Please excuse me if I am coming of as rude but it's simply amazing how many ignorant know-it-alls there are in this world. Usually the most ignaorant people have the most negative stuff to say of others. I don't hunt one out but I know a fellow that frequently uses one dog while night vision hunting. He catches more hogs than 95% of the people on here (243 last year) and he is running 55 lb dogs. I run a "pack" of 4 dogs but some of ya'll are running 6-10 dogs. Why do you need so many dogs ? Are you scared of the hog ? I didn't see the show but I know Josh. Very nice fella. I bought a collar from him one time and he sent it out before he ever got money from me. How many on here would do that ? I have never seen his dogs work but who cares if they catch every hog out there. More for you to catch. Like a fella told me, lotta folks talk all kinds of smack about their hunting abilities when its the dogs doing the hard work. Hunters in general should stick together. Look at other countries and how they struggle to maintain their hunting rights. Did Josh shed a negative light on hog dogging in general ? If not, why gossip about him ? Once again sorry if I came off as rude cause I really wanted to call several folks out 
Jared H.
I would have to agree. Unless he does something that sheds a negative light towards hog dogging we should support him even if we don't think he has the best dogs or they had on starched shirts. I'm sure there is very few people on here that hunt exactly the same. Doesn't mean one is right and one is wrong. But isn't this website to support other hog doggers even if its not how we would have done it? Just my .02
Jeremiah 16:16
There our two types of pain: The temporary pain of training or the permenant pain of failure. Choose wisely...
9 more episodes to be exact! If this thread keeps running, maybe I will win a prize for starting the longest in ETHD History! Nothing big Mike, but maybe a new cut vest or something? Well dont expect nothing from the Discovery Channel Sam! lol. I had some good laughs out of this one thats for sure! When someone posted a good one about the corny narration I would pause the show and read it to the family. We were all rolling last night! It worked out pretty good. Who knows? It looks like its about to turn into a Dogo bashing thread. If that happens it could go another 5 pages! 
"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman
“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Please excuse me if I am coming of as rude but it's simply amazing how many ignorant know-it-alls there are in this world. Usually the most ignaorant people have the most negative stuff to say of others. I don't hunt one out but I know a fellow that frequently uses one dog while night vision hunting. He catches more hogs than 95% of the people on here (243 last year) and he is running 55 lb dogs. I run a "pack" of 4 dogs but some of ya'll are running 6-10 dogs. Why do you need so many dogs ? Are you scared of the hog ? I didn't see the show but I know Josh. Very nice fella. I bought a collar from him one time and he sent it out before he ever got money from me. How many on here would do that ? I have never seen his dogs work but who cares if they catch every hog out there. More for you to catch. Like a fella told me, lotta folks talk all kinds of smack about their hunting abilities when its the dogs doing the hard work. Hunters in general should stick together. Look at other countries and how they struggle to maintain their hunting rights. Did Josh shed a negative light on hog dogging in general ? If not, why gossip about him ? Once again sorry if I came off as rude cause I really wanted to call several folks out  I'm must be in the 5% that catch's more! 
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
Yeah Alan, my daughter was glued to the posts during the show and updating us glued to the tv!
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
Global Moderator
Hog Doom
Posts: 3633
It's a good day to have a great day!
I'm must be in the 5% that catch's more! Chance I was thinking along those lines too, but I am to scared to say anything! Some of these posts are getting down right entertaining! wheres that popcorn smiley at?
"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman
“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
I'm must be in the 5% that catch's more! Chance I was thinking along those lines too, but I am to scared to say anything! Some of these posts are getting down right entertaining! wheres that popcorn smiley at? Cough it up we are so deep into this know the worse that can happen is tha mods. get beat up!! 
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
Here are the next 2 upcoming Hog Wild listings. 9PM our time. Jan 23, 10:00 pm (60 minutes) Hogs Gone Wild A Feral Fight TV-PG (LV) Feral hogs rampage through an exclusive gated community in Tampa, wipe out a crop of valuable macadamia nuts in Hawaii, and threaten a large herd of cattle on a Texas ranch. Jan 30, 10:00 pm (60 minutes) Hogs Gone Wild Wild Hog War TV-PG (LV) A mother and daughter live in fear in Hawaii when wild hogs surround their home. Texas trappers track down hogs polluting a natural water source. A 400-pound monster hog puts up a frenzied fight in Florida. BTW, I use hot pink cut collars on all my gyps. Blue and orange on the dogs. 
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 06:56:34 pm by BobbyB »
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
Hey for the guys that don't know josh used to be a member on here but is no longer. figures it is better this way things don't become more than they are. I did not see the show was the dogo logan?
Hey for the guys that don't know josh used to be a member on here but is no longer. figures it is better this way things don't become more than they are. I did not see the show was the dogo logan?
yes I believe so.....
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
Circle C
Just to clarify... josh has never been banned and is welcome to post on ethd anytime he wants to.
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Just to clarify... josh has never been banned and is welcome to post on ethd anytime he wants to.
Man it's funner with out him we would much rather talk about him behind his back!! J/k 
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
yes sorry didn't mean to make it sound as he was banned sorry about that not always great with my typing. Dang wish it wasent logan that did that I have two pups out of him. Lol oh well how it goes I guess will see how they turn out
I think no matter who it was on the show. People would be on here with something to say....Glad it was not me in the spot light. I think I would of acted to much of a fool for TV....and on the high fence thing yeah it might be something if its small but dont see the difference when your runnin a big place. I like it because I dont have to worry about my dogs crossing a fence. I have been on some hard hunts in high fences...
Copy of my post from another thread about this...
I think alot of people deep down inside are jealous including me. I know a bunch of people the discovery channel called as well as me looking for a crew. The first they I told them was I would never do anything to shed a negative light on doggin. Hell I even found out L3 was hunting a ranch that I have been the only dogger on the last four years. Again at first a little jealous but was glad to know it was someone who wouldnt shed hog dogs in a negative light. I dont agree with everything they do and what they may or not had said in the past and yes the show was a little cheesy holleywood bs. You would hope a farmer watched that and said you know maybe we should start letting guys run dogs out at our ranch....because the fact is that for every positive light on doggin there are 10 more out there that are negative....As long as it makes doggers look like a positive and useful tool to remove hogs its a winner for the sport. People talk about wanting to stand up for rights for runnin hogs with dogs and then bash someone no matter the style, dogs or what has been said in the past is not going to help and only backfire... Just my 2 cents and only my thoughts......Long live hog doggers...
I will only admit this once but I have hunter a 65 acre pen a couple of times and let me tell u those hogs would run circles around that thing and knew the ins and outs of where to go. We caught a few for the guys but it was not the easiest thing I have ever done. Plus those dang hogs would gang up on the dogs
Florida Curdog
They should of had the Hog Wrangler representing one man one dog hunting. HogWrangler.com
I've heard that he is going to be doing a show on A&E or History channel this spring I hope he does 
Smiling like a killer
Bay Dog

Posts: 48
This is how I roll
Well glad yall like to bash on other peoples dogs just ask yourself do you know whos dogs you are talking about? and just for the record that wasn't on the outdoor channel so there had to be a little reasoning behind killing those pigs.
would you hurry up and flip this pig
I don't know the guy but my impression of him after that ridiculous show was about the same as this.  
Our houses are protected by the good lord and a gun, you might meet em both if you show up here unwelcome son..
I think yall also need to remember that for each show they probably filmed close to 100 hours for each company and each one removed several hog ( except for maybe the island bow hunter guy lol ). Then they mix and match and do the whole hollywood thing, they dont film two hogs and say ok, thats good for one show. I think with the way most people feel about josh no matter what he did with his dogs most people on here would have something negative to say about it. People have dogged on the way he hunts since he first showed up on ETHD before he even opened his mouth about the way other people hunt or whatever. If someone thinks that one out doggin doesnt work they need to order "Bloom Brothers Doggin Boars 4, Us hogs vs Aussi Dogs" They caught a couple hogs with one dog that would stomp a mud puddle in most peoples whole pack.
I think pretty much everyone here hunts a little differently and has their preference on dogs and we need to all support each other weather we agree with it or not, its still hog doggin. And when someone has a chance to shed some good light on hog doggin, no matter who they are or how they do it we should support them because they are going to help decide the future of our sport.