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Author Topic: Truck opinions....  (Read 2781 times)
Caddo co. hog dog
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« on: November 11, 2010, 10:22:49 pm »

I'm looking to by a one ton or atleast 3/4 ton. Needing some input on what type.. I know I'm not going with a ford well the 6.0 anyways... Will be hauling cattle and hay. I hear the cummins are still strong but the truck itself isn't worth a dime still.. I'm still leaning more to the dodge though. What's yalls pros and cons??

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Circle C
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« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 10:33:04 pm »

I've read and heard the same thing about dodge trucks for the last twenty years. Owned Ford, dodge, and Chevy and haven't had on yet were the engine outlasted the body.... I work my trucks, 35-40,000# gross is a common occurance. Dodge 3500 6spd 4x4 is where its at as far as I am concerned. Every make and generation has its issues, just have to figure out if you are willing to deal a chosen models issues.

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« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 11:12:30 pm »

Dodge all the way.u can't beat a inline for reliability. I have owned three and never a problem with the motors. If u can't dodge it ram it !! Wink
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« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2010, 01:34:43 am »

I myself have never had a problem with Fords. Have yet to have a ford leave me afoot, whereas our 99 3/4 ton dodge went down on us 3 times in 2 months. First time was the fuel pump, second time the transmission, and 3rd time was the injectors. I agree with you on the older dodges being work horses, However, my new truck (2011 1 ton 4x4 Ford) will flat walk off with anything you put behind it, and, don't tell my fiance, but I have pitted it against a dodge, and it left them standing. They were pulling a 3 horse, no living quarters, and I was pulling a 4 horse with a 16 foot shortwall. Dunno if any of you have ever been around the buffalo/Fairfield area, but I left him standing on hwy 84 between fairfield and the 84/79 intersection.

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« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2010, 07:04:58 am »

I myself have never had a problem with Fords. Have yet to have a ford leave me afoot, whereas our 99 3/4 ton dodge went down on us 3 times in 2 months. First time was the fuel pump, second time the transmission, and 3rd time was the injectors. I agree with you on the older dodges being work horses, However, my new truck (2011 1 ton 4x4 Ford) will flat walk off with anything you put behind it, and, don't tell my fiance, but I have pitted it against a dodge, and it left them standing. They were pulling a 3 horse, no living quarters, and I was pulling a 4 horse with a 16 foot shortwall. Dunno if any of you have ever been around the buffalo/Fairfield area, but I left him standing on hwy 84 between fairfield and the 84/79 intersection.

Im tellin!!!  Grin

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« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2010, 07:41:19 am »

all trucks have their issues but remember when chevy was beggin for a bailout an chrysler was askin for help too  ford never asked for a dime  theres a reason they r the best selling trucks on the road   i would go ford over dodge anyday an even tho the cummins is in the dodge ford owns the rights to that motor  dodge is payin ford for it  im sure if ford felt like the cummins was a better motor they wouldnt let dodge install it   i say ford   u know y dodge builds their pickups so high off the ground? so u can weedeat under them!

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« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2010, 08:20:32 am »

all trucks have their issues but remember when chevy was beggin for a bailout an chrysler was askin for help too  ford never asked for a dime

I agree that all models have their issues, and I applaud Ford for not taking bailout money.

theres a reason they r the best selling trucks on the road   
It's called fleet sales Wink

i would go ford over dodge anyday an even tho the cummins is in the dodge ford owns the rights to that motor  dodge is payin ford for it  im sure if ford felt like the cummins was a better motor they wouldnt let dodge install it 
I think you might have been listening to a Ford salesmen...they seem to be the ones that continue to make this false statement.
Ford Motor Company (FMC) at one time held less than 10% of Cummins shares but at the present time does not own any part of Cummins inc.

Pick a generation of trucks, and one make will have an edge. But to say as a whole, that one brand is better than another, is about as bad as saying one cur breed is better. It's just an opinion.

If I was looking for an auto in a diesel for hauling heavy, I would not look at a dodge. I'd lean to the Chevy or Ford. To my knowledge Chevy no longer offers a standard tranny, so if you need a standard shift, you have to look at dodge and ford.

The 2011 Ford may be the best truck ever made. But if its anything like the two 2008 F550's that we just traded off, I'd run Wink  Hopefully with Ford having their own powerplant in the truck, and knowing that the 6.0 and 6.4 left a bad taste in the mouth of many of their customers, they have gotten their act together.


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« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2010, 08:35:14 am »


    99 dodge = 24v cummins.  From 1998.5-2002 Dodge used a 24v cummins. The 24v were known for lift pump and injector pump problems. Also, in 1999 you would have had a 47re tranny, the 47re is about like the old e4od in the fords. Not made for work in a heavy applications. They just don't hold up well.  With regard to the injectors... something sounds fishy, I am betting that the failure was more related to a bad vp44 replacement pump than the actual injectors.

They were pulling a 3 horse, no living quarters, and I was pulling a 4 horse with a 16 foot shortwall.
  The 2011 Ford puts out something like 390 Hp and 735 tq. The third gen dodge puts out ~325 hp and 600tq.  That's like saying your v8 mustang just smoked your buddies v6 camaro. Grin  You may have had a heavier load, but when you are at highway speeds you are both battling air resistance, which is the real load. Put a 20k load of pipe on a trailer and you can flat roll on the interstate. Now drag a 5k extra tall cargo trailer with a slab sided front, and I doubt you'll be able to maintain speed as easily as the 20k load.


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« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2010, 08:36:01 am »

I been a cert, ford tech since 1992 and cert. dodge diesel since 2002 I currently work for a auto plex selling chrysler dodge jeep and ford.... If any of the trucks are maintained like recommended , and if any aftermarket programmer's are used the truck is not abused ( like installing a bully dog and hauling 30k with the programmer turned all the way up)  You can get 200k plus out of any of them..... I work on 5.9, 6.0, 6.4, 6.7, 7.3 and some durmax'es every week with 200k plus on them you just gotta do the maintance like reccomended... Go drive everyone of them and get the one that fits you the best and take care of it,,because nothing is worse that buyer's remorse after spending 35-55k for a new truck... I hope you get one you like..  DW

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« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2010, 08:37:28 am »

I'm looking to by a one ton or atleast 3/4 ton. Needing some input on what type.. I know I'm not going with a ford well the 6.0 anyways... Will be hauling cattle and hay. I hear the cummins are still strong but the truck itself isn't worth a dime still.. I'm still leaning more to the dodge though. What's yalls pros and cons??

A quick answer might be for you to just drive to the nearest sale barn. Take a look at the trucks pulling the 32 and 36' stock trailers. Hang around and ask the drivers what problems they have had with their truck, and make note of the model and year they are using.

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Circle C
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« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2010, 08:39:26 am »

I been a cert, ford tech since 1992 and cert. dodge diesel since 2002 I currently work for a auto plex selling chrysler dodge jeep and ford.... If any of the trucks are maintained like recommended , and if any aftermarket programmer's are used the truck is not abused ( like installing a bully dog and hauling 30k with the programmer turned all the way up)  You can get 200k plus out of any of them..... I work on 5.9, 6.0, 6.4, 6.7, 7.3 and some durmax'es every week with 200k plus on them you just gotta do the maintance like reccomended... Go drive everyone of them and get the one that fits you the best and take care of it,,because nothing is worse that buyer's remorse after spending 35-55k for a new truck... I hope you get one you like..  DW
   What's your personal opinion of the 2008-current dodge 6.7 with the 6spd standard tranny in a work environment. 30k gross.
Given the option of getting a 2007 5.9 or a 2008 6.7, which would you go with based on your expereinces?

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« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2010, 08:43:14 am »

ok this is just my .02, that being said this issue is as old as hound vs. cur  Wink
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« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2010, 08:55:12 am »

circle c .. 5.9 will get ya better fuel mileage than the 6.7..6.7 has a little better power,, but both fuel system require strick maintance contaminated fuel or a clogged fuel filter is the biggest prouble with those trucks ..they use return fuel to cool the pumps so it's a must or you'll have pump and inj. failure.. the 6sp auto tran. used with the 6.7 is a good unit but with a 5.9 get the manual trans..  and 03-08 3500's are prone to ball joint and u joint failure but there farly easy repairs..DW

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« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2010, 09:06:15 am »

danger is there any difference in the 6spd manual from say 07 5.9 to present.  I owned a 6.7 with the auto and never will again, 12mpg empty does not work for me

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« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2010, 09:20:35 am »

and 03-08 3500's are prone to ball joint and u joint failure but there farly easy repairs..DW
on my 03 3500 I had u-joint failure at less than 20k miles. Replaced them with some spicer u joints and I now have 220k or so without another failure.    I ran 315/70r17 tires for about 130-150k on this truck, and I am just now needing to replace the factory ball joints, so I feel I got pretty good service out of them. I have read about a number of people having to replace them every 30-50k it seems.

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« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2010, 09:24:39 am »

Ford 7.3 all the way. Don't have to worry about all the emissions crap they're putting on the new ones. You also don't have to worry about running low sulfur fuel in it. I would go with a standard, the 4R100 (automatic) has been know to overheat and self destruct unless you put a larger trans cooler on it.  Plus their is a ton of DIY mods that can be done to make them run.  
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« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2010, 09:41:48 am »

Matt .. the 6sp manual for most all 2500 and 3500 should be a G56 it's a all aluminum case unit some 4500 and 3500 can have a unit with a cast iron case,, has to do with how the trucks are ordered by the dealer either unit is a good trans.  All make's after 07 when they were required to have the exhaust filter lost fuel mileage like that,, if your getting 15-16 consider your self lucky..  So far the new ford 6.7 owners are reporting mileage back up around 20-22 for the F250/350 4X4 on the highway running empty and 15-17 loaded but this is just what i've been told i haven't checked one myself..  I did a trans service on a new F250 4X4 last month had a 30' empty cattle trailer behind it and when i was test driving it after the service, if you stomped on it any where under 40 mph it would break traction and spin the rear tires, I was impressed Ive only worked on 6-8 of them for minor stuff have yet to see the inside of one for a failure..DW

From squeal to meal with one good stick!  Hunting is not a sport, It's a way of life...Danny Ward
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« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2010, 10:28:40 am »

fleet sales or not ford is the best selling truck on the road an the reason for that is that they r the most dependable pickup out there imo   my uncle switched from ford to dodge an others here have switched from dodge to ford   im a ford an chevy guy  i hate dodge   but chase really its a matter of ure own opinion   and b4 u buy any of them check their warranties    ill stick with my 88 model pickups  theyll never b built that good again i guarantee it

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« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2010, 12:44:23 pm »

Matt .. the 6sp manual for most all 2500 and 3500 should be a G56 it's a all aluminum case unit some 4500 and 3500 can have a unit with a cast iron case,, has to do with how the trucks are ordered by the dealer either unit is a good trans.  All make's after 07 when they were required to have the exhaust filter lost fuel mileage like that,, if your getting 15-16 consider your self lucky..  So far the new ford 6.7 owners are reporting mileage back up around 20-22 for the F250/350 4X4 on the highway running empty and 15-17 loaded but this is just what i've been told i haven't checked one myself..  I did a trans service on a new F250 4X4 last month had a 30' empty cattle trailer behind it and when i was test driving it after the service, if you stomped on it any where under 40 mph it would break traction and spin the rear tires, I was impressed Ive only worked on 6-8 of them for minor stuff have yet to see the inside of one for a failure..DW

Im one of the lucky ones I guess. I get 16-17 mpg with my Dodge truck. It has the 6.7 L. I just had to have the turbo replaced at 77,000 miles. I would have been out of pocket almost $4k if not for the warranty. Whats up with that?
I will say this about any of them. You better stay on top of the maintenance with them or they will leave you on the side of the road in a hurry!

dangerzone, you sir are a valuable resource on this board! Thanks for sharing! I will apologize now for all the questions I will have for you in the future! Grin

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« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2010, 01:01:05 pm »

Ninja .. the newest update for the ecm and the new egr valve should cut down on turbo failure. two things that can be done to help the coking on the 6.7 is 1. to run the exhaust brake on from time to time ( doing so cycles the turbo vains full open to full close during stops )  and 2. changing the eng. oil at 5k intervals ( as the oil thins it has a tendence to make it though the oil separator then it dumps in right in front of the turbo ) the harder it's working the worse this will be so if your using 1-2 qrts. of oil in the last 1500miles or so before you change your oil ,,then more than likely thats where its going...DW

From squeal to meal with one good stick!  Hunting is not a sport, It's a way of life...Danny Ward
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