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Author Topic: DOGO questions  (Read 11260 times)
Hog Doom
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« Reply #60 on: August 19, 2011, 01:10:40 pm »

Those big rallys of mature hogs are bad news for a single CD... may have to bring some back up to shake their confidence!  Grin

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Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
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« Reply #61 on: August 19, 2011, 01:15:26 pm »

Congrats on your dog; you're a lucky guy!
11 (# of hogs caught with my dogo cross RIP)
Will Justin ever get his answer? Can the mighty DOGO ever live up to the Hype? Is the Stumpy Pit always gonna be a Micheal Vick reject? See t.wil hold up a dogo leash, and MORE on the next --ONE HOGDOGGERS LIFE TO LIVE--
LMAO! Grin
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« Reply #62 on: August 19, 2011, 02:19:54 pm »

I love the dogo, but I am a realist. I know that most are in the wrong hands to preserve the breed wether the intentions are good or not. I will never doubt anyones intentions. Most dogo owners may have alot more experience with the dogo than I have. Heck, I only been around them for six years, which my as well be a day compared to some. But it doesn't mean they have experience with a hunting dog.

Circle C, Im not going to get into this about weather or not PPC proves their dogs. I know that the dogs they reproduce with have been proven. Driving to another country in europe can be closer than driving from Dallas to Houston.

If the dogs La Historia is reproducing with have been proven (he sends them down to texas, louisiana, florida, where ever and then he gets them back and these are the ones he is breeding) then I will personally call him up and apologize. In fact, if he truly is reproducing with dogs that are hunting dogos, I will personally fly out to New York City, Florida, or wherever he wants to hunt, and then shake his hand and apologize in person. But I have a "hunch" that isn't going to happen.

People can get a dog from where ever they want, its their money. This drama is the reason I try to bite my tongue and stay out of the dogo threads.

Justin, good luck with your new dog. If he works out shoot me a PM, I like to keep up with what blood lines are working.

Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member

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« Reply #63 on: August 19, 2011, 06:24:51 pm »

Every Dogo thread blows up. I do love the Dogo and I hope my two pups turn out decent. I like Dogos better than most people. I have had words with a few people. But I don't hold grudges. I picked the breeders I wanted Dogos from and I wanted advice from. I will say flat out that I don't think any Dogo breeder knows more about hunting them than Marvin. That is why I got my first Dogo from him. Maybe there is someone but I do not know about them.

I have posted this before but I think this explains the Dogo very well.

They dorequire someone that has experience with large dominant dogs. But they are very gentle too. When I am hurt my Dogos notice and avoid hurting me. My other dogs don't really pay attention Grin They will challenge you in subtle ways.

"...A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself..." John Stuart Mill
La Historia Dogo
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« Reply #64 on: August 19, 2011, 07:04:52 pm »

Just because I also have the number one Dogo in the country doesn't mean they don't hunt too.

To each his own, but don't talk about what you don't know, and you don't know me or my #1 Dogo.

The number one Dogo at what? says who?

Yeah how does anyone know they have the #1 dogo in the country?

It was pretty obvious to me that he was stating he has the best Dogo in show/confomation, but that does not mean they are not hunted...   That's what I arrived at after reading his comment... I may be wrong, but I did pass third grade reading comprehension Grin

Thanks for being able to undestand. I didn't think I was being cryptic.

Bottom line is: I hunt MY dogos, don't rely on others to do it. I don't rest my kennel on the backs of those I place dogs with.

The problem with all these tough guys on the internet is that they are so competitive that they even compete for the breeder of their dog. I don't need other people to get on the internet and whore my dogs. I keep my best dogs, I hunt them more often than most breeders, and I show them. Its sad that some feel the need to talk trash about people they don't know, just because someone other than their breeder was reccommended. I am going to appologize to them right now, for threatening your insecurities. When you breed a Dogo that you feel is better than a Dogo I bred, then you can talk trash, otherwise your just someones hype man.


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« Reply #65 on: August 19, 2011, 07:33:14 pm »

if i woulda known that my questions woulda turned into one big pissin match i woulda never wasted my time. Hell i been on this site for a few years now and when i looked this morning at the number of posts i was pleasently surprised due to the fact that ive never gotten this much response out of a posted question...........then i screwed up and wasted my time opening this thread.

If you have been on this site for a few should have know where this was going from the begining.  I would steer clear of dogo and obama topics... Grin

Rex Bumpus
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« Reply #66 on: August 19, 2011, 07:34:17 pm »

First let me say that, IMO, there's not a dimes worth of difference between the good representatives of the respective breeds (Dogo, AB, APBT) when it comes to catching hogs. I've owned and hunted behind plenty of each. I believe it boils down to personal preference as to which a person will choose to feed.

That being said, one should do plenty of research on breeders/dogs/bloodlines before they decide to go and get one. I've been around the Dogo long enough to see a rebirth of the breed club, a second breed club come and go. Politics, personal agendas, back biting, back stabbing, etc. in that reborn breed club. I've seen folks that have owned/bred Dogos for 15-20+ years before ever putting the first one in a hunting home. I've seen folks that have done little more than entry level "hunt" testing use that to market their dogs. I've seen hunt stories posted by those same folks that were most assuredly stretching the truth at best. I've seen wild claims of some breeders to the effect of never having a pup they put in a hunting home wash out/cull. And that's just the "tip of the iceberg". Personally, if I were looking for a Dogo, I can count the number of folks on one hand who I'd go to (and still have fingers not utilized).

The best advice I can give anyone on any working breed is: 1. Don't believe the hype 2. Do plenty of research 3. Go see the dogs work multiple times before you make a choice on who to get a dog from.

Good luck in your search.
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« Reply #67 on: August 19, 2011, 07:47:51 pm »

Personally, if I were looking for a Dogo, I can count the number of folks on one hand who I'd go to (and still have fingers not utilized).

That pretty much sums it up for me. There is more individual dogs that I want pups from than breeders I want pups from.

When it comes to lead in cd I agree with your first statement. But I aint much for leading them in and that is why I will always have dogos in my yard. I do think that there are some pits and ab's that could handle the way I hunt dogs, but I think it comes more natural to a good dogo.

Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member

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« Reply #68 on: August 19, 2011, 08:26:50 pm »

First let me say that, IMO, there's not a dimes worth of difference between the good representatives of the respective breeds (Dogo, AB, APBT) when it comes to catching hogs. I've owned and hunted behind plenty of each. I believe it boils down to personal preference as to which a person will choose to feed.

Bingo... we have a winner! Grin

The dogo threads always get "blown up", as Dub said, because the dogo is always made out to be the great white unicorn, when in reality any good pit or AB can do the same.


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« Reply #69 on: August 19, 2011, 08:40:26 pm »

I just want to say thank you to all of yall who posted  for making my day at work fly bye lol Grin
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« Reply #70 on: August 20, 2011, 09:51:48 am »

He who   BLOWS HIS OWN HORN  is full of  AIR  wink wink  Wink  Wink  Shocked

I have the #1 $hit eaters in the country  Shocked  Shocked  Wink
Marvin Garrett
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« Reply #71 on: August 20, 2011, 12:58:52 pm »

He who   BLOWS HIS OWN HORN  is full of  AIR  wink wink  Wink  Wink  Shocked

I have the #1 $hit eaters in the country  Shocked  Shocked  Wink


La Historia Dogo
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« Reply #72 on: August 20, 2011, 01:53:16 pm »

I don't see anything funny about grown men bashing people they don't know, like a bunch of teenage girls at the prom. But if it makes you feel better about the dogs you have, then be my guest and talk as much trash as you need.

Shane, I don't quite get your attitude online. In person you had nothing but great thing to say to me about the only dogo of my breeding that you have hunted behind.

Marv, Tooting my own horn would be telling you that I am the breeder, owner, and handler of the #1 Dogo in the US(conformationally, figured SOME of you needed that spelled out). She took best female, and best Junior under one of the most influential breeders in the breed today. And she hunts. Is she the best hunter in the world? Don't know, don't care. She finds them and catches them, thats all that matters to me. I don't own a farm that needs crops protected. But what I do know, is I have been hunting in TX with a couple of you, and I saw a hog run right in front of the UTV and not one of the dogs running on the ground saw, smelled or heard it. DRY RUN. I have never been on a hunt with my dogos, that I have seen a hog and the dogs not find and catch it.

Oh and taking pictures everytime you hunt is as much of blowing your own horn as you can. Pictures are for showing off. When I am hunting, I am trying to get every dog home safe, and you don't need a camera for that.

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« Reply #73 on: August 20, 2011, 01:59:24 pm »

A picture is worth a thousand words....
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« Reply #74 on: August 20, 2011, 02:16:07 pm »

I'm trying my hardest to keep my mouth shut and keep this private but I have to respond to your last post.

So she took best female, aka "best opposite sex", which would mean she is not the number 1 Dogo in the country. And wasn't the judge one of the founders of the blood line you breed. How do you have the judges blood line in a breed show, which are pretty much all politics, and not take home the gold.

You know we have something in common. We love the Dogo, but I'm a Dogo hunter ( don't even own a female) and your a Dogo breeder. If I ever do breed I will be breeding for hunting dogs for myself and my friends.

I don't sit here and back a specific Dogo breeder, Marvin is a hunter, he has had something like five litters in almost 20 years of hunting the Dogo. I don't consider that a breeder.

From dogo hunter to dogo breeder. Come to Texas and hunt with me anytime. Bring your dogs, don't bring them, whatever. Open invitation to get a picture for your website with some hunting Dogos.

Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member

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« Reply #75 on: August 20, 2011, 02:38:23 pm »

Marv, Tooting my own horn would be telling you that I am the breeder, owner, and handler of the #1 Dogo in the US(conformationally, figured SOME of you needed that spelled out). She took best female, and best Junior under one of the most influential breeders in the breed today. And she hunts. Is she the best hunter in the world? Don't know, don't care. She finds them and catches them, thats all that matters to me.

Now honestly I don't know you... or anyone on this site yet.... I have been lurking here for awhile but I have just started posting.

Honestly you are coming across kinda wrong I think.

Bragging about having the #1 best looking dog isn't something I personally would want to brag about on a site filled with hunters.... Most of these people here, myself included, don't care about showdogs.  When I first read your bragging about having the "#1 Dogo", I thought you were talking about hunting.... and then when I found out you had the #1 Dogo SHOWDOG that kinda changed my opinion of you.

That is like saying you have a pretty truck..... and your point.... we care if the truck can get through the mud and wheel.... not how good it looks doing it.... do you get what I am saying?  Basically most hunters want the GO before the SHOW... not SHOW before GO.

You seem like a passionate guy, I might suggest just toning it down and not bragging about your showdog as much because that really is not that impressive to a hunter.  I hunt upland with my german shorthair, when I picked my breeder to get my dog from I PURPOSELY steered clear of breeders that SHOW their dogs and I went with a laid back kennel that cares about hunting and oh yeah their dogs were good looking, breed standard dogs.... without SHOW titles
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« Reply #76 on: August 20, 2011, 03:06:05 pm »

Shane, I don't quite get your attitude online. In person you had nothing but great thing to say to me about the only dogo of my breeding that you have hunted behind.

HUMMM I remember saying he was a good dog. An that he was a catching machine. Other then that being blue eyed he was a cull by standards. An BTW he is NOT the only dog I have hunted or attempted to hunt behind from your breeding(s). The one now will not even look at a hog/pig and runs from them. Unless it is caught by somebody or another dog making it squeal and ONLY then will it look at it from a distance. I believe it only has attempted to smell or come close enough to smell it ONE time out of a several chances. That is when it is not trying to run away or climb out of the pasture fence LOL.

Maybe you should return phone calls or call and check on the pups you have placed every once in a blue moon. And on top of that maybe I should have edited my quote of Marvins, but I was x2 on the #1 number 2 eaters part LMAO. He has them in La, but I have them in Tx LMAO.

waylon-N.E. OK
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« Reply #77 on: August 20, 2011, 03:17:35 pm »

I love watching all the fussing on these Dogo post, there better than any Jerry springer episode   Cool

Specializing in hard to find cold nosed armadillo dogs.
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La Historia Dogo
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« Reply #78 on: August 20, 2011, 05:56:26 pm »

Shane, I guess Mark should check in with you when we talk, so that you know what you're taking about when you reference my relationship with an owner of my dogs.  we both know what you said that night, and unfortunately due to whatever reason you chose or just plain forget it. The pup that you are talking about now is just about a year and a half, and has seen hogs 3 times. Once when I dropped her off at 10 weeks, where she showed no fear. And two other times. According to her owner she was uninterested both times and in heat this past weekend. I can't imagine he would lie about the dog, as he knows she can come back and be replaced. And putting a dog in the pen twice isn't hunting behind. When you put her in the field then you've hunted behind her.

Tcolt, again you talk about what you don't know. I won't even waste my time educating you, as your PM's to me clearly show me where you stand as a man and I don't care to be part of anything that you are.  When you say I am a dogo breeder, I have not claimed to be anything else. I wouldn't even have typed a word on this thread if you didn't go misinforming people about me.

NMartin, if you really think I am coming off too abrasive I suggest you reread the whole thread, and you will see why my tone is how it is. What I said, maybe I should have typed it differently, was: I have the number one Dogo in the country(show) and she is HUNTED. I have probably the only Dogo shown in the AKC that has ever been on hogs, and for that I am proud. I understand that you and most people here don't care what the dog looks like as long as they put meat on the table. But when you are a breed enthusiast, no matter the breed, you should care about the whole package. I could be like most breeders, and not care how the dog hunts. Or I could be like most hunters and not care how the dog looks. But I am neither. I care how the dog looks and care that it can perform the task it was created for. I don't hunt for the fun of it, and I don't hunt because I need to save crops. i hunt for the Dogo Argentino. Thats it. Nothing more, nothing less. And I will continue to be proud of my Dogos that can catch hogs and win shows.

I think its funny when people buy(or get for free) dogs from a show kennel. A kennel that can't hunt in their country, a kennel who has done so "great" for this breed that the dog gets banned from their country. And then say that its a proven hunting line. That is a joke.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 06:01:59 pm by La Historia Dogo » Logged

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« Reply #79 on: August 20, 2011, 06:10:09 pm »

Id love to wtch this in a form of a tv show as well lol
Im new to the forum as well. Howdy to all. I didnt know how bad into politics it is with the dogos. Started from a simple question. But bragin yeah i dont agree with that. I tought only teenagers did that.
 Grrrrrrrroupppppp hugggggg
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