A lot of guys will show a pit a pig at a very young age. I like to concentrate on basic obedience and socialization until 6 or 8 months. A 6 month old pit should catch a hog the first time you show it one. I wouldn't put it on a bigger hog until he is 10 or so months. After catching a decent size hog in a controlled atmosphere, start turning him loose to a bay behind a solid catchdog. His teeth should be set solid around a year old. A lot of people will push a pitbull faster and younger than other catchdogs, but I don't mind taking my time.
X2.. I dont like to even show a pit a hog till after theyre 6 or 7 months old. Let the teeth set wihle working on manners and handle, and let them work the puppy out of them and socialize them with the rest of the pack..