Slimhogdog, Turdburd, and I went on a Sunday Morning hunt. We let all the dogs out the boat. 10 minutes later, Ginger(parkerxcat) struck one in the swamp. The rest of the pack caught up with her and we had a hell of a bay.(best one i heard in while) We finally made it through the swamp, and let the CD go. They hit face to face and was caught solid. Slimhogdog was bringing the wounded back the boat when Turdburds gyp Dixie(cat) struck another. Turdurd and I let the bay dogs go and two of them caught.. Because of how bad the swamp was; we turned the CD loose also. The sow was caught solid! Long story short we caught two good pigs in less than an hour.
Turdburd and Slimhogdog with Boar
Me with boar
Me with Sow