Hey brother need to do another cross asap. I am pointing alot of folks your way looking for these yellers. Might have you a side job put me down for 20% finders fee. Lol. For everybody that been asking these were the yeller pups I was pointing you towards. My offer still stands Cole.. I will refund every penny of your money for the parents if you want to make them Texas residents again. LOL Later bro.
Put some updated pics of em up when you get time would love to see em smokin that pig you had em baying on.
Mylo thank im gonna keep mom and day okies yeah it seems to be a good cross most people wouldn't believe that if a dog is bread right thay can bay at five weeks old not all will do this though. Thay are gonna be 8 weeks old wed two are baying and three just get whole lol ill try to get some new pics up this week bro.