« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2011, 07:41:54 am » |
I got some of dog food from them almost a year ago at one of the t-n-t bayings in bremond. It came in a white plastic bag it was 50 lb bags and the first batch i got was good dog food the dog stool would totally breakdown to nothan then the next we bought was crap that was made up of the busted bags from walmart had catfood, and all different kinds of dog food, MY QUESTION IS THE FEED THERE SELLING NOW THE GOOD PRODUCED FEED THEY FIRST WERE SELLING OR IS IT THE WALMART SCRAPS.
What you bought was a totally different deal...different company, and different feed. That was a straight-run mill feed. The feed that Outlaw is producing was designed by a nutritionalist, is QC tested very frequently to meet the guaranteed minimum analysis. Keep in mind, when the feed is sold and packaged as 21-15 for instance, that is a minimum and the feed always tests higher.    
A truly rich man is one whose children rush to fill his arms even though his hands are empty.
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2011, 01:40:37 pm » |
been feeding it for about 5 months and im gonna have to say my crap bucket fills up alot faster now. seems like im feeding more and have ALOT more waste. iv tried the high pro and alil of the no corn. not real pleased with either. but im very picky & i pick up crap everyday on concrete... my.02...
Danged ole dirtydog ! LIVING THA DREAM !!!
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2012, 08:06:53 pm » |
Any dealers northern ok stillwater area?
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2012, 09:17:40 am » |
Maybe I got a bad batch or something but I didn’t like it. I bought about 20 bags think it was the 28-16? no corn, wheat, soy at the TDHA Hunt for the Hungry expo year before last. Some dogs would throw it up a few times before it got down. Poo piles were always HUGE and were often times all different colors. example: dark to tan ending kind of whitish. One terrier threw it up so much her bark didn’t sound the same anymore. One Ridgeback Dogo cross about 45# was eating 7 cups a day and still losing weight. A friend of mine paid me for a different type of the Outlaw brand and I carried it back for him from the same expo and he had the same issues. Yes I made the change slowly and they were on it almost a month before I finnaly quit it.
I did call the guy I bought it from at the expo and he told me if I could get it back to him he would make things right and trade the kibble out for me. That is commendable! But it was like a 4 ½ hour drive from me so it was used as hog feed. I feed tractor supply retriever blue bag now.
Bar W
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2012, 11:01:14 am » |
Yea I had some of the same issues. Fed it for 3 months wasn't pleased with the look of my dogs or the poo piles. Feeding black bag sport mix now dogs do good on it.
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2012, 02:03:22 pm » |
Our group purchased a couple pallets awhile back. One high pro. One no corn. The owners were very cooperative and easy to deal with. Zero problems with sales and ownership. A plus was they shipped it directly to our barn and unloaded it. Buying in volume made it very pleasing.
Unfortunately neither blend held up to the expectations of what we were looking to maintain.
I have been feeding it for sometime now and all of my dogs does good on the food.