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Black or other than white Dogos?
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Topic: Black or other than white Dogos? (Read 11324 times)
Alpha Dog
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #80
April 15, 2011, 07:42:02 am »
who would have ever thought a dogo thread would go viral...lmao
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Alpha Dog
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #81
April 15, 2011, 10:50:20 am »
Quote from: bailey508 on April 15, 2011, 07:42:02 am
who would have ever thought a dogo thread would go viral...lmao
Its cause they're the best
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Boar Slayer
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #82
April 15, 2011, 12:51:22 pm »
i got both dogo and pits and ill give it to the pit to be a better catchdog lol
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Bay Dog
Posts: 70
Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #83
April 15, 2011, 01:07:01 pm »
My hunting partner had a dogo before the cool kids
A great dog man Ben Hardaway found him one, bought it and then paid to have it shipped to Kyle. He would absolutely murder anything under 120 lbs and was a hell of a bay dog on big ones
Hog Master
Posts: 1569
Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #84
April 15, 2011, 01:23:40 pm »
Quote from: BoarNinja on April 14, 2011, 12:51:42 pm
Quote from: txhogsanddogs on April 13, 2011, 12:43:54 pm
Quote from: BoarNinja on April 13, 2011, 10:20:15 am
I'm not sure where you might get one. I have a pup from him right now and i think he is going to be about the same size. No skin problems so far and I might just name him dirty!
LOL. Go for it! I really do like that name for a white dog. Hope he as good as Soco!
Me too! If he is a cull for his size I would take him any day. Next time i hunt with TColt i will post pictures of him and he will be the only CD in there i promise besides my ruff cur dogs!
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #85
April 15, 2011, 01:31:34 pm »
The Dogo was bred to hunt in packs. But I would only run two because there are only two ears I personally don't think most real hog hunters have much experience with Dogos. Mostly because of the price. Then when a hunter does get one they don't get it from someone that actually hunts. So the hunter is raising and training a new breed without any real advice. I only have a puppy right now. I am finding it difficult to find real advice from multiple sources. I like the way Dogos catch. They adapt to what the hunter wants. But you have to be smarter than the dog. Dogos are smarter than most hog hunters and that is the problem (That was a joke so don't get your panties in a wad!)
No offense, dub, but most of the "real hog hunters" I know on this board have hunted with and seen plenty of Dogos. I'd venture to say, a good number of them have owned at least one. My personal opinion is, from the above, you aren't giving those "real hog hunters" much credit. Personally, I've seen a few good Dogos and have absolutely nothing against those who hunt them. Matter of fact, I enjoy hunting with a good one. But, from what I've seen, taking the breed as a whole, they have a higher cull rate than other breeds. For those out there that are putting them in the woods, breeding, sorting, and culling...I applaud their efforts. The problem is, there aint that many of them. In fact, they are the extreme minority here in the States.
It is evident you like the breed and your pup, but your experience with the breed pale's in comparison to many that post on these (dogo) threads. They have formulated their opinion after seeing many, many of them in the woods (and as I said, most have owned, or still own them).
Please don't take my post as confrontational, because it is not intended as such. Good luck with your pup.
The reason theses DOGO threads go the way they do is because, People come on here and want to act tlike they have the best damn dog, or have hunted with the best damn dog in the world.
Those are the same people who have usually not seen hundreds of crappy dogs to make a comparison. Then when they boasting, gets slammed, they get all swoll up. If your experiences have only let you see a total of ten dogs and they all caught good then you can speak from experience of only those ten dogs, wow what a good catch dog! and out of those ten dogs you have seen catch maybe a 100 hogs? Wow, thats alot of hogs
but how many of those did you see that DOG CATCH? or most likely it was holding on when you got there,hhhhhmmm. did he catch or Bite? Don't really know the difference?
The people will defend and argue until you get so caught up in defending the breed,
it ridiculous
. How about calling it a good dog if its a good dog and QUIT trying to make a blanket statement of the WHOLE BREED, COMPARE THE numbers of crap to the good ones, the crap out weighs the good ones. Thats why people get tired of hearing how great, the GREAT WHITE UNICORN IS, THis breed is NOT NEW TO THE US, I had one ten years ago, and seen many, since and have had communication with alot of those that have real hard experiences with them since. not talking about "Free" or rescues either talking about Big Money dogs from Big Money Breeders.
IF THE DOG HAS ALLERGIES, ITS A HEALTH ISSUE, and not one you want to reproduce. I have dogs that won't please everyobody, I love and hunt them, but I am not on a Message forun trying to defend them as the best hunting dogs ever, sounds like something off a marketing tool.
There are a couple people on this Forum that breed and Raise good dogs, of the breed and I have given references on several, If I was going to buy one I would go here, because they don't trying to blow smoke about the dog as a breed, but have plenty of proof to back up the dogs of certain lineage as being "CATCH" dogs, and not regripping, biters, that can't do it one on one, which thats going to be a big difference when all this arguing takes place.
"REAL HUNTERS" have been getting by for
one dog
that cost $50-$300 bucks. WHY DOES IT MAKE IT BETTER TO NEED 3 or MORE That cost a $1000.00 or more to get the same job done? ( I say real hunters in reference to these people that "instinct test the dogs a couple times a years, and only compare the dogs ability to other Dogos of the same caliber, not to other dogs that catch for a living, nowhere in the same ballpark)
Because the world we live in, if it costs more than its Better?
Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 02:43:29 pm by uglydog
Tomball Dogos
Strike Dog
Posts: 384
Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #86
April 15, 2011, 02:36:06 pm »
Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 04:22:22 pm by Tomball Dogos
DACA Hunting Judge
Boar Slayer
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #87
April 15, 2011, 10:49:29 pm »
Quote from: BoarNinja on April 14, 2011, 12:46:04 pm
Another observation.....Tcolt, according to breed standards, due to his size alone, Soco is a cull. Id feed him though.
One thing I have to say about a Dogo, the folks that I know that have a good one are very pleased with them.
Yes, you are right, and the best part about that is a paid a "cull" price for him. I was in highschool and could not afford the "typical" price of a dogo so after many months of searching I found this fellow, and I have to say I got very lucky.
I got him from a guy in florida and had him shipped to me. Been seachin for the guy online without any luck. After what he has turned into I want to register him and breed him to a larger dogo above breed standard to hopefully meet in the middle or get some pups that throw on the moms side in size. Somethin with alot of hunt and style like Pauls Adora dog.
He is built alot like a large leggy game bred pit. Not a huge wide chest. And is about as conformationally correct as a dog can get.
Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #88
April 15, 2011, 11:24:13 pm »
TColt you say you got your dog from a guy in Fl and had the dog shipped to you and you didn't have to pay much for him. The guy never sent you papers on the dog and now you can't find him.. You also say the dog is smaller than a dogo , is built real well and catches and holds... How sure are you that you own a dogo?
Our houses are protected by the good lord and a gun, you might meet em both if you show up here unwelcome son..
Boar Slayer
Posts: 1169
Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #89
April 16, 2011, 10:57:42 am »
chainrated... there are several reasons I know I have a dogo and not a pit as I would assume you are thinking thats what he is lol. #1 Because he sent me papers, i just never did nothin with them since I didnt see any reason to register a runt and didnt have breeding plans back then. I have moved six times since then and they have been lost. #2 Except for the size, he fits the breed standard of a Dogo to a T. There is alot more to the breed standard than the size. #3 I saw pictures of the parents, both parents were definitely full size dogos. #4 I did have to pay alot for him but not as much as his brothers and sisters cost, I dont think I claimed I didnt have to pay alot for him, just that I paid a cull price for a dogo as far as he would not make the breed standard as far as size. #5 my mom was a vet, so she had several friends that were vets. One of her best friends could not believe that Soco didnt have any pit bull in him when she saw him so she ran a dna swab test, no pit bull dna running through his blood... dogo was not on the list of 100 or so breeds on the test so I would probably have to get a blood test to find out his exact dna, but there is not any pit.
and most importantly... aint no pit that could hang with this dog
Got another dogo pup on the way, hopefully get him in may depending on how the hearing test goes. Doin it right this time and gettin a dog from a reputable breeder. I have hunted with one dogo that is a cull, and that dog was in a non hunting home for the first year of his life and was beat on for a long time, this dog was culled for human aggression against someone who has little dog experience and probably did something to provoke it, not lack of hunting or catching. I have limited experience with dogos, only haveing hunted behind seven several times each, but I have a feeling that is alot more experience than many of the people who sit on this board and trash dogos. I have hunted behind more pits than I can count and I know of three that I wouldnt cull, one of them was KIA.
Im not sayin I dont like pits, I love pits, but most the free pits at the pound or cheap pits from a back yard breeder are culls and most the time arent even pure bred pit. Even pits registered through ADBA, which is a game dog registry for game bred pits, are not pure bred pits. ABDA has recently started registering pit/mastif crosses as pure pit bulls for people to enter in their sled pull competitions. A true "game bred" pit from someone who has good lines ( breeding champions with ROM) are just as costly as dogos. Not saying that these game bred dogs from sires and dams with ROM are the only good pit bulls, but I here alot of this "game bred" dog talk and pictures of game bred dogs that look nothin like a game bred dog, and a game bred dog does have a "look" if bred properly. The look is not that of a brick $hit house.
Im not really sure why all the hostility between people over breeds of dogs but I dont really care what people use as long as the dogs are workin. I like them both, the dogo just works better for me.
Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member
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Strike Dog
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #90
April 16, 2011, 12:02:36 pm »
Quote from: Tomball Dogos on April 09, 2011, 07:48:37 pm
now thats skill right there caught two hog at one time good pic
Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 12:04:09 pm by John
run'em fast run'em hard
Strike Dog
Posts: 344
Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #91
April 16, 2011, 12:04:52 pm »
now thats skill right there caught two hog at one time good pic
run'em fast run'em hard
Boar Slayer
Posts: 1207
Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #92
April 16, 2011, 01:22:59 pm »
Quote from: TColt on April 16, 2011, 10:57:42 am
One of her best friends could not believe that Soco didnt have any pit bull in him when she saw him so she ran a dna swab test, no pit bull dna running through his blood... dogo was not on the list of 100 or so breeds on the test so I would probably have to get a blood test to find out his exact dna, but there is not any pit.
10 breeds went into the make up of the Dogo...there should have been hits on a couple them. Isn't bull terrier one of them?
Quote from: TColt on April 16, 2011, 10:57:42 am
Im not sayin I dont like pits, I love pits, but most the free pits at the pound or cheap pits from a back yard breeder are culls and most the time arent even pure bred pit.
Then why do you call them or consider them APBTs when obviously they are not?
Quote from: TColt on April 16, 2011, 10:57:42 am
but I here alot of this "game bred" dog talk and pictures of game bred dogs that look nothin like a game bred dog, and a game bred dog does have a "look" if bred properly.
Please describe this "look" to illustrate would be appreciated.
I have owned and hunted with multiple Dogos, APBTs (the real ones), and ABs enough to know the strengths and weaknesses of each. The problem is that there are too many folks out there who can't or won't be honest about the dogs.
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #93
April 16, 2011, 01:33:21 pm »
Quote from: Scott on April 16, 2011, 01:22:59 pm
The problem is that there are too many folks out there who can't or won't be honest about the dogs.
It's called kennel blindness...We need to take off our rose colored glasses and call it like it really is. If we all did that there wouldn't be so many culls out there...
Right now I have a good looking 2 year old pit that is definitely a cull but since I am not breeding him will work with him a little more. If I were looking to breed pits he would of been culled a long time ago.
Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
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Hog Master
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #94
April 16, 2011, 04:16:41 pm »
Quote from: TColt on April 16, 2011, 10:57:42 am
Im not sayin I dont like pits, I love pits, but most the free pits at the pound or cheap pits from a back yard breeder are culls and most the time arent even pure bred pit.
Exactly right. So what do they have to do with a real purebred pitbull?
Quote from: TColt on April 16, 2011, 10:57:42 am
ABDA has recently started registering pit/mastif crosses as pure pit bulls for people to enter in their sled pull competitions. A true "game bred" pit from someone who has good lines ( breeding champions with ROM) are just as costly as dogos.
I don't trust ANY registry these days. You can register a fence post if you know the right tricks.
I disagree about you having to spend 1000 - 1500 bucks on a REAL bulldog bred off a Line of real bulldogs. You can get one for a lot less than that . I'm lucky enough to know a few guys that have been breeding a line of bulldogs for a long time now and I get them for nothing on a regular basis.
I can't even imagine paying 1000-1500 bucks for a dog that offers no advantage over a bulldog and has a much higher cull percentage. In addition to all the skin problems the dogos have.
But a man has the right to spend his money however he pleases.
I have hunted with about 10 dogos and out of those I would only feed one. But now if you ask the owners of those other 9 they are AWESOME catchdogs. I guess it just comes down to standards. That and the fact that if you pay that kind of crazy money for a catchdog then you will tend to overlook the negatives and do whatever it takes to find something you like about that dog most of the time.
Now with that being said , There are plenty of bulldog culls also.
Quote from: TColt on April 16, 2011, 10:57:42 am
Im not really sure why all the hostility between people over breeds of dogs but I dont really care what people use as long as the dogs are workin. I like them both, the dogo just works better for me.
I hope you don't think I was at all being "hostile" toward you or your dog, Not at all brother. I have no problem whatsoever with what a man chooses to feed. If it works, it works...
I was just pointing out a few things about your dog that you yourself said that made me wonder about what he really was.
He's the size of a pitbull. Your vet thought he was a pitbull. He's built like a pitbull. You can't get in touch with the guy you bought him from. You didn't pay a dogo price for him. And the number one thing is you said he catches good and holds.
Do you have a pic of soco that you don't mind posting...
Our houses are protected by the good lord and a gun, you might meet em both if you show up here unwelcome son..
Boar Slayer
Posts: 1169
Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #95
April 16, 2011, 10:46:52 pm »
Lots of questions so Ill answer first then post a pic lol.
Scott, Im sure some breeds poped up, she just told me that I was right there was no American Pit Bull Terrier in them. I dont consider the dogs a true APBT, but that is what they are sold as and that is what the majority of people use. I know of some people that use some true pits but I have also seen plenty of people who use whatever is at the pound that looks like a pit. I completely agree with you, there are way too many dishonest people out there, especially when it comes to dogs and horses, I have learned this first hand on many occasions and have vowed to myself that I will never get a working animal that is not from a friend, or a friends friend. I honestly got very lucky with the dogo that I have right now going about getting him the way that I did.
chainrated, like I said to scott... its what the majority of the people use. I dont really want to get into the money, if I get a dog that aint worth what I paid he/she will be disregarded and I will move on without looking back. And let me tell you, the dog I have right now has set the standard very high for hunting and as a pet. As for the hostility, I didnt think you were being hostile, only the first paragraph was directed at you to answer your question. The other stuff was just "in general". My moms friend didnt think he was a pit at all, she did however see pit bull characteristics and she had never heard of a dogo, thought it might be some sort of dogo cross.
Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member
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Boar Slayer
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #96
April 16, 2011, 11:04:00 pm »
Dont have any pictures of game bred pits since I dont own one, so here is a link to dogs from the 50's - 70's
Here is a link to a pedigree that is not game bred pits... not saying this kind of pit wont work or catch hogs, just addressing the differences in game bred vs non game bred when it comes to look.
This is soco at chain weight, Ill try and get some pictures of him in shape when I get back home
Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member
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Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #97
April 17, 2011, 01:41:09 am »
Dand tcolt. I see why your vet thought he was a pit. I sure like the way Soco is put together! He may be a cull in the Dogo world but he is perfect in the BoarNinja world.
"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman
“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Strike Dog
Posts: 344
Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #98
April 17, 2011, 09:50:27 am »
I will never own another dogo again
run'em fast run'em hard
Boar Slayer
Posts: 1137
Re: Black or other than white Dogos?
Reply #99
April 17, 2011, 10:16:19 am »
i can see why there would be a thought of a cross but a fine looken dog none the less
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