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Author Topic: Zwolle, La. Hog Tournament  (Read 1195 times)
Boar Slayer
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« on: August 19, 2011, 10:59:44 pm »

Being put on by the BAYOU STATE DOG HUNTERS ASSOCIATION to benefit St. Jude's and a family that sounds to be having one of those trying moments in life that we all pray to avoid.  Try and make it out to support the cause if you can't get a dog to find a pig.  Here is more info and list of rules:

Registration is September 9th, 2011 at Zwolle Fiesta Grounds from 4:00PM to 6:00 PM.  Registration of all teams and FULL payment must be received before the hunt starts.
Please call Cade Pilcher at 318-508-2233 or Kwall Sepulvado to preregister teams if possible.
All contestants must bring their hunting licenses to check-in
All contestants must have Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries issued basic game hunting license.
All non-resident contestants must obtain a non-resident basic small game,  one day pass  from Louisiana Department Wildlife and Fisheries. 1-888-765-2602. AN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER FOR IMMEDIATE USE WILL BE PROVIDED AND LICENSES WILL BE MAILED TO THE LICENSEE.
At a minimum one person per team has to be present at registration, preferably the team captain.
Each participant will be given a wrist bracelet at registration to identify contestants and serve as a meal ticket at the BSDHA booth.  If a team member is not present,  bracelets will be given to the team captain at registration.
Teams consist of 4 people and you cannot be a member of multiple teams.
The team members listed on the Entry Form are the ONLY members allowed to hunt the Tournament. If a team member is unable to continue hunting with the team for any reason, that team will continue hunting without that member(s). NO SUBSTITUTIONS CAN BE MADE!!

Each team will have a designated captain to correspond with the judge and BSDHA officials.
The registration fee is $30 dollars per person for BSDHA members and $40 per person non-members. (non-refundable)
A judge's meeting will be held at 6:00 P.M. followed by roll call to ensure all team captains are accounted for.
Following roll call, team captains will draw judges that will accompany his/her team for the duration of the hunt. It is the captain’s responsibility to make arrangements with the judge of the location and time to meet prior to hunt, if the hunt does not begin immediately. Judges will accompany the team throughout the duration of the hunt.
Rules, roles, and responsibilities will then be reviewed and discussed. Following open discussion the official start time will be declared. Teams will hunt within the Louisiana State lines abiding by local and state laws.
Teams will have 18 hours from official start time to hunt and be back for last call weigh in. Teams can return anytime within the period to weigh in their hogs. All hogs will be weighed to accumulate points towards the heaviest catch.
At minimum one person and judge will to be at weigh-in to represent the team, preferably team captain.
It is each TEAM’S RESPONSIBILITY to have a final and current copy of the Rules.

Teams will include cell phone contact numbers on registration for emergency purpose.
BSDHA will provide teams with emergency contact numbers back at home base for duration of the hunt.
This is a benefit hunt meaning all proceeds will be donated to the Logan Brant family and St. Judes Hospital.
Awards will be given out to each member of the team of the following categories:
1) HEAVY BACON AWARD the most total weight of a teams weighed in hogs wins the contest. 
2) The largest live hog weighed is the winner of the heaviest live hog of the day will be awarded the BOSS HOG AWARD. 
3) The most live hogs weighed in will be awarded the SQUEALER AWARD.
All hogs will be weighed Dead or Alive.
All dead hogs will have a 30 % reduction of weighed factored to the score.
Live hogs will be weighed on foot and then taken into custody of BSDHA.
In the case of a tie for any team placing in the top five, the team with the heaviest 3 live hogs will be declared the victor. 
Boars tied in weight (in the case of a tie, the boar in question with the longest single tusk will win).
Sows tied in weight (in the case of a tie, the sow will be measured from XXX to XXX the longest one will be declared the winner.)
All live hogs will be then donated to the highest bidder of Bay pen owners to whom will donate the sum of money bided to the Logan Brant Family and St. Jude’s Hospital.
All dead hogs will be given back to the team in which it belongs after being weighed in
General Rules:
This contest is open to all legal hunters utilizing dogs for the purpose of harvesting feral hogs while hunting in Louisiana. 
For the purposes of this hunt, hogs are defined to be feral, free-ranging, wild hogs which have not been previously held, trapped, pen raised, and released for the purposes of being hunted in this contest and must not have been hunted from within a game fence. Hogs cannot have been previously trapped, kept, or held for the contest. Any form or violation of this rule will be immediate disqualification.
No splitting of teams. All team members must hunt together. Each team is permitted to run one pack of dogs at a time. For the purpose of this contest, a pack is considered a single group of dogs being handled by the team members. A team may not concurrently run multiple packs in multiple locations    If, when hunting, the hogs and dogs split resulting in multiple bays, hunters are allowed to split up only at the judges discretion to harvest the wild hogs, but must regroup as soon as possible to resume the hunt as one pack. 
Team members are the only ones permitted to actively participate on the hunt. Helpers can accompany as observers or as acting film crew. Helpers or observers can only engage in the hunt in a severe state of emergency (Judges strong discretion). Only team members or a judge can handle hogs dead or alive.
If two teams unintentionally come to close together resulting in a bay of both teams, the teams who dogs struck the hog and perused to bay would catch and claim the hog. If the judges and each team captain could not determine what dogs struck and bayed the hog then the hog would be marked by the judges and both teams would split the weight, dead ora live. Teams then would reach an agreement to find other areas far enough apart to not to interfere with others. Judges direction will be followed.
During the hunt, the hog must be dog caught or bayed prior to human handling, and must not be roped, run over, or trapped first.
Teams are able to catch the hog alive for holding until check-in, if desired for a live weight on scales. This is encouraged but not mandatory
No shooting from any type of vehicle, be it on land, air, or water.
The hog must be bayed by at least one dog before being shot, but if the bay dogs happen to catch the hog, it may be taken by other means. 
Multiple hogs may be shot if bayed up in a group, but once the hogs break, the bay must be re-established before harvesting can resume.
No shooting running hogs.
Hogs that are shot before being bayed up by one or more dogs DO NOT COUNT.  Judges strong discretion

Horses and ATVs may be used when hunting, but the dogs must catch the hog. It is also illegal to run-over or rope   an un-caught hog with/from a vehicle or horseback.
Check-in will be back at Zwolle Fiesta Grounds BSDHA booth at any time during hunt hours. Teams can weigh in multiple times during the official start and cut off time.
An official time keeper/end of line Judge will determine the close of check-in at 2:00 P.M 
No hogs arriving after close of check-in will be considered for the contest regardless of excuse, calling ahead, or any other unforeseeable circumstance. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Hogs harvested outside of the official contest duration will not count. 
No injured or malnourished dogs of any kind are allowed on the sign-in or weigh-in premises.
All dogs on the premises must also be either kenneled or leashed, 
Each Team Captain has the option of standing in the weigh-in area to witness his or her team’s hogs being weighed and as the other teams are being weighed. Please be courteous of the judges and the   space they need to conduct weigh-in
Any contestant found to be cheating, attempting to cheat, or violating any Louisiana Game Laws or Local laws will cause the disqualification of the entire team and forfeiture of any and all entry fees. The perpetrator and/or team may also be banned from future contests and BSDHA.
Complaints or objections can be made in the form of a written grievance and submitted to the contest officials before the announcement of the winners, which will take place after weigh-in and review of qualifying teams. Once the final decision of the contest officials is made, the decision stands
No consumption of alcohol on the sign-in or weigh-in premises.
No disorderly conduct, such as cursing, fighting, or rude behavior will be tolerated at the sign-in or weigh in.
No guns, knives, or weapons of any sort can be displayed or worn on the sign-in or weigh-in premises.
Anyone behaving in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner will be asked to leave.


"You lose a lot of money chasing hogs and women, but never lose women chasing money."
Bay Dog
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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2011, 02:27:14 pm »

How many are yall expecting to enter

Alpha Dog
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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2011, 06:48:49 pm »

I'll be working or i would be there. The guys I hunt with are signed up and got some good hogs on camera. The main thing though is that it's for a good cause, helping people out.

Lake Haven Kennels
Bay Dog
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« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2011, 07:15:09 pm »

Im plannin on coming.  Can i just register there or do i need to call

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