We had one dog on the ground the other night and a opposum crossed right in front of it and it started toward the opposum and James hollared at the dog to get out. Well the dog turned and started hunting again. James decided to kick the opposum out of the road, and when he did, the dog that was on the ground decided that if James hated that thing, he was going to help James out so he ran over to give james some backup and then started hunting again. LOL Sometime the dogs just want to help out. 
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 11:53:37 am by djhogdogger »
A television can insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in like a computer.
so what is it that you are saying? u know what I'm sayin lol my dogs mite not find hogs but they don't trash lmao
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 12:10:37 pm by noelle »
I dont want to drag anyone into this so i wont name names, but i went out last night with another member from the board and after about three hours of making a dry run one of my dogs started baying a dilla in a hole. Our whole group went to the bay and I moved a fallin tree and started helping them dig. we pulled it out for the kids to see and the kids thought it was neat. I hope this dont mean that i am trashy  No Travis your not trashy lol that's funny tho!!! so since cowgirl is gone I guess it was rusty all along running them dillos? I wasn't referring to u when I wrote that was just sayin in general but I guess u thought the shoe fit lmao I like huntin with u, trashy dog or not, he hunts hard, u ought to just sell him to me I guess!!! 
Long as ur Havin fun and ur dogs are doin what ur satisfied with then that's all that matters:)
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 12:12:04 pm by noelle »
Long as ur Havin fun and ur dogs are doin what ur satisfied with then that's all that matters:)
LOL.. I knew what u are saying... and yes rusty is trashy and i like it  If it has a heart beat he will find it.... He will get it figured out soon enough. I have my ranger back when we gonna make a round with the trash hounds?
Miller Lite
I still would rather go without hearing my dogs bark then bay a dillo but thats just me
Can you skin griz. pilgrim
You and me both!!!
Long as ur Havin fun and ur dogs are doin what ur satisfied with then that's all that matters:)
LOL.. I knew what u are saying... and yes rusty is trashy and i like it  If it has a heart beat he will find it.... He will get it figured out soon enough. I have my ranger back when we gonna make a round with the trash hounds? We can go Tomorro evenin... And ya rusty can be fixed easily enough, he ain't that trashy and to have never seen a hog a month ago I'd say u got Ur moneys worth no doubt!!! I was mainly referring to actual hog dogs Runnin trash... Not a retired bird dog that only been a hog dog a month lol if u paid alot of money for him and he was suppose to be broke it would b a different story
Long as ur Havin fun and ur dogs are doin what ur satisfied with then that's all that matters:)
LOL.. I knew what u are saying... and yes rusty is trashy and i like it  If it has a heart beat he will find it.... He will get it figured out soon enough. I have my ranger back when we gonna make a round with the trash hounds? We can go Tomorro evenin... And ya rusty can be fixed easily enough, he ain't that trashy and to have never seen a hog a month ago I'd say u got Ur moneys worth no doubt!!! I was mainly referring to actual hog dogs Runnin trash... Not a retired bird dog that only been a hog dog a month lol if u paid alot of money for him and he was suppose to be broke it would b a different story true that  i wish u wernt all drunked up so we could go tonight.
Lol who's all drunked up haha I'm still at the lake Runnin trot lines I don't think I oughta drive tonite lol we hit em Tomorro nite tho!!! Were both retired it's ok lol
I totally agree if I pay for one imma take him back but I don't buy trained dogs and dint shock them unless there over a yr and I see wit there running I'm out to have fun exercise my horse and flip a hog .... I get to do most everytime if there is fresh sign but I get 2 out of 3 always unless intake ppl that r slow holdin me up messin with there pups that r too young to be there 
Jvm 9365777211 It takes a gun to kill a deer but balls to catch a hog
Ya I mean a young dog just Gettin started I let bay cows and stuff and let it hunt but before long it gets broke from any bad habits, but a older dog bought as a hog dog Is a different deal
Ya I mean a young dog just Gettin started I let bay cows and stuff and let it hunt but before long it gets broke from any bad habits, but a older dog bought as a hog dog Is a different deal
Yup I been waiting to hear what the dogs this weekend butt he didn't ever text me I'm about to go let the dogs get bayed now maybe I won't catch any dills cuz I'm goin in the same spot lol
Jvm 9365777211 It takes a gun to kill a deer but balls to catch a hog
The sure dont bay Dillos now last I checked they find their own pigs and we catch near everyone, and we dont have to be on fresh sign for them to find them either, and none of them have been spotted. Caught 4 hogs caught in a week and half and 2 that got away seems like pretty good numbers to me dogs working great now may have just needed to get used to me. 
I don't correct for killing small animals on the ground. I correct for looking down holes, and looking up trees. I am a serious hog hunter and hunt for people that expect results, and killing armadillos isn't a problem.
"We are all on our way out...ACT ACCORDINGLY"
Florida Curdog
I never really had a hog dog mess with armadillos but I won't hunt a dog that's trashy, and I don't see how it can be excusable to have a dog that "mostly hunts hogs"?? And huntin dillos or anything else is ok long as they are huntin??? Lol I'm speechless, if it's a yr old or less I can allow them to trash a little and will put a stop to is pretty quick, but if I bought a dog that was a hog dog and it bayed armadillos I'd take it back even if I paid 10$ for it...if it did it once it'll likely do it again. I go huntin to catch hogs, anything else is just unacceptable, even if they are good hog dogs but just trash when their bored. I hope my opinion doesn't offend anyone I'm just shocked is all... When I'm huntin me and my dogs are strictly business and I figured more people took hog huntin more seriously than to excuse a trashy dog. Like I said it's just my opinion and I take owning good dogs seriously so please take no offense  X 2 They don't look at nothing but a hog. I'm out there to catch swine not critters & whatever 
Smiling like a killer
I dont like a trashy dog either.  Walking 500 yards into what you thought was a bay but is really a dog trashing sucks. I usually dont trash break my dogs until they are about a year and hunting hard, Once they start hunting I show them right from wrong and what were hunting for. Ive seen real nice dogs that were completly trash broke at 8 mo old or a year but didnt hunt worth a flip and ranged a couple hundred yards. I guess what Im saying is give me the dog that is Go Yonder and WANTS to hunt, but may trash on a deer or kill a dillo once in awhile over a dog that ranges a few hundred yards and is completly trash broke. I believe if you do it the right way you can trash break most any dog on most any thing jus gotta put in the time JMO. Best gyp I ever owned would rig a dillo once in awhile, never killed it but would bail out bark a few times and come back. My lead dog now is completly trash broke and Ive noticed that when my pups are with him they never trash, they walked past a possum the other day looked at it and kept huntin  . Good luck with the trash breaking. SHOCK COLLARS are a GREAT investment Matt
gone huntin.....
I have seen pups that tend to like hog naturally just like a bird dog pup that naturally likes a bird. I also have seen pups that are totally broke off of off game because they are late starters are do not have any hunt in them.  I will take a trashy pup any day and if it runs a deer for an hour on a dark moonless night all by itself thru thick and thin.... Well I'll take that trashy no good for nothing pup off your hands and dispose of it for you...  I like a pup with a lot of natural hunt. Trashing is expected from one of these and breaking off of off games starts early but has to be done right and the pup must already be working hogs, and the pup must know that you want hogs before the breaking starts.
Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog... A hunting dog is born not made...
I have seen pups that tend to like hog naturally just like a bird dog pup that naturally likes a bird. I also have seen pups that are totally broke off of off game because they are late starters are do not have any hunt in them.  I will take a trashy pup any day and if it runs a deer for an hour on a dark moonless night all by itself thru thick and thin.... Well I'll take that trashy no good for nothing pup off your hands and dispose of it for you...  I like a pup with a lot of natural hunt. Trashing is expected from one of these and breaking off of off games starts early but has to be done right and the pup must already be working hogs, and the pup must know that you want hogs before the breaking starts. \ i dont like it trashing on small stuff but if a deer will thorw it out in the woods on the way back they are hunting for somethin else to rum and 9 times out of ten i have ever seen it u come up with swine but i dont like them trashing if they have been taught not too
Jvm 9365777211 It takes a gun to kill a deer but balls to catch a hog
Florida Curdog
I dont like a trashy dog either.  Walking 500 yards into what you thought was a bay but is really a dog trashing sucks. I usually dont trash break my dogs until they are about a year and hunting hard, Once they start hunting I show them right from wrong and what were hunting for. Ive seen real nice dogs that were completly trash broke at 8 mo old or a year but didnt hunt worth a flip and ranged a couple hundred yards. I guess what Im saying is give me the dog that is Go Yonder and WANTS to hunt, but may trash on a deer or kill a dillo once in awhile over a dog that ranges a few hundred yards and is completly trash broke. I believe if you do it the right way you can trash break most any dog on most any thing jus gotta put in the time JMO. Best gyp I ever owned would rig a dillo once in awhile, never killed it but would bail out bark a few times and come back. My lead dog now is completly trash broke and Ive noticed that when my pups are with him they never trash, they walked past a possum the other day looked at it and kept huntin  . Good luck with the trash breaking. SHOCK COLLARS are a GREAT investment I hunt small properties. I'll take the dogs that range a few hundred yards & are completely broke.  Matt
Smiling like a killer