« on: July 21, 2011, 09:36:30 pm » |
I have a 2yr old pit.. While i was gone today she did something to hurt herself... She doesnt wanna stand up, and when she does her back legs give out.. She will walk a little ways and then kinda fall down and lay there.. She is in a panel pen that she always trys to climb out of. I think she either tried to climb up the fence and fell down and land wrong on her legs, or maybe she could have overheated, but she had water.. I just dont know wat could have happened.. I need some advice on what to do and what yall think could have happened..
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 09:46:00 pm » |
any sign of her eyes looking like there dazed our twitched when her legs give out !
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2011, 10:17:13 pm » |
hey jamyon can you mess with her legs and move them around or is she in pain?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2011, 10:19:26 pm » |
Anythng else goin on with her like puppies, cut up, recent trauma, ...ect? When she walks does she act like she is drunk or disoriented?
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 10:24:59 pm » |
hey jamyon can you mess with her legs and move them around or is she in pain?
I havent really tried to mess with them.. When i got home from ur house i layed her down and she has stayed in the same spot
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2011, 10:26:15 pm » |
Anythng else goin on with her like puppies, cut up, recent trauma, ...ect? When she walks does she act like she is drunk or disoriented?
Yes she was cut a little while back.. But that has been fully healed up for about a week
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2011, 10:35:36 pm » |
Sure sounds like overheated symptoms from what you say. You wouldn't think so though just hangin out in the pen. Good luck, I hope she gets better..
Thank you but she does not act drunk or dizzy or anything...?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2011, 10:39:53 pm » |
She could have tweeked a nerve or something or may possibly have overheated, give her gatorade or 7 up and that will help if she is dehydrated from over heating and then if that doesnt help I would say take her to the vet she may have hurt her spine... I hope she gets better soon
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2011, 10:42:28 pm » |
doesnt sound like its heat related to me... mayb nerve damage or somethin? hows her mood and alertness? she out of it or actin normal other than that?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 10:44:41 pm by noelle »
does she act drunk (serious question)
doesnt sound like its heat related to me... mayb nerve damage or somethin? hows her mood and alertness? she out of it or actin normal other than that?
She acts normal.. She just wont do anything that involves moving or walking.. She hasnt moved in a while but when i get to the pens to check on her she is alert and normal acting she just wont move..
does she act drunk (serious question)
No she doesnt act drunk she acts normal until it comes to haveing to walk somewhere
about 60 for the visit plus probaby 75 for x rays if your vet is a cheaper vet
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
about 60 for the visit plus probaby 75 for x rays if your vet is a cheaper vet
Ok so do u think she will be ok till i can take her..? Cuz she doesnt hardly move..
As long as you keep food and water near her I would think so if she just hurt her back or spine.... Is she in the house or in the pen, I would move her where she can stay cool since she cant move herself andthen make sure she can get to water but I wouldnt wait too long to take her, if you can afford to you should probably take her tomorrow
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
As long as you keep food and water near her I would think so if she just hurt her back or spine.... Is she in the house or in the pen, I would move her where she can stay cool since she cant move herself andthen make sure she can get to water but I wouldnt wait too long to take her, if you can afford to you should probably take her tomorrow
She is in the pen for tonight then when i get up in the morning i am gonna move her to the house... And i have food and water right by her..
Good luck, I hope she gets better soon, this may soud dumb but has she been bitten by a racoon very recently? Sometimes you can run across one that has a disease it carry, most people call it coon dog paralysis, it will paralize your dog and unless you can catch it fast they can die
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
ya it sounds like some sort of nerve or muscle damage or spinal problem... id go have her checked out she oughta b ok long as you have water close by... is she eatin and drinkin normally?