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Author Topic: Discovery Channel This Sunday  (Read 25302 times)
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« Reply #200 on: January 18, 2011, 03:38:20 pm »

Boar Ninja,

You don't think we have already brainwashed the powers that be? Just look at those LSWDA stickers our deployed Military is already sporting! The military knows who to call when the panicked calls for Hog invasions start rolling in.


At least I'm successful at doing nothing right. I guess it could be worse.
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« Reply #201 on: January 18, 2011, 03:45:32 pm »

It should be about how this show is shedding a positive on all doggers. So far it has in my opion it has but might change and I will be eating my words. We will see. Yeah I think its corny seeing it as people who catch hogs all the time but for alot of tree huggers or the people who are trying to change laws on dogs hopefully will give them a positive light on how hog doggers can help. Yeah they have all the trucks with logos and nice L3 shirts but why not look top notch?? For example I run a golf course. There is also a golf course and city park Im trying to get permission on. The manger and staff are a little weary of the dogs when I talk about what I do. Keep trying to get them to just let me take someone out and show them. Well got a call today from the animal control officer saying a few of them watched the show and thinks it helped out alot for my case.....A win for me...Just my thoughts...

Hempstead, Tx
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« Reply #202 on: January 18, 2011, 03:59:29 pm »

Absolutely, Cwhite! Your way of seeing things is what betters the reputation for all hog hunters. Look professional, go in and be respectful of land owners or care takers, and put your best foot forward. As well, your friendly view of all methods of hog hunting is exactly how many of us feel. Everyone should do it their way and use what works best for them. No question. However, it has been proven in the past that some folks can't promote hog hunting in general without taking jabs at fellow hunters. It just inflames the hunters who have been publicly scorned - and since the majority of hog doggers use more than one dog, L3 gets a bad name. Again, I sincerely hope that lessons have been learned and that we can all move forward from this Discovery Channel show. There is nothing more I would rather see than for this show to be the starting point of mending fences which have been downed for the last few years. I had the manager of our galvanizing plant all kinds of up in my business saying how he watched a show on what we do. It was great publicity even though I had to explain that the size of the hog has nothing to do with whether or not we tie it up. And he also wanted to know how if that hog was giving that MAN a run for his money then how can I as a woman manage to leg hogs. Again, I explained that there was a lot done for dramatic flair and that women are perfectly capable of sealing the deal on bigger hogs. However, that was all part of the conversation that was started because of the program. It was great and I agree that carefully made programs such as this are beneficial to our sport.

THAT SAID, due to the nature of statements in the past, I am VERY nervous about what may or may not be said by this fella in subsequent episodes. It is only natural to harbor some mistrust when it has been duly earned. Once again, I am hoping for the best and I will breathe much easier when the final episode has aired and we are safe from negative commentary.

At least I'm successful at doing nothing right. I guess it could be worse.
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« Reply #203 on: January 18, 2011, 04:11:10 pm »

9 more episodes to be exact!

If this thread keeps running, maybe I will win a prize for starting the longest in ETHD History!  Nothing big Mike, but maybe a new cut vest or something? Smiley  

Well dont expect nothing from the Discovery Channel Sam! lol.
I had some good laughs out of this one thats for sure! When someone posted a good one about the corny narration I would pause the show and read it to the family. We were all rolling last night! It worked out pretty good.
Who knows? It looks like its about to turn into a Dogo bashing thread. If that happens it could go another 5 pages! Cheesy did that on purpose Cheesy


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Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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« Reply #204 on: January 18, 2011, 04:12:48 pm »

It should be about how this show is shedding a positive on all doggers. So far it has in my opion it has but might change and I will be eating my words. We will see. Yeah I think its corny seeing it as people who catch hogs all the time but for alot of tree huggers or the people who are trying to change laws on dogs hopefully will give them a positive light on how hog doggers can help. Yeah they have all the trucks with logos and nice L3 shirts but why not look top notch?? For example I run a golf course. There is also a golf course and city park Im trying to get permission on. The manger and staff are a little weary of the dogs when I talk about what I do. Keep trying to get them to just let me take someone out and show them. Well got a call today from the animal control officer saying a few of them watched the show and thinks it helped out alot for my case.....A win for me...Just my thoughts...

Chad, You are absolutely Correct, IT SHOULD BE, Thats what the original question and intention of this post was, or atleast thats what I got. Unfortunately, those that were honest and staed that they did not care for certain parts of the show were crucified as "L3" haters. Thats what aggrivates the tar out of me, reguardless of who was in it, if the show would have played out the same way, I think most of the responses would have been the same, no matter who's dogo let the hog run over the top of them. Overall the "show" and thats what my feeling on it is, another reality show, will most likely have the city folks scared to death of wild pork, but it also may leave the general public to see more liability in allowing people on their properties to be in contact with the hogs.

The comments about acting like 13 year old girls,baggage, blah, blah, blah, and forgiveness for comments made! Well I wish I was 13 year old girl again and still know what I knew now, imagine how much less tolerant I would be of someone trashing what I have learned from actuall years of experience and not just a few dogs?  
I live and forgive whom I want and you all can do what you want, You do whats best for you, and I will do whats best for me, But don't tell me your way is better and my way is less efficent or humane, unless you got the guts to put up and show me, teach me something, otherwise talk is cheap,  until then quit throwing the rest under the bus!

Absolutely, Cwhite! Your way of seeing things is what betters the reputation for all hog hunters. Look professional, go in and be respectful of land owners or care takers, and put your best foot forward. As well, your friendly view of all methods of hog hunting is exactly how many of us feel. Everyone should do it their way and use what works best for them. No question. However, it has been proven in the past that some folks can't promote hog hunting in general without taking jabs at fellow hunters. It just inflames the hunters who have been publicly scorned - and since the majority of hog doggers use more than one dog, L3 gets a bad name. Again, I sincerely hope that lessons have been learned and that we can all move forward from this Discovery Channel show. There is nothing more I would rather see than for this show to be the starting point of mending fences which have been downed for the last few years. I had the manager of our galvanizing plant all kinds of up in my business saying how he watched a show on what we do. It was great publicity even though I had to explain that the size of the hog has nothing to do with whether or not we tie it up. And he also wanted to know how if that hog was giving that MAN a run for his money then how can I as a woman manage to leg hogs. Again, I explained that there was a lot done for dramatic flair and that women are perfectly capable of sealing the deal on bigger hogs. However, that was all part of the conversation that was started because of the program. It was great and I agree that carefully made programs such as this are beneficial to our sport.

THAT SAID, due to the nature of statements in the past, I am VERY nervous about what may or may not be said by this fella in subsequent episodes. It is only natural to harbor some mistrust when it has been duly earned. Once again, I am hoping for the best and I will breathe much easier when the final episode has aired and we are safe from negative commentary.
Great Post again Mandi,  I agree 100%


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« Reply #205 on: January 18, 2011, 04:28:01 pm »

FOR ALL OF YOU SITTING HERE TYPING ABOUT THE "DOWNING OF A STYLE" it has been explained to you numerous times the reasons behind it, but yall keep defending his "product" that is not the issue, how thick are yalls skulls?

Now that this thread is at ten pages and I have not said a whole lot either, but rather waiting to see how Dumb this thread got, since most of those "on the DEFENSIVE" don't know the whole story and the past 3-5 years history and the OUTLANDISH claims that have been made by the hunter in question, Not by a reporter, nor by the production film crews but by the hunter himself. IF yall KNEW THE REAL HISTORY, yall would all be retracting what you are defending now, this did not start the past year and half.

One such claim was that "he catches up to twenty five hogs in one day with one dog, Where most people with bay dogs don't catch that many in a whole year", Thats the ignorance along with many other statements that have spewed from uneducated mouths, this is supposed to be a self proclaimed "proffesional"  when I would think most proffesionals would know their line of work and not be talking that crap out their mouths.
That being said he is a nice guy, and if you know what you are talking about it does not take long to pick out the BS that will promoted from one such, but then agin many of us have been around awhile and do take intrest to learn about others methods, others lines of dogs and want to see them hunt. I will say he does make valid points sometimes, but as soon as I hear the lines of "self proclamation that insults my way of hunting" I am done listening to how great this other method is. Many folks have invited the guy hunting, to have friendly hunts and discussion to see for themselves, however anybody that I know with places to hunt was not taking up on any offers, so there again, it is all  a bunch of words. I would still like to take him hunting and for him to bring his dogs, and I would be respectfull as long as I was treated with respect also.

Invitation Still STANDS

What more "SUPPORT" do you want? CheerLeaders? Drama Lamas? How many times does your way of hunted have to be offended before you decide to quit "supporting"?

If BS and WORDS are a deal breaker thier shoud be a bunch of Memberships revoked on here!


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« Reply #206 on: January 18, 2011, 04:49:06 pm »

Just for clarification, I am not promoting L3, the style of hunting, the individuals, etc.  I was also unaware of the thread back in February of last year.  Someone emailed me the link because they knew I loved hog hunting, and simply posted it here for everyones information.  The quote Tigers do not change their striped leads me to believe there has been some bad blood in the past.  I did not mean to stir the pot.

TOOOOO LATE SP..........Now you are wearing a big

Hey Raider
You think by now maybe the bullseye has at least been removed from my forehead? 
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« Reply #207 on: January 18, 2011, 04:54:08 pm »

  Re: Discovery Channel This Sunday
« Reply #179 on: Today at 01:04:12 pm » Quote 


I think yall also need to remember that for each show they probably filmed close to 100 hours for each company and each one removed several hog ( except for maybe the island bow hunter guy lol ). Then they mix and match and do the whole hollywood thing, they dont film two hogs and say ok, thats good for one show. I think with the way most people feel about josh no matter what he did with his dogs most people on here would have something negative to say about it. People have dogged on the way he hunts since he first showed up on ETHD before he even opened his mouth about the way other people hunt or whatever. If someone thinks that one out doggin doesnt work they need to order "Bloom Brothers Doggin Boars 4, Us hogs vs Aussi Dogs" They caught a couple hogs with one dog that would stomp a mud puddle in most peoples whole pack.

I think pretty much everyone here hunts a little differently and has their preference on dogs and we need to all support each other weather we agree with it or not, its still hog doggin. And when someone has a chance to shed some good light on hog doggin, no matter who they are or how they do it we should support them because they are going to help decide the future of our sport.

 Thank you t colt im glad someone else sees it the way i know it happens!!! its not that we all cant run our own ways we all do doggin a little diffrent and i know if we all sat down together we would see that none of us do everything exactly the same but yet we bash and bash when we see sit on tv they cant help that they got picked to do it and they roll one out style cause if one of yall got on there i promise you someone would be bashing yall to its going to happen and there is nothing we can do to fix it but just support our brothers in the hog dog word and let them see that we are not a bunch of dumb a$$ rednecks from the sticks and that we care!!!!!! CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!!!!!!!

would you hurry up and flip this pig
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« Reply #208 on: January 18, 2011, 04:54:34 pm »

SP, you are safe. Now kindly move so you aren't caught in the crossfire.



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« Reply #209 on: January 18, 2011, 07:21:53 pm »

Okay Folks hers the deal,

For those that want to complain about this Forum, Here are three simple suggestions

Suggestion #1
There is are alot of Message Forums where some that complain on here might feel more comfortable, and for those that self admittingly have been banned and allowed to return should be the very first to seek acceptance elswhere, rather then continue to stir the pot.

Suggestion #2
Those that don't like the posts being made, there are many other threads with alot of Happy Thoughts, to read so you don't getyour panties in a wad, if that does not work for you, see suggestion #1

Suggestion #3
Keep stirring the pot and complaining, making the admin. work overtime, keep doing what you are doing and we will issue you a passport to anywhere but here.


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« Reply #210 on: January 18, 2011, 08:12:35 pm »

hog hunting with dog is as diffrent as the people that do it i hunt with alot of people and have a time or two ? diffent peoples ways but at the same time i asked to see there way of things from there eyes as long as there is tv   there going to show what they wont u are going to do what they wont and say what they wont they r ur bosses i enjoy hog hunting with people and seeing there ways but i thank this post should be over in most part the tv ch is to blam they r the ones trying to make money and hogs running over people sales if that way doggie on the ground his wife would be saying i hope it gets u good thats just the way hunting is its a fun way to have fun as long at the end of the hunt everybody is ok

my dogs dont run deer but them hogs do
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« Reply #211 on: January 18, 2011, 08:37:08 pm »

Some are still scratching their heads from the TB's days.


Take em alive

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« Reply #212 on: January 20, 2011, 10:26:26 am »

X2 ALADATROT,great reply.
Diamond G
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« Reply #213 on: January 21, 2011, 01:22:31 pm »

I have a confession to make.........................................I had a starched shirt on while hunting last Thursday and my hunting partner had on one of those purty bedazzeled western belts Saturday. We both had startched jeans on. I have also hunted with other folks that wear startched cloths and even black cowboy hats in the woods. One guy I hunted with even had a hot pink cut collar for on one of his dogs! Even worse, I hunted with a guy that runs hounds last year and had a blast! Embarrassed
Non of it bothered me at any time! Lord I am just a confused country boy I guess.  Huh?  Embarrassed  Huh?  Embarrassed

 OK I feel better now! Grin
After seeing your rig, I figured you would have to wear starched jeans to ride on it.   Grin Oh, and dont knock the black hat in the woods, I like the way it fold down over my ears when I run throught the briars and rosehedge. 

Let'em Hunt!
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