this dog im trying to add pics of is tie he was a bmf bad mother fxxxxx all he found wS BIG BOARS and hated them he was a reg bmc engelmen blood after he got wrecked up (picture wont load ) he wore a vest and colar he lived to be 8 he and i were best buds he died on a big boar and that boar died also the hogs tooth went between the vest and colar where the to meet ea pther and hit his neck and he bleed out before i could stick the hog and pick him up [IMG]
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 12:29:00 am by BigCutters4 »
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 12:29:16 am by BigCutters4 »
i had to remove pictures that were nowhere near that graphic.
All my Dogos hunt off lead, I expect them to use their noses--- with the Garmin it’s MUCH easier now to KNOW where they are.
I have a friend over in Pasco County who has been hunting his bulldogs (pits) off lead ---WITH AWESOME success---
Bulldogs are PLENTY capable of doing the finding IF allowed matter fact I bet SOME can and will out strike Cur dogs IF ALLOWED---
I have the up-most respect for the American Pit bull and honestly believe they been UNDER-USED.
Their resumes TALK of extreme potential and AWESOME abilities and working ethics, I also believe that by JUST using them as catch dogs the wind as been breed out of them--- these are animals that where breed for many generations to LAST hours in extreme fighting conditions, endurance to the core.
Folks---- these are just THEORIES of mine and I share them with the most respect. NOT at all talking down on folks who use them as just catch dogs---
I HONESTLY believe and am VERY convinced that the American pit bull terrier IS PLENTY CAPABLE of MORE than just catching.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 08:41:35 am by Oly »
"If it is againts the law for a man to fend for himself--- then outlaw I am"
I agree Oly. Just as a side note, Bobby uses his ABs in the same fashion that he uses his APBTs.
I agree Oly. Just as a side note, Bobby uses his ABs in the same fashion that he uses his APBTs.
YES you are correct Scott  ---thanks for reminding me of that Sir---
"If it is againts the law for a man to fend for himself--- then outlaw I am"
Oly, you are exactly right. The APBT is absolutely one of the most athletic dogs in existence imho. The wind has definitely been bred out of a lot of them. These little short wide dogs that everyone wants now do not have the lung capacity that the old style APBTs had. I have the older lines of dogs and they have as much wind as anyone could ever want in a dog.
Be who you are and say what you mean because those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind.
Sorry don't fully trust a pit and one with endurance is hard to find and speed they don't have what I desire. I want the perfect rcd/cd endurance speed handling full catch and when called on can find its own pig. The ausies do it well but I have yet to see it other than Mr Mason and a select couple of others and most of them are out of breeding or so seldom it would be years for me to get a pup. I just thought there might be someone that reads this and don't post much chime in with what they are using.
Circle C
Sorry don't fully trust a pit and one with endurance is hard to find and speed they don't have what I desire. I want the perfect rcd/cd endurance speed handling full catch and when called on can find its own pig. The ausies do it well but I have yet to see it other than Mr Mason and a select couple of others and most of them are out of breeding or so seldom it would be years for me to get a pup. I just thought there might be someone that reads this and don't post much chime in with what they are using.
Purebreed, There's been some baying catdo's produced as well... It's no different than any other "breed", the individual makes the dog.
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
My bulldog has a good nose he will wind a hog if it's close... But speed and endurance he just don't have it. None of the pits or ab dogs I've had were capable of being anything more than a catch dog because they just get wore out too easy... And ive owned a whole bunch, All dogs have a nose and can smell that doesn't make them all hunting dogs... Some due to size or desire and some due to endurance which is the case with the bulldogs . Jmo
That's exactly what I'm talking about I want to get away from this and not worry about over heating as bad
one of my hunting buddys was line breeding rcd's one was a boxer an the other was a lab/ab who would find run an catch all on there own sadly the lab/ab got in a nest of ground bees an died from it an the boxers were killed by one of the line breed pups that went crazy so that was the end of that line so all we got now is pits that run lose beside us walk hunting
My bulldog has a good nose he will wind a hog if it's close... But speed and endurance he just don't have it. None of the pits or ab dogs I've had were capable of being anything more than a catch dog because they just get wore out too easy... And ive owned a whole bunch, What bloodlines have you owned? Just last friday night we had a bay break just after turning the bulldogs to it. Had a young gyp full vest and collar run with the curs for about 30 minutes before we caught up to them. Ended up catching a different hog with her about 20 minutes later. Speed, wind and athleticism is something that I require from my bulldogs. It was 87 degrees when we got in the trucks to head home at 3:30 am. The dogs are out there, you just have to know where to go to get them.
Scott are your bulldogs as fast or faster than your bay dogs why I ask I have seen bulldogs go with the bay dogs when they break but they were not as fast as they were and get left behind. I got to see my pit flat left when a sow broke right after we turned the cds loose they got nearly there and she broke to our right down hill our two cds could not keep up. Only cought up when they hit the water and curs caught her. The dog I hope to own will not get left behind he will be in the mix not 20 yards back
Will bull dogs run a track 6-8hrs and travel 8 miles to a hog? Are they fast enough to stop a Runnin hog in a thicket? Were all the hog hunters the past 100yrs using curs and hounds because they were too dumb to use bulldogs? The answer to all 3questions is no!! Run just a pack of bulldogs and see how many hogs you catch with no Cur or hound in the's been tried and tested for years and yet they always end up staying catch dogs, gotta ask yourself why... Ya they mite find a hog from time to time but so does my jack Russell..... Be proud of Ur bulldogs, I am very proud of mine... But don't try to make em out to b something their not  jmo
one of my hunting buddys was line breeding rcd's one was a boxer an the other was a lab/ab who would find run an catch all on there own sadly the lab/ab got in a nest of ground bees an died from it an the boxers were killed by one of the line breed pups that went crazy so that was the end of that line so all we got now is pits that run lose beside us walk hunting
line breeding them??? Or just cross breeding dogs makin rcds?
Silverton Boar Dogs
RCDs are different from Finder/Holders. I am interested in breeding finder holders that will work here in my area.
I have spent the last year hunting, watching and evaluating A Dogo, Stag, StagxDogo,AB, and a straight catch Catahoula. I hunted these dogs together and alone to compare and contrast their styles and what they have to offer in a breeding program.
Stag x Dogo and Stag x Catahoula pups are on the ground now.
I picked up two more hair dogs this week. Deer hound x Wolf hound.
I want a dog that has wind, bottom, nose, eye, speed, hardness, and very clean holding style. 28" tall 85lbs with a neck long enough to keep a boars teeth off his body.
I have talked to Mr Mason and Ned Makem quite a bit and I am working on my own finder hold style dog for west Texas. The Dogo will be the base for me because they really are "finder holders" for all practical purposes and have some wolf hound and Dane in their background. Ned thinks that the Stag Dogo crosses are a very good idea and they may be the total package themselves.
These dogs will be for day time work, I still believe that quality Dogos can't be beat for night hunting and heavy brush and I will be breeding some of these as well.
The hairy dog is an important part of the puzzle, they offer quite a bit that can't be found elsewhere, real speed, very clean holders, and a different type of thought process for the hunt. Contrary to what some people think the Stag is very good in rough country and brush, not solid thickets, don't have much of that out here.
I hope to have these pups working when Ned comes back to the states, he is interested in how they work and I am looking for his input. I don't know of anyone who has more experiance with finder holders than Ned and I will look forward to hearing what he has to say about my crosses.
I have got a couple of other solid hunters to work with on this project and some outstanding dogs to work from, so it will be fun to see what we can come up with.
Thanks, Paul T
Of course some have more speed than others. We have 3 gyps that will flat sure burn it up. They won't get left behind. 2 other gyps that will be started in the woods soon that show the same athleticism and speed. Of the 4 males we have, 2 have good speed, 2 not as much. There are quality bulldogs out there that will do what your looking for. As with any just have to search until you find what you like. My old dog (RIP)   Two brothers with their sister in the middle  Balistic   Molly  Elsie at approximately 6 months old  And the 2 gyps that haven't been started in the woods yet.     Will bull dogs run a track 6-8hrs and travel 8 miles to a hog? Are they fast enough to stop a Runnin hog in a thicket? Were all the hog hunters the past 100yrs using curs and hounds because they were too dumb to use bulldogs? The answer to all 3questions is no!! Run just a pack of bulldogs and see how many hogs you catch with no Cur or hound in the's been tried and tested for years and yet they always end up staying catch dogs, gotta ask yourself why... Ya they mite find a hog from time to time but so does my jack Russell..... Be proud of Ur bulldogs, I am very proud of mine... But don't try to make em out to b something their not  jmo I never claimed the above. But, I know for a fact that bulldogs can be used to find/catch their own hogs and as running catchdogs. I aint in the business of making dogs out to be something their not. I don't believe the question was "can a bulldog out hunt a cur or hound". What bloodlines of bulldogs have you owned (or do you own) that has formulated your opinion that bulldogs don't have (or can't have) endurance?
The question was Scott are there Rcd breeders... Not even about bulldogs really but can u just take bulldogs and no other dogs in the woods and consistently catch hogs? Even when it requires a 8hr chase? A Cur dog is a versatile hog dog, can b used to do it all, a bull dog really can't do it all and b exceptional at every aspect of hunting and b considered a true hog dog if he can't do it all in my opinion. Really good Lookin dogs by the way
Man scott those are some fine looking dogs maybe as good looking as a cd could ever be in my eyes. My question is would you be comfortable running 1 to 3 down at a time for a couple hours at a time. Knowing they can find them at the end will they have enough to hold a big one? I am by all means not tring to discredit you just asking because in the end I hope to have this.