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Author Topic: CLAUDE ARD!!!!!!!  (Read 45695 times)
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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« Reply #60 on: June 04, 2011, 10:43:09 am »

I thought that if the dollar amount went over so much it could be considered a felony if it was acriminla case but if its civil yall may when and then get him brought up on criminal charges? not sure yall should get togeter and find an attorney that likes to eat scumbags like him, maybe even find his wifes divorse attorney and get some info from that guy. Seems his address would be public record if she did divorce him like she said on the Dr, Phil show, just have to go to court house and pull the records, get all his info from there.

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« Reply #61 on: June 04, 2011, 10:54:00 am »

sounds like if they got all of us he screwed in the same place it would take a big courtroom  and lots of security

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« Reply #62 on: June 04, 2011, 04:10:08 pm »

if it is not a puppy then why are people not taking and seeing these dogs hunt before handing over money? not trying to offend anybody and i really hope they catch him but even if they do probly wont do much good? he will be right back out. i have been hearing for over two years on several boards about how everybodys gonna do this gonna do that? man just go find the man and do it. he post stuff for sale all the time from what i hear. and save your self from ever being ripped off and just by after seeing the dog hunt, if it dont impress you go again? if its a puppy do your homework and find a good breeder or tag along for a while and pay your dues people will teach you the ropes and maybe even give you a pup? sorry for the long vent i have just been reading about this crook for so long and dont see how he can keep selling dogs? ask to see them hunt....
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« Reply #63 on: June 04, 2011, 04:42:41 pm »

when i got mine we agreedon two week trial cause way i was working could tie up and acutally see him hunt dog     but i completly understand ur point   i learned hard way and want make mistake again     
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« Reply #64 on: June 05, 2011, 08:17:05 am »

heck my last name is ard and i live over in east la and ppl still ask me if know him...never had any dealings with him but would sure love for me and some cousins to get a hold of his  a$s just for screwing dog men over and using the same last name as ours to do his dealings

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« Reply #65 on: June 05, 2011, 11:12:22 am »

heck my last name is ard and i live over in east la and ppl still ask me if know him...never had any dealings with him but would sure love for me and some cousins to get a hold of his  a$s just for screwing dog men over and using the same last name as ours to do his dealings

Yes Sir...I think we are going to have to ask you and your family to change your last name!! Cheesy Cheesy
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« Reply #66 on: June 05, 2011, 11:54:51 am »

Geronimo, you're exactly right. In the last few years everyone has decided the need to buy a "finished" dog. A lot of those same people couldn't get a good dog to hunt anyways because they have never took the time to learn anything about hog hunting or training a dog. A lot of these dogs may be good dogs that are looking at their new owner like an idiot cause they won't get off their 4 wheeler or quit yelling "get ahead". To me, he doesn't even sound like much of a crook. Just someone else that has learned how to legally capitalize off of stupid people. I know Claude's family and they've been hunting hogs with dogs way before a lot of those guys were born much less hog hunting. Not taking up for him but Claude knows more about dogs than the people trying to buy them.

A person who hasn't trained or rode a horse much doesn't need to go out and buy the most expensive horse and think they'll be able to ride like a pro in a couple of weeks. And I wouldn't go buy a motorcycle and think that in 2 weeks I'll be the next Evil Kenevil. These are dogs out of the same blood lines that have been around since our great gandpa's were doin' it. The only thing that has changed is the hunters.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 12:06:31 pm by NechesBobcat » Logged

Some people call it damage... I call it hog sign.
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« Reply #67 on: June 05, 2011, 12:10:28 pm »

Geronimo, you're exactly right. In the last few years everyone has decided the need to buy a "finished" dog. A lot of those same people couldn't get a good dog to hunt anyways because they have never took the time to learn anything about hog hunting or training a dog. A lot of these dogs may be good dogs that are looking at their new owner like an idiot cause they won't get off their 4 wheeler or quit yelling "get ahead". To me, he doesn't even sound like much of a crook. Just someone else that has learned how to legally capitalize off of stupid people. I know Claude's family and they've been hunting hogs with dogs way before a lot of those guys were born much less hog hunting. Not taking up for him but Claude knows more about dogs than the people trying to buy them.

A person who hasn't trained or rode a horse much doesn't need to go out and buy the most expensive horse and think they'll be able to ride like a pro in a couple of weeks. And I wouldn't go buy a motorcycle and think that in 2 weeks I'll be the next Evil Kenevil. These are dogs out of the same blood lines that have been around since our great gandpa's were doin' it. The only thing that has changed is the hunters.
What is a man's word worth?  Dog knowledge or not, if the guy gives a trial on his word, then he does not honor a trial, how can it be the fault of the buyer, or their lack of hunting knowledge? It amazes me that people don't put any value on a man's word anymore....

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« Reply #68 on: June 05, 2011, 01:04:26 pm »

lol yellowblackmask that wont be neccisarry just somebodys needs to do some culling in the local gene pool...and circle c you are absolutely right people dont value or appreciate  a handshake....guess thats why its hard for people to trust people anymore because the majority of people are always looking for that quick easy buck...and coming from a hunting family or not, no hunting experience with dogs  or not if this fella was selling dogs that lived up to the caliber he adverises them to be and was an honest person then this topic wouldve never been started and we all wouldnt be having this conversation and his a$s wouldnt have been on dr. phil for cheating on his wife....

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« Reply #69 on: June 05, 2011, 01:17:39 pm »

and neches bobcat not to start an argument but you said "he doesnt sound like a crook but just somebody who learned to legally capitalize off of stupid people"....i dont know the man or his family and am not going to sit here and talk about them heck i even share their last name but how can someone not be a crook and used assumed alias', bogus phone numbers, and when the dog is a bust he is nowhere to be found to make his "GUARANTEE" a guarantee.....for those of you who know the man personally you need to look at it this way if your grandmaw called a plumber to her house to fix a leaky faucet and it winds up costing her 2500$ and the plumbers says he warrantys his work and two weeks later the same thing happens and she calls the plumber to come fix his work and the number no longer exist and the company has changed names now dear old granny is out of 2500$ that she more than likely worked hard for is she one of those stupid people who got legallly capitalized for their money or is the plumber a crook? you be the judge same situation different scenario

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« Reply #70 on: June 05, 2011, 01:28:54 pm »

circle c and goose yall are exactly right about a mans word and handshack     that liein SOB was standing right in front of me and said she was best dog that hit east texas    so N Bobcat he more than likely stole the dog from someone else to make a damn dollar      i mean come on   he doesn't even have will power to take what dr phil had to offer   hell he was one that cheated    had to walk of like a like BIT--
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« Reply #71 on: June 05, 2011, 02:40:47 pm »

I never said I was taking up for him or liked him. I'm just trying to encourage everyone to have a little common sense about buying a dog. I agree 100% that a man's word should be written in stone. My great grandpa always said if you told someone you were going to beat their @$$ you better be doin' it. Sure he is a crook and yes he tried to sell me a mule but I had way better sense than to hand over my money to someone just because of what they said. The fact is, he sold you a dog. You both agreed on a price and the transaction was made. You would waste time and money trying to go to court. It all could have been avoided by doing a little homework. Learn from your mistakes and find someone that's been at it longer than you have and learn from them.

Some people call it damage... I call it hog sign.
Jared H.
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« Reply #72 on: June 05, 2011, 02:52:17 pm »

  A man like Claude is able to screw over so many people just because people still want to believe that a mans word means something.  Nowadays you cant trust someone as far as you can throw em.  There are still good people out there but it just seems like they are few and far between.  And regardless of how much knowledge someone has about what they are buying, if you sell them something that is not exactly like you say it is then you are a crook.  No other way around it.

Jeremiah 16:16

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« Reply #73 on: June 05, 2011, 05:21:23 pm »

Claude Ard is a piece of garbage. He stole a dog from me once and screwed my mom on a horse. Let me know when the linch mob gathers I am in.

James Browning
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« Reply #74 on: June 05, 2011, 09:11:22 pm »

i been hunting and training my own dogs for 20 yrs and i take a man at his word . we made a deal with a trial and he didnt hold up to his end when i wanted to bring the dog back . and as far as knowing how to hunt i got dog i raised from pups that hunt just fine the dog was a POTLICKER 

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« Reply #75 on: June 05, 2011, 10:21:06 pm »

Well he put an add on here looking for a young dog I called him and told him that I had a dog that had a chip knocked off his hip but would try and go! Did not who he was he came  to my house got the dog and left told me his name was John Myers! A week later I get a call from a guy saying he had one of my dogs and was wanting to no something about him it through me for a loop because I usally expose of all culls and never get rid of any dogs! After talking figured out this was the dog John Myers got!! The guy said he wanted $1000 for him as a finished cow dog! He put alot of training on him in a week for a finished cow dog!lol  Neches I have been cowboying and hog hunting all my life and that guy John Myers AKA Cluade Ard would not no a good dog  if it landed in is lap! I visited with him and after he left I told my wife what an idiot I wish I would have just done away with that pup!
He made me decide to never give a dog away to anyone that I don't personally know or choose expose of the dog!
I never sale any dogs and he sure as hell ain't going to sale mine!

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« Reply #76 on: June 06, 2011, 06:48:59 pm »

if i buy a motorcycle that runs ,it better start or sprout legs or im lookn for the crook that sold it !!! and thats that !!jmo

Eric Edwards (512)-673-0843
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« Reply #77 on: June 06, 2011, 08:45:39 pm »

So I am confused. the guy on Dr Phil IS Claude Ard, but goes by john myers? John myers and Claude Ard are one and the same?

Has anyone had a dealing with a Claude Ard or john myers who did not resemble the fella on Dr Phil?

« Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 08:47:14 pm by aladatrot » Logged

At least I'm successful at doing nothing right. I guess it could be worse.
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« Reply #78 on: June 07, 2011, 12:44:57 am »

the guy on DR. phil is known to me as CLAUDE ARD 100% no doubt!!!!

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« Reply #79 on: June 07, 2011, 07:06:05 am »

the guy on dr phil is known as john myers to me .

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