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Author Topic: New Breast Plate  (Read 6041 times)
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« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2010, 10:10:52 pm »

i have run both types of vest compared them  this last winter  and  i have mixed feeling i  used the devastor  from ugly dog ranch  and a viper cloth 3/4 plate     i compared them on my rcd and i am talkin a true rcd not a gritty cur or nothing like that  and i have to say she was cut a few time all being threw the devastator  and she had alot more resrtiction in the devastor the weight of the vest and the plate where  close to the same  as far as rubbing and  chaffing   virtualy none with  both  but   the  devastor she could not run all day   the leg hole style  i thing just restriced her to much of course i ran her on the ground  like a cur   i could go on but not much of a typer   there are  good and bads with all vest no such thing as  a perfect  vest

no  hateing   or promoteing here  just some  simple compareing at home

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« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2010, 12:26:51 am »

I don't have any experience at all with a breast plate, so I won't comment about that aspect.

I do have a comment about the devastator vest.

I bought one the week they came out, along with many other people looking for a good protective vest, with minimal weight.

One of mine has been on hundreds of hogs, many good boar hogs, and not one puncture through it.  I liked it so much, I bought a spare one from Joshua White when he decided to start running breast plates. Then over a year later, I bought another one for Mandi's dog Tater.  Now, I use my dogs as lead in catch dogs, so I don't worry too much about how the can run and travel for extended durations. My dogs can load in the truck or mule with the vest on, that's about the extent of my mobility testing Grin

All that said, a friend of mine bought one at the same time, and his was cut through on one of the very first hogs he ever got on with the new vest.

Two different people, same vest, and two vastly different opinions of the vest.  I will recommend the devastator to anyone looking for a vest. I bet my friend would say they are junk.

I assume that two people could have similar experiences with any vest or breast plate.  Just have to read plenty of reviews, and take a gamble.

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« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2010, 01:11:14 am »

I originally ran a full length ugly dog cut vest when my dogo was learning the ropes. At two years old I switched to a breast plate made by Josh white. Both held up equally and have had both vest/plate put through hell. Honestly been very lucky... Only serious cut he has had was on his shoulder on a bad boar when he wasn't wearin a vest. Anyways, been a year runnin josh's plate. On durability I would say they are equal, on movement the plate had the advantage, on coverage vest had the advantage, speed of dog the plate has the advantage, heat the plate has the advantage. Example, my Dog had trouble loadin up in my 1 ton on 35's in the vest, in the plate he had no problem. On joshed style of plate that I was running it wasn't exactly flexible even though it did let him move more freely. It fit more ad a shell or "plate" around my dogs chest and shoulders. I will say I wouldn't run a plate on a smaller cd like a small pit due to the length of their body, I would rather run a plate than just a cut collar though. A plate is better suited for a dog with some length and some leg, somethin made to run. If you are just sendin your dogs to the bay from a short distance a plate is not suited for your needs although they can work, not what they were designed for though.
I just bought a new Duncan plate, Josh sent it to me a few days ago. figured I would upgrade to the same style but something more flexible. It got to my house this week but I been out of town. I'll get it tomorrow and get some pictures to compare the two plates. I will also let y'all know how it holds up after some bad boars also!

Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member

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« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2010, 11:41:33 am »

It's pretty... but not much protection?

Why not go with a light-weight kevlar vest instead?

I actually did get a chest plate with leg flaps etc that covers the sides and offers quite a bit more protection than this breast plate but is still effeciant for summer hunting, however there is a hold up on getting it. This breast plate is not ideal for a lead in cd like i hunt but better than just the colar i'v been using lately. The reason i got this is because of a few reasons ... the one layer "summer style" kevlar vests i have used dont hold up great on a bad hog, rub the arm pits raw and i honestly justed wanted to try a new flavor since, I already have a few 2 layer kevlars that are o.kl  ...but the main reason I got this is because the chest plate i ordered (7 layer turtleskin) thats thinner than 2 layer kevlar is not available for a month or so because the turtleskin is not easy to come by, i think it will be worth the wait for summer. check out the turtleskin products, (tighter weave in kevlar) it awesome for light wt. cut protection

FYI uglydog i will be getting a full 3/4 length vest from you this winter, i have yet to see any better for that style in my .02
« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 12:17:07 pm by make-em-squeel » Logged
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« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2010, 02:50:25 am »

Check out my new breast plate from L3 made by Duncan's pig gear. The pictures don't do the quality of the stitching justice...its first class. Very dence seat belt material that seems nearly impossible to get all the way through in one try, and as you can see heat and mobility are not an issue....seems to be a great summer option for a cd you would only have a cut collar on or for the gritty cur...What do yall think, I'm happy.

I am happy with this but cant wait until my 7 layer turtleskin chest plate comes in (more protection & lighter material thats harder to penetrate)

I wish she would have had it on this boar she(PPC Itaca) was 11 mo. old caught great but took a bad beating on some trees etc

Thats so pretty Grant! I will never be able to keep MAX off her if she has that on Shocked Shocked Shocked


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« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2010, 04:14:54 am »

Just wondering, did Josh White quit making his own vests?

John Esker
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« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2010, 04:43:01 am »

i've got a full duncan chest plate. nothin but a few stitches ruffled up. no rips  or tears. good in the heat but they take a long time to wear in and stiff as around the neck

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« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2010, 04:45:06 am »

From my understanding Josh has quit makin his own breast plates due to lack of materials ( the turtle skin). I think he maybe able to make some special orders, not sure, but it's gonna be hard to match the price of the seatbelt webbing plate vs a turtle skin plate. I will have to post the video of duncans stock pile he has in all different colors of seatbelt material, it's crazy! I never knew they made searbelts in so many colors lol! As for mine I got it in a basic black and white, it looks great! I'll post pictures soon when I get to a computer! The sides are one layer and the chest and neck I think are three layers, I don't think anything is gonna get through that, again I'll let y'all know after it's been on some bad boys!

Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member

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« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2010, 04:00:03 pm »

Raider54 and hoghunterdfw I DIDNT PICK THE COLOR, guess i should have specified but since i got a standard size at cost on a bulk order it just came...I think the black and white one above sounds much better....nothing a few muddy hunts wont fix
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« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2010, 10:44:43 pm »

 Yes L3Outdoors guit making gear
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« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2010, 11:25:25 pm »

Here is a pic from the phone, Ill get some more later!

Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member

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« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2010, 11:38:00 pm »

those are good lookin, I still prefer to use the devistator though, Ive never seen those, Id just like to see more protection on the gut n ribcage area, they look like if they had that much area they would be kind of restricting or heavy if it was wet, I do like the loop on the neck area for a tracker though,good idea
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« Reply #32 on: August 17, 2010, 12:03:13 am »

They are made of seatbelts lol. They don't hold any water. I have been runnin a breast plate for a year now and have had no problems. I wouldn't run one on a smaller pit due to the body length, they wouldn't have enough protection. But on a longer dog they work great! At least my last one did, I'll let y'all know on this one.

Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member

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