Well... I had to make a decision and it wasn't easy. I've decided to look for someone who might want to trade a quieter dog (maybe a cur) for my walker, Ed. Sometimes he is not open at all and other times he's a little too open. I don't necessarily mind it, he has found plenty of hogs for me, but everyone I hunt with uses dogs that are much more quiet on track. It is a courtesy to those that I hunt with more than anything, especially since they are training some young pups. He will find hogs if they are there but if they are not, he will find something to do. He can't stand not hunting something. He has a loud, beautiful bawl for a bark that you can hear a loooong way away. He is not a finished dog but he is not just a beginner... as I said before, he has found plenty of hogs for me. He hunts medium to long range. I'm looking to trade for a dog that is already finding hogs, they don't have to be a finished product but I would like to have one that I can trust to find me a pig. Also, Ed is cattle or livestock broke and I would like for that to be the case with whatever I trade for. No human or dog aggression, please. If anyone has any questions or possible trades, please text or call me at 254-627-1319.