thanks for all the replys. my wife feeds and cleans and doctors dogs and she loves the game we have 7 kids and there not big enough to live hm yet and my hunting truck is not big enough i need little short yellow bus.
Monty, with 7 kids living at the house, I may have found what you need in a hog hunting unit. Not much of hood but you can build a rack for your hood dogs and it will be perfect! lol
LOL, At the rate we are goin im gonna have to get one too. I thought i had alot, and ive only got 4 kids, 1, 2, 5, 14, I always thought that if we had another that i would have to give up hunting altogether, but monty has just givin me new hope with 7 kids, and still able hunt and catch all them hogs. LOL!!
Monty my hats off to ya,