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Author Topic: Linebreeding ????? Need answers  (Read 3512 times)
Strike Dog
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« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2011, 09:45:08 am »

So breed bro and Sis then cull and from there bring a nother good dog in for an out cross then that pup breed back to my catpit correct

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« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2011, 12:35:59 pm »

 sry would NOT hesitate to breed dad to daughter, but NEVER littermates. i just reread what i typed and u should never breed siblings. breed back to dad, cull and then throw an outcross in there and do it again and again. remember, u amplify the positive but also the negetive traits when linebreeding

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Strike Dog
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« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2011, 12:39:27 pm »

Got it thanks for all the help

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« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2011, 01:47:25 pm »

Well what I'm tryin to do is keep his blood goin he hunts ungodly ranges about 500 yrds holds a hog on his own stops them everything I'm lookin for I hunted with his brother 8-10 times and he's the same way only mine has a Lil more grit Ive never hunted with his sister but the guy that has his brother says she's like the rest of them so I don't think I can go wrong except with this scatterblood I'm not sure about the grandparents but the damn and sire to my dogs were jamup too how early yall think I should start cullin 4-5 months ?

If these dogs are really as good as you say they are I would breed the best brother to the sister and then cull hard. I would start testing the pups at  8 to 10 weeks for nose (trailing and winding) however these type of dogs might not trail or wind but I would keep checking that. At 3 to 4 months I would check to see who wants to roll out. Also you can stage hogs in the woods and/or start them in the bay pen but do not burn them out.

1. We bred the best male to the sister

2. picked at least 4 of what we think are the best pups with an emphesis to pick the best female pups. Place the best males and females with friends.

3. Breed 1 or 2 of the best female pups to the father. Place the best males and females with friends.

3. Breed the best females from this breeding back to the grandfather. Get the best pups from this breeding, male and female and place the best ones with friends and keep both male and females from this litter for breeding back to this line. Make sure the best hunting dogs have been identified.

4. Get these last female pups and breed to a male from a previous litter who would be an Uncle. All dogs bred must meet your highest standards and you can not make excuses why you are breeding a dog that does not meet these standards.

Cull hard and if you bring in an outcross at a later date make sure you breed once to your best male or female and the outcrossed dog must be similar to your dogs, This cross needs to be culled very hard and only the best pup from this breeding should be bred back to you line of dogs. This dog or gyp should be 50% of your breeding with all the desired characteristics. Breed this dog/gyp back to the best of your line of dogs which the pups will then carry 75% of your dogs line and always pick the very best pups that look and hunt like your line of dogs.

Repeat steps as needed but very seldom outcross.

This is how I would do it and the percentages of good dogs will increase with each generation except when you outcross. When you outcross you are only looking for one or two pups to bring in to the breeding program and these dogs should only be bred once otherwise will will be getting more of the outcross which is what you do not really want to do. This is basicly how I have done it and it has worked for me.

I just don't know about 1/2 pit and 1/2 cat though because they are so different from each other. I still think it can be done if it is done right. Strictly my opinion but this is how I would do it if I were wanting these type of dogs.

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« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2011, 01:54:58 pm »

For now, you can go as tight as you want. The genes are so scattered with this initial breeding it's not going to matter. It's what you do with the subsequent breedings that will determine what you're actually breeding on.


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Strike Dog
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« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2011, 02:03:22 pm »

He's not 1/2 n 1/2 sorry should have mention this earlier he's 3/4 cat 1/4 pit

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« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2011, 09:13:31 pm »

Everyone keeps saying uncle-niece.  Aunt nephew.   Its same as daughter dad. Mother son is it not.   It's same blood diff dog the way I see it
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« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2011, 09:35:20 pm »

I can tell you this .  It will only go two ways, no in the middle .

Damn good dogs are pure crap.

Most the times in these types of breedings there is no middle .


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« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2011, 02:09:20 am »

I wouldnt breed sibilings... I was told you can breed up and down but not side to side.. But deff dont breed sibilings you will start getting inbred dogs and messing the genes up in the dog..
Wills Point,Tx.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2011, 09:59:51 am »

Im not gonna do it like y'all said it's to scatterblooded and I won't know what I've got so there for I bread him back to a reg cat so now I'm workin with 7/8 cat 1/8 pit should calm down some of the grit and shouldn't be so catchy

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