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Author Topic: Crazy Azz Jagds!  (Read 1245 times)
Catch Dog
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« on: October 25, 2010, 03:52:38 pm »

Well, this past weekend I had a few days of nothing - no work, no kids, no plans - I mean it was all mine! So the wife and I went to the deer lease for the opening of muzzle loader season in Winn Parish. I hunted Sat. morning, passing on a doe since the kids (4) all have itchy trigger fingers and will be up there next weekend for the opening of rifle season. I played lazy and cooked that afternoon and watched LSU get their butts beat by Auburn, and decided I would set the clock and go hunting on Sunday morning if I felt like it.

Sunday morning alarm clock went off, and the head was pounding!!!!! One too many roostertails I guess, so I rolled over a did what any normal man would do - went back to sleep! I got up and ate breakfast w/ my wife, then told her I was going to go check my other two stands to make sure they are ready. Along for the ride this weekend was my Jagdterrier - J.D. which always comes w/ me for tracking duties on deer hunts. He has made an incredible tracking dog, but he plays nicely w/ the swine also. I always put a tracking collar on him when he is not around the house, because he will flat out leave the country when he has something on his mind - pigs or women, it doesn't matter to him, if he smells it he is going to find it. He was riding in the hunting truck with me like he owned the passenger seat and I had to think to myself how crazy these little dogs are. I mean they are always into something!!

I was pulling up to my last stand to check things out when I noticed the feeder was leaning. By the time I walked up, I realized I was too late to stop him, J.D. was 20 yards in front of me when I saw that some hog sign was in the area and they had been feeding hard pushing on the feeder. I tried calling him inbut it was too late, he rolled out.

Next thing you know, I am running to the truck to get the Garmin, only to hear him barking. I thought no way he is on a pig that close, but I was wrong. I arrived in short pants and tennis shoes to see this crazy little dog baying a 80 pound sow and 4 little shoats. They just stood there and I must of looked like an idiot, because all I had was a pocket knife! I tried calling him off a dozen times, but he would have nothing of it! Finally he made a semi circle an dgrabbed a shoat, the sow rolled him and I was just close enough to grab him! They made a bee line for a creek bottom and I made a bee line for my truck!

« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 04:25:36 pm by Cajunjag » Logged
Catch Dog
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« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2010, 04:28:23 pm »

Cool story if you woulda had jack they may have caught the sow. Maybe its time you get a little catchdog he could be JD's bodyguard. LOL
Catch Dog
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« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2010, 04:34:18 pm »

Wade, you know the story! If Jack would have been there I would have had J.D. bleeding from the dog fight!

Wait till Mr. Buddy reads this! - J.D. is the son of his Bart dog and as I said a 100 times, he is worth more to me as a blood tracker than a hog dog!
Catch Dog
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« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2010, 05:02:14 pm »

Cmon let JD do what he loves to do chase hogs. If he could talk he would tell you blood trailing is for beagles.LOL I'm sitting on stand right now waiting on a hog in 20mph winds. If work would pick up I woulda already tried to come get jack.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2010, 06:27:15 pm »

That is an awesome story? I want one of those little dogs now lol.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2010, 09:28:36 pm »

Let-em-go: be very careful what you ask for!!!!!

The "Jack" dog in this conversation is close to being on his way out because he feels it is his duty to fight with any other male Jagdterrier around!!!!

I would put him with another Alpha male to "teach" him a lesson, but that would only get him killed since they have no fear, and have no quit in them. A pit or American Bulldog would bite his little body in half in the blink of an eye, but he would die fighting to control his territory. They are not mean what so ever, just as loving as any house dog, but they have got to be the most "head strong" breed out there!
ppc dogos
Strike Dog
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« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2010, 12:40:23 pm »

 Grin Jagds are allways business! hahah..good story! we just missed the fotos!

PPC Dogos
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