« on: September 28, 2011, 10:11:29 pm » |
Im breeding my yellow gyp who is a jam up 1 1/2 yr old bmc that is by far my best dog. Finds hogs for me left and right, not rough a pinch and dead silent on track. No papers or b.s. just a proven strike dog. Going to breed her to a jam up dog my buddy has that is the same in every way and has thrown some real promising pups on the ground. I dont want to over price them but definitely at the same time dont want to underprice them. Ill be keeping tWo myself because thats all i hav room for but i have high hopes.
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 10:18:08 pm » |
id pay maybe 400 if the pups turn out as you say, its really in the air till you see what the pups come out like
Matt H Cleveland, OH
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2011, 10:33:09 pm » |
If i was to sell them as just weaned pups what should i ask though
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2011, 11:25:16 pm » |
a few factors, are there littermates the same caliber or close to it? <--- this would be a good predictor of the pups is this a first time cross or reproduction for either dog? <---- if yes then the pups should be cheaper, and should gradually raise as each time the cross continues to be done and recieve positive feedback are you offering some form of guarantee? <--- my pups are guaranteed to track by a year, if they don't I will replace the pup for a pup. I dont speculate what they will track as that has to do with some trash breaking and other training techniques that are more human/operator error but say the pup continues to track cats and can not be broken from that, I would replace that pup because I can use more cat dogs. This is just how I do my pricing, and I usually give a few dogs away to friends to keep access to my genetics.
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2011, 12:33:15 am » |
i would give you a bag of sportmixx or whatever you feed your dogs, 50lbs for a pup
Matt H Cleveland, OH
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2011, 06:55:46 am » |
Weatherford ben weanling pups can go for 500 dollars but I wouldn't give 50 dollars for one. Some will give more than 500 dollars. I reckon that is what makes the world go round.
If I like the sire and dam of the pups and I like the puppy I would give 75 to 125 for that pup. I would consider it a bargain if the sire and dam are related and they hunt like you say they do.
If you can show me the pup trailing and winding a drag and baying a coon or hog I will pay 300 to 400 for a 4 or 5 month old...that is if I like the pup.
Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog... A hunting dog is born not made...
Tomball Dogos
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2011, 07:43:26 am » |
Weatherford ben weanling pups can go for 500 dollars but I wouldn't give 50 dollars for one. Some will give more than 500 dollars. I reckon that is what makes the world go round.
If I like the sire and dam of the pups and I like the puppy I would give 75 to 125 for that pup. I would consider it a bargain if the sire and dam are related and they hunt like you say they do.
If you can show me the pup trailing and winding a drag and baying a coon or hog I will pay 300 to 400 for a 4 or 5 month old...that is if I like the pup.
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2011, 07:46:52 am » |
Free... it's a first time cross on a very young gyp. Why not let her get some age on her first? If not, place the pups with hunting partners and see what you have. 
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2011, 07:50:03 am » |
Free... it's a first time cross on a very young gyp. Why not let her get some age on her first? If not, place the pups with hunting partners and see what you have.  Couldnt agree more. My 2 year old had pups in may. Gave all but one away to hunting buddies. If the sire was still able to breed it wouldnt have mattered much as to where they went. But i want access to the genetics and since the cross was unproven they were given away.
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 7
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2011, 08:00:32 am » |
I think these computers has made the dog market go up. If I breed the best two dogs on my yard id give them away. Im not in this to make a dollar. Just ask what you think they worth. You can aways word it like this.. Im not looking to get rich I'd just like to get my money back for shots and wormer come an get them while they last only $500.00  This is just my way of thinking. 
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2011, 08:34:00 am » |
Free... it's a first time cross on a very young gyp. Why not let her get some age on her first? If not, place the pups with hunting partners and see what you have.  Yes sir, Id have to agree with that.
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2011, 09:16:42 am » |
Free... it's a first time cross on a very young gyp. Why not let her get some age on her first? If not, place the pups with hunting partners and see what you have.  Yes sir, Id have to agree with that. I agree also. Good hunting dogs dont always produce good offspring.
A television can insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in like a computer.
Circle C
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2011, 09:33:06 am » |
Since everybody knows that linebreeding is the only way to get good dogs, I'll give you the formula I came up with.  First you need to know your inbreeding coefficient( IC ), it can be found here. you start with $1,000.00 and multiply it by your IC. If you have an IC of 21%, take $1,000.00 x .21, and sell the pups for $210.00 If you have an IC of 0%, then $1,000.00 x 0, is $0.00, give the pups away. Now here is where it gets tricky. If there is any W. Ben in the pedigree, you MUST account for his percentage. You take the IC of say... 21% x $2,000.00 ( it's $2,000.00 because let's face it, Ben dogs are just better....) Giving you $420.00 per pup, you then have an markup of Ben's percentage. Let's say the pups are 38% Ben, so you take $420.00 x 1.38, now you get $579.60 per pup. If you furnish papers and guarantees you get a 30% bonus, bringing you to $753.48... Based on watching the dog trade for a number of years, that's the best formula I have come up with to value BMC pups.
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2011, 09:43:47 am » |
Circle C Thats funny stuff right there!
The fact is that pups and dogs are and always will be worth exactly what someone will pay....
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2011, 09:50:45 am » |
every first time breeding is a crapshoot abd pups should be cheep or come with a 1 year garrenty that they will hunt . thats how i sell a first time cross . if you want to sell them for good money being a first time cross i wouldn't give a dime without the warrenty .
hattak at ofi piso
T-Bob Parker
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2011, 09:53:28 am » |
What if they have a knot head lowset ears and double rear dewclaws? Do you multiply per each or as a unit?
Windows Down, Waylon Up.
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2011, 10:02:10 am » |
T-Bob you have a point there. The price has sure got to go up on a pup with a smart knot and a good
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2011, 12:30:41 pm » |
first litter, I would give some away to people you know that hunt. My gyp recently had her first litter July 13, I kept 4 and gave away the rest to people that hunt and trust. I paid good money for my dogs, and I hope the pups turn out to be what I expect out of them!!JMO!!
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2011, 02:12:15 pm » |
my first time i breed my dogs i gave 2 away 2 i kept and 3 i sold for 50 dollars and i promisie the guy if any of the 3 pups dont turn out i would give him his money back.
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2011, 03:05:05 pm » |
I worked dogs for almost 16 years before I had a litter of pups born on my yard. I had (and still have) a good place to get pups and don't mind paying the price for a good one. Heck, I haven't done the math but I reckon I could pay $300+ for a well bred pup and still be better off than what raising a whole litter of unknowns would cost me and still there being a chance of all being culls. I chose to start breeding a couple litters simply because I had some blood that I wanted to cross a certain way and have a goal in place that I'm working towards. When the first litter was born on my yard in May '09 any pups I made available were sold before they were born to people who had hunted with my dogs and wanted one and had no frills about paying what I felt was a fair price. Some proved better than others, but only one pup out of a litter of nine didn't at the very least make a dog that would leave out and find a hog. Pretty good percentage, and I was pleased with the cross. Several folks on here are hunting them now.
Since then, I've raised two more litters and what pups were available were handled the same way. In fact, my most recent litter (born in July) two of the three pups I let go of went to people who had previously gotten a pup off the first or second litter.
I'm not bragging on the dogs...I feel very fortunate to have gotten the blood which I have, but consistant hard hunting dogs don't need advertisement and people will have no issue paying what they're worth. I believe it also makes a difference your reason for breeding. I've yet to meet anyone whom I would desire a pup from that usually had them readily available. Usually the pups a man wants are the most difficult to get your hands on.
A truly rich man is one whose children rush to fill his arms even though his hands are empty.