Made another run with a couple of friends last night. I got to Petes house around 6:30 and loaded up three dogs there. (Hud, Pudge, and Clown). I had my bull dog with me Little Bill and we headed out to Koyote Tx. to make a run with Roy. Got to Roys a little before 9:00 and he we loaded up three of his bay dogs (BB, Ruger, and another dog that for some reason cant rember its name. Sorry Roy) We headed out to the place were we caught two good size sows two weeks ago and no luck there. Hit up another place and no luck there. Roy decides to go to a place that is THICK with brush. We were hopeing to get an easy catch with out haveing to run through so much thick stuff. We let the dogs out and about 10 minutes we heard a couple of barks. Watched them on the garmin and they moved around alittle and then all were bayed solid about 280 yds out. We got Bill off of the truck and started heading to the bay, Pete asked how far I wanted to try to let Bill go from so I decided around 100 yds. On the way in one of the bay dogs decided to catch so we let the CD go from around 125 yds. Bill took out and got there and the pig went to squeelin. So we start movin towards the catch and thinking it was a smaller pig by the way it sounded we didnt haul azz to them but still pretty quick. Got to where we could see the dogs and it wasent no small pig, they had a good boar caught. Roy got in and legged the boar and I got in there and stuck him. Started checkin dogs and Hud had a cut on his back leg. (Huds one of our dogs that very rarely gets any kind of cut). BB had a little nick on her eye lid. Got Bill off and checked him and the hog cut through four layers on his vest and got a cut on his chest. All of them will be fine in a couple of days, just a little sore for now.
I'll try to get the video up when I figure out how. I took the video with my new I-Kam video glasses so its not the best quality, and sorry about any lanugage that might be a little rough.
Pete with the Boar
Roy with the Boar
Me with the Boar
Boars Head
The video. The first 38 or so seconds are black but it comes in. Video around 6 minutes.¤t=I-Kam014.mp4