Just wondering if any of ya'll out there are into some dirt track racing. Racing pretty much consumed my life from age 20-30. But the cost of the class I was racing just got ridiculous. The last year I raced, I spent $10,000 on a motor, and still didnt have enough HP to keep up. Plus having a wife and kid kind of made me put my priorities in line, so I had to give it up. Having quit racing I have re-found my love of the outdoors, first with deer hunting, and now hog hunting, and couldn't be happier. I am from Oklahoma, but have traveled to some of the big shows they have in Greenville and Kennendale. The only thing I miss about the racing is the driving. Sure don't miss working on the car 6 nights a week, or spending all the money just to have it get tore up the next week. I still enjoy going to watch the weekly shows, but couldn't imagine wasting the amount of money that I did on racing again. Just curious if any of ya'll are into this.
Here is a pic of me in the last race car I had back in 2007.