T-Bob Parker
« on: April 16, 2011, 10:41:57 pm » |
I saw an awesome gsp tonight at a crawdad boil and got to talking with her owner and long story short I'm going back Monday to pick up two male puppies about 10 months old because they are too hyper and keep going miles away from his house getting into trouble. Their mom and dad are both solid, well bred, bird dogs but these two won't stay around.
I've never worked with bird dogs but I plan on putting them on hogs immediately and ultimately using one as a stud if he impresses me. What should I expect from them, what do yall figure on nose, brain, bottom and grit?
Windows Down, Waylon Up.
Bo Pugh
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2011, 11:41:15 pm » |
i got a 2 yr old gsp female from a buddy of mine and this is the first year she ever been hunted or anything, she took to hogs real quick, she will run a hot track by herself which is really good considering its her first year hunting, she dont bark on track but will whine when she gets it jumped, she will slip off and bump a deer but she wont do it in front of you, people say bird dogs have real good noses and good lung capacity and this one of mine has alot of brains seems to have alot of sense, shes a little gritty but she knows what to grab and what not to grab and i think she is gonna have alot of bottom with a little more woods time, if i would had got her when she was a pup she would something to brag on now but i really like mine
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2011, 01:41:28 am » |
The Ozzies have been useing that breed with good results for years. The hunters that want to work bay dogs use em pure. The hunters that want allrounders or one outs x em with thier hard breed of choice because they'er so busy.
Bar W
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2011, 02:23:00 am » |
Aren't there some parker GSP crosses out there also?
T-Bob Parker
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2011, 09:17:30 am » |
Yep sure are, mr Larry made them himself.
Windows Down, Waylon Up.
Hog Dog Mike
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2011, 10:50:55 am » |
They cannot run as fast or as far as a pointer bird dog. Pointers also handle the heat better.
GSPs were used in europe for fur as well as birds. I have never used one on hogs but they should do pretty good. We had a pointer male that did a good job. Seems like the hogs could zero in on him because he was mostly white.
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2011, 02:57:36 pm » |
T-Bob go gett'um man. Ive seen one hunt one time He was all bussiness and could bay a hog. Would get rough to. I'd bet you can make something with them. Good Luck.
Ive got a bannie legged brindle female i may want to breed to one of them one day.lol
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2011, 03:27:45 pm » |
Seen one hunt one time no hogs but the best I can describe him like was a 60 pound jagd he beat the brush hard
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2011, 04:08:44 pm » |
If you ain't sure, T- Bob, i can send cajun pet express over to pick one up and bring it to alabama. My buddy has a female, she works hard and aint scared to put her mouth on one. Once though, she got so far out , the other , rough dogs couldnt keep up,, and she didnt have quite enough azz to put the stop on the hogs she was runnin and wound up runnin em out of the county , i think.
T-Bob Parker
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2011, 05:00:58 pm » |
Good to hear! The dude says they've been killing cats, squirrels, and possums but the final straw was learning to climb the kennel and disappeared for 5 days until he got an irritated call from an old cowman. I'm hoping to put there bad habits to good use.
Windows Down, Waylon Up.