« on: November 25, 2010, 08:28:32 pm » |
Like most poor fellers I hunt national forest . Seems like alot of people see that as being a perfect place to dump ther un wanted dogs to starve. Friday I seena male blackmouth by winters boyou with no collar. Yesterday evening I went hunting on 945 and while I was heading over there I seen another yeller dog on shell oil road so I stopped to see if she had a collar. Insteaad of a collar she had a piece of rope tied around her neck about 6 feet long like someone tied her up out ther. She was so scared I couldn't even get close to her .People need to take responsability and do the right thing! I know for some of ya shooting a dog sounds cruel but it is sure better than death by starvation or getting hit by a car and suffering. Hopefully it isn't any of us dumping but just had to voice my opinion
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2010, 09:31:29 pm » |
That's how some folks on here wind up with a jam up hog dog. Just because they didn't fit in someone elses pack don't mean they won't in someone elses.
Pro-Staff @ Wild Boar USA www.wildboarusa.com"Peace is that brief, glorious moment in history, when everybody stands around reloading!" unknown Bacon is a vegetable!
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2010, 09:40:51 pm » |
I have a deer lease road by my house that everyone thinks they need to dump there mutts on that have mange! I work hard at keeping my dog in good shape and clean for someone to dump crap out here! I wish I could put a sign up that say's if you dump it I'm going to shoot it! I will asure you it will not go to a good home! If you ain't got the heart to cull a sorry one then DON'T raise them just by a finished dog!
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2010, 10:43:38 pm » |
I would like to whoop dog dumpers. Just post free dog and someone will take it.
"...A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself..." John Stuart Mill
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2010, 08:12:27 am » |
fort hood is terrible for people dumping dogs. i've picked up a couple of pits out of there and got them scanned for microchips. one had one and got given back to his owner, turns out he had been stolen, and the other was catching hogs by conroe last i heard. you see dogs of all kinds dumped out there to die all the time. worst one was a little yellow lab looking pup that got dumped out there with her food and water dish right by the road. unfortunately she was too scared and wild to catch or i'd have probably had me a lab in the pack.
LONESTAR WORKING DOG ASSOCIATION www.lswda.orgDiplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggie" until you can find a rock- Will Rogers
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2010, 08:37:16 am » |
Thats the reality of todays society. I see em all the time and when one comes around my place its usally put down. No telling what kinds of diseases these strays have and theres no way Im gonna infect what I have at the house. Too big of a risk bring these strays home.
hunt em hard, give em no excuses, and cull harder!!!!! "Rather have a sister in a whore house than spots on a dog" "Pretty is as pretty does"- BigO
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2010, 08:42:22 am » |
I know of an area just south of me where the people formed a watch group and put signs that look like the neighborhood watch signs stating if you dump animals we will see you and report you. From what I understand it has been pretty effective.
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
T-Bob Parker
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2010, 08:55:44 am » |
I put up signs all the way down my old road that said "smile your on camera" and it cut down on the illegal dumping. Our problem was animal carcasses. The whole road used to stink. These Idiots would dump truckloads of dead roosters, dead pits, and goat and pig carcasses. We rarely ever had to worry about strays because the lil dog fighting thugs were always picking up anything they could use for training
Windows Down, Waylon Up.
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2010, 10:13:41 am » |
rl3 you must live close to me.. i use to hunt the NF over off shell oil road. just 2 weeks ago me and the family were driving to coldsprings from cleveland and my daughter spotted a lil black pup in the grass near the edge of the road in the thick of the national forest. i turned around and picked him up. the poor thing had mange and was skin and bones and couldnt have been over 8 weeks old. anyway i took it and put it down at my buddies place. people make me sick. 
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2010, 11:30:16 am » |
We live on a farm down a private dirt road that is close to Fort Polk and people see dogs running around, they automatically think that they should drop the dogs off. Alot of it as bad as I hate to say it is soldiers who got caught with dogs thats not allowed on post so they go right off base and drop em off like its going outta style. We probably get 4 or 5 dogs a month. The worst thing I've ever seen, was a litter of 6 bulldogs that were about a year old that were all shot and left in the middle of the road. I actually called the Sheriffs Dept on that one, because it was the sorriest thing i've ever seen. Pretty pathetic in my opinion to let a dog starve or put it off on someone else to take care of it.
Greg W
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2010, 09:43:26 pm » |
Slimpickins is right. I had a Redbone show up at my place the other day no collar. Its about a year old. I took some young pups down to the pen for their first time to let them see a hog. They spent more time playing than anything. Well I went and grabbed the redbone and holy crap he went right in and started screaming at the hog he got right in its face. I have been asking around about the dog but nobody has ever seen it.
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2010, 09:55:25 pm » |
Damn sorry!!! But if anyone wants to drop off a good yella dog ill give you my adress 
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 7
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2010, 10:43:29 am » |
I pump wells for a living. Last year some one dumped a litter of black mouth x pups. I brought em home and made $400 selling them one by one. They went like hot cakes.
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2010, 09:26:08 pm » |
Damn sorry!!! But if anyone wants to drop off a good yella dog ill give you my adress  Where you live I'm on a culling spree!
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2010, 09:27:24 pm » |
I pump wells for a living. Last year some one dumped a litter of black mouth x pups. I brought em home and made $400 selling them one by one. They went like hot cakes.
I'm going to leave this one alone! 
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2010, 09:45:46 pm » |
That craps been going on round there for many,many yaers....prolly noy any hog hunters dogs tho.....they end up here on the dog trade  Me and Dewayne were hunting winters bayou one night and had a little red n whte pit mix follow us all night,when we left bout 2 am she was following the truck and some crazy lady pullued us over and went nuts on us for dumping the dog..  and we aint never dumped one...
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2010, 12:07:59 pm » |
My parents are real suckers for those dumped dogs.
Years back, they picked up a whole litter of BMC pups (5 of them) that were born on our deer lease in south texas. The parents were two hog dogs that went feral and we could never get a hand on them - not our dogs, probably outlaw dogs. The bitch disappeared after the pups were taken from her and the dog died despite all efforts to keep him fed. All the pups got vetted, vaccinated, and treated for mange. They were all given to pet homes and my parents kept one "Chester" until he died an old fat dog a few years back.
A few years after they got Chester, my dad passed a heeler cross on the long dirt road headed out to the lease. On his way back to town the next day, she was further down the road and near a couple plastic bowls of food and water. He lured her in with weenies, and got her caught. Months after they got "Scruffy", my parents thought the dog was deaf. She didn't respond to any commands. She ran out of the yard and down the street and my dad hollared PERRO AQUI!. She came back pronto. The dog wasn't deaf, she was Mexican. They started giving her commands in Spanish and it turned out she was pretty well trained. She lived out her natural Spanish speaking life with my folks as well.
A year or two back, a belgian malinois - looking dog found his skinny and heartworm riddled way to my parent's yard. He had a bad attitude and a hatred of other dogs. He is now neutered, well fed, heartworm free, and convinced that a motor coach with white leather couches is the only way to travel.
A week ago on the way to their new deer lease, my parents lured a starving Aussie with a head wound into their coach. They used the weenie trick and the dog climbed right up into the bus. He got vetted, treated for his wounds, checked for heartworms, and vaccinated. Now they own "Llano", a red tri Aussie male with a food fettish. He is learning not to grab food off the counter tops, and that old grumpy retired show horses aren't for chasing. And so it all starts over.....
All of these dogs (except for the one that showed up at their house) were miles from civilization or any habitated areas. They were all emaciated, and you just wanted to kick the people who so obviously dumped them in the middle of nowhere. I'm not saying the dogs shouldn't have caught euthanasia, but my parents love the dogs they got because they gave them a chance when somebody else didn't. My mom is so happy that the Aussie thinks he is her dog. Most dogs naturally gravitate to my dad, and my mom is just the feeder. She is so excited to have one that loves her now even if he does look like he was a skeleton for Halloween and never took off his costume. He will fatten up soon enough.
Cheers M
At least I'm successful at doing nothing right. I guess it could be worse.