he has to say after he has caught some big nasty boar hogs with his PPC Dogo in this vest. Thank You

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« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2010, 01:02:17 pm »

uglydog - i was right were you are a couple of years ago on this type of vest.  i thought yah right how is this going to work.  I personally seen one dog in one vest for two years now and he is still kicking.  i could post tons of pictures of hogs he has caught and video if i could figure out how to post that.  I will step back and agree with you in that i have only seen that on one dog, so i have no problem saying there is a good possibility that it won't work for more dogs that it does work on.  I am very interested to see Grant's take as well on how it does.  I didn't mean to direct anything towards anyone it was meant to be in general in that i don't like when people get opinionated on something they have never seen work or even used themselves, and that applies to anything not just vest.  All of this vest stuff is very subjective. 


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« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2010, 01:06:15 pm »

I believe it when you say its hard to get good solid feedback. I know this isn't the thread for this comment, but I have some feedback on the kevlar guardian full length uglydog ranch vest I bought. I know you sold this business a while ago, so you may not have had any involvement in quality control at this point. I got it when blackgold, cody, was running it.

PROS: light weight, decent mobility, good protection, doesn't hold water

CONS: stitching seems weak in some areas, on my vest the area where the neck/chin guard meet up with the main part of the vest is already come apart on one side. also the stitching that connects the straps to the vest is kinda weak.  Leg flaps look like they could be better designed or made just slightly larger, maybe I should have gotten a custom made one because the chin guard comes out too low for my dogo and the cut collar part that goes around his neck does not seem to provide any real protection and is often pulled off to one side when in the heat of a real fight with a boar, which leaves his neck partially exposed.  to counter this I have to put a cut collar on him underneath the vest collar. (the extra bulk in that area may be what caused the stitching there to come loose so easily).  

I have used the vest off and on for about 10 months to a year now I think. Since its been hot I only strap him up with the vest when we are on the four wheeler.  I do see a noticeable difference in his mobility when he has the vest on. Probably 25% decrease in speed and mobility when wearing the vest. because of that I really prefer to hunt my dogo with just the cut collar as he catches very clean and does not typically get even a scratch (100+ hogs caught and never one staple).

Overall: I like the kevlar guardian vest better than an previous vest I have owned, but feel it could use more work in the one piece neck chin guard area, and possibly better leg flaps. I don't like having to put a cut collar on in addition to the vest and was hoping that this vest would solve that problem but there is just too much exposure to his neck the way the vest is now, and I wouldn't feel comfortable sending him in without the proper neck protection.

So there is some honest feedback for you on an uglydog ranch vest. After Grant uses his vest for a year or so I will post another review and let you know how his "aussie style" vest held up.
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« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2010, 01:22:19 pm »

I know you want to hear from people that have already caught many hogs (big boars) with one of these plates but I just want to add why I am choosing to get one, and hopefully one day I will be able to give you a review on how the plate has worked out for my dog.

I have noticed with regular vests that the leg holes keep the dogs from running as fast as they could without a vest, and they dont have the mobility that I think a plate like this could give them. I want to go with the full plate with bib and flaps I feel it adds more protection than the plate that Grant got. Really, I feel that they would have more mobility with one of these on. I hope when I do get one that I wont be dissapointed because I want my dog to be able to get to a bay and catch without any restrictions. I recently went on a hunt, I put a valley creek vest on my dog (the only one that would fit him) and he could not jump in the back of the truck, when without a vest he can do it, and he was also walking funny, I dont think he has ever worn a vest, but I like to put vests on our catch dogs.

Like I said before I hope when I do get mine It does not dissapoint me because the idea of a dog being more mobile with good protection is wonderful to me.

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Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2010, 02:02:24 pm »

I am in not in any way bashing these vest, I guess yall think I am. Thats why I am asking to hear back about them, and what issues they have,

Yes Feedback is what is needed.

HogHunterDFW, I hope you sent that same thing to owners/designers of this vest? The sticting issue they will repair for you. I have had the same issues as you mention about the neck exposure on that Guardian, but not had any sticthing come apart.
I will be sure and send a link to this thread, because I think it is important


I think this can be a good discussion if everybody would pitch in and keep it civil and honest, NO HATING, and no PROMOTING what has not been experienced in real life (thats what gets under my skin, the ones bragging on the best thing ever with out putting it to the test) I don't believe anybody is doing that here, thats why I believe this COULD be a good thread.

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