Not mind stole from another board it is neat
Is it fair to say if you claim something that you should probably post something in return? 
A truly rich man is one whose children rush to fill his arms even though his hands are empty.
Yes i seen men not take nothing but give but its not for one to stock up it should be where you try to do more than u get all of us are just poor folks so take and give or give and dont take done told 3r 4 will take them on a hunt
Diamond G
The help from a generous friend got me started over 12 years ago. I dont have anything to offer that I'm not using but I can make a few cable leads for someone. Let me know how long you want em. 2 to 4 feet. I will make them next week. Patrick.
Let'em Hunt!
JLH great idea love the fact of sportsmen helping sportsmen. I feal bad that i dont have anything to offer up. I agree, though if you take something the nest post should be you offering something. I was gonna post up some 45acp reloads but dont know the rules about shipping.
Diamond i could really use the cable leads, however i dont have anything to offer up so im not claiming them.. But could you pm me or email me some pics of how you make them please..
Rd where r ya
Diamond G
I can send some pics or put one with my post. Give me a little time I will try to get one on here shortly.
Let'em Hunt!
bayem~and~slay em
I could use some leads If not spoken for
bay em & slay em hog dogs & cut gear casey thomas coweta ok 918-729-9966 call me im down to hunt or tlk dogs n e time
Boar Collector
I have a nylon, chain lead I can offer. Or I can make a cable lead.
"Them pigs can run.. but they'll only die tired"
Boar Collector
Lead spoken for by Macy11
"Them pigs can run.. but they'll only die tired"
Diamond G
Alright fellas this is what they look like. rd, i feel like if you need em they are yours. You spoke up first. Just let me know how long you need em. I will make three. Or two and I ad a double. 
Let'em Hunt!
JH Catahoulas
Got a large brand new leather cut collar that was given to me. Its in dayton tx
Im in South Florida, id be willing to pay shipping but like i said i dont have anything to offer up so id feal guilty about taking something..
bayem~and~slay em
Do u gotta pic o th leather collar
bay em & slay em hog dogs & cut gear casey thomas coweta ok 918-729-9966 call me im down to hunt or tlk dogs n e time
JH Catahoulas
No pics of the leather collar but can get them tomorrow. Is all harness oiled leather double buckle and straps. Be good for a bigger dog.
Diamond G
Leads are headed to Florida as soon as they are made. Like I posted ealier, a generous friend got me started when I didnt have anything to give back. I will try to find a few more things that might help somone else to get started. Patrick.
Let'em Hunt!
rd dont feel bad you have the shells that you are giving .. this is what all of hunters are for ,to help each other out ,they probably not very many that has not had help some where from somebody ..im living proof of that ..
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy!
since i know a bunch of you texas guys like the old school rounds, ive got some 45 colt ammo too. They are reloads, not hot rounds though. I know ive got lead rounds but i may have some hollow points too. Not many of the 45 colt but ill throw a box of either them or the 45acp up. as long as i dont have to pay an arm and a leg for shipping them ill even cover the shipping.