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Author Topic: Loose or Rough and Justify  (Read 4501 times)
Critter Catcher
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« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2011, 11:14:08 pm »

Hahaha why do you have to bring chances watchdog into this  Cheesy

Kevin Daniels TDHA member
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« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2011, 11:30:46 pm »

I've come to realize theirs not near as many differences in dogs as there are dog owners. I'm all for people having what they want. I have alot of people that want to bring their rough dogs with me to my spots to prove me wrong. I think I do pretty good on my own. And Yes Noah, I do catch all the hogs I want. I've released more hogs with the only cuts being on their nut sack than most people will ever see. My family has been in this game over 100 years. My great great grandpa had free ranging hogs in the Neches River bottom all the way up into the mid 80's. They were caught with a few dogs and a rope. Didn't ever need a catch dog to chew the marks off a hogs ear and I still don't care to see a dog latched onto a hog when it can be baying a group of hogs I have also realized that most people with good bay dogs are in the woods with their dogs way more than the people who say they have rough dogs (which can usually be found at the local bay pen).

Some people call it damage... I call it hog sign.
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« Reply #42 on: October 15, 2011, 11:34:54 pm »

OK  Wink

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Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
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« Reply #43 on: October 15, 2011, 11:42:39 pm »

OK  Wink

Some people call it damage... I call it hog sign.
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« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2011, 11:46:58 pm »

Well I like them both and think there is a time and a place for both in different situations .  You put a lot of pressure on that big boar hog there I promise you he would have been gone if your dog didnt have big nuff balls to stop him and thats usally what happens people got a dog that thinks he is bad till he runs in on one like that and gets his ass handed to him then all hell breaks loose you chase the hog for five miles get dogs cut up killed and everything else all because of a dog that is COUNTERFIT !

I thought the mans dogs done a good job myself and hell if I was catching hogs with catch dogs those dogs there done enuff they got him stopped and they were baying not to close but still doing what they needed to.  The hog didnt run off so the pressure musta been pretty much right on him thats all I would have needed and I would have  sent two three bulldogs and the pork would have been on the grill.

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
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« Reply #45 on: October 15, 2011, 11:54:36 pm »

whoo this topic is gettin to be a "dogo-AB" topic laugh

Matt H
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« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2011, 07:30:44 am »

I think most people that catch hogs with catchdogs would agree with me that you'd have about a 1 in 20 chance of actually catching that hog in the video with ONE walk in catch dog... that hog was doin' basically what ever he wanted...  now if you wanna go and dump a box full of running catch dogs out..... SURE you might catch him... HELL, I'd give yall a 1 in 10 chance in that case!!!  Grin

Now, I do understand those dogs might tighten up when they see a catchdog comin' in to them... BUT, if you gonna say how your dogs can "bay" a hog another man's cannot, you better show the end result if you want credibility in my eyes... not that anyone gives a CHIT what I think LOL.


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Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
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« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2011, 08:32:41 am »

i agree to each his own and there are so many different types of land that people hunt and so many ways to get the same thing accomplished. but at the end of the day its whatever floats your boat, you feed them and hunt them and what everyone else thinks? oh well. but as you can see there are some who belive strongly on certain ways and they back it up...
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« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2011, 08:40:49 am »

I'm not saying they can. I'm saying they did and I have the video of the hog they couldn't stop for more than a few seconds cause the dogs were too rough.

Some people call it damage... I call it hog sign.
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« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2011, 09:18:19 am »

Maybe you need another catch dog if you got one that cant catch and hold that hog till you can get there.  I didnt say I didnt have a catch dog that could have caught that hog I said I would have turned two three loose on him because .   I have had catch dogs that would have slapped the number 2 out of that hog and we would have been on him but and I say but we now use two three catch dogs because it cuts way down on one catch dog getting hurt are killed.  Hell you need to come work the corn feilds with us when you dont know what they hell the dogs have got bayed cause you cant see your hand in front of your face and if you miss that hog with one catch dog he is gone to the next country not county.  No room to move no room to bay no room to get out of the way no room for noting.

Damn man I didnt know a hog doggers needed a hand book to take with him so he can pull it out to look up what he needs to do when he gets a hog bayed,  O my dogs are not bayed tight enuff so I need to do this are o my dogs are bayed to tight so now what do I do O this hog is in the brush so I should catch him this way thats all bullnumber 2 just catch the damn hog the way you want to and call it good.  If you catch hogs with your dogs then you dogs are just as good as the next mans ,  no need for all this bullnumber 2 !

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
Critter Catcher
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« Reply #50 on: October 16, 2011, 10:03:09 am »

Gentlemen I just wanted to know what type of pack y'all run and the reasons behind your choice. I have both types of dogs myself and I like the looser baying dogs but to be honest the rougher dogs are producing more hogs. Usually approaching a bay the hogs are breaking on the loose dogs and rough dogs have the sucker on lock down. Around here these hogs have gotten dog smart and it is obvious. If I could find a loose dog that could a bay i'ld rather that pack due to vet and stitching work. If you have this dog line let me know and old be happy to test them out. Grin

Kevin Daniels TDHA member
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« Reply #51 on: October 16, 2011, 10:40:21 am »

I hear ya ,  I got both kinds myself.  I like the ruffer type packs simply because it cuts down on the running hogs , it cuts down on the distances traveled for both man and dog.  Thats not to say the loose dogs don't get their share but it seems you travel a lot longer distances to get the bigger boars.  They both got their do's and don't . I prefer ruffer smarter type dogs but as I said got both kinds.  The land dictates really the kind of dog you need the smaller places need the ruffer type dogs to get them stopped before you get off the proptery, if you got 20,000 then sure why the hell not have loose dogs that can run and bay run and bay and never get off the land and most the time hardly ever get cut .

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
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« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2011, 11:35:12 am »

The land dictates really the kind of dog you need the smaller places need the ruffer type dogs to get them stopped before you get off the proptery, if you got 20,000 then sure why the hell not have loose dogs that can run and bay run and bay and never get off the land and most the time hardly ever get cut .

Not argueing with you but that's what I don't understand. It's always the opposite for me. My loose baying dogs usually have the hog bayed where they found it and everytime I've hunted with rough dogs one of them busted up a group of hogs and there were hogs and dogs scattered for miles.

Some people call it damage... I call it hog sign.
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« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2011, 12:39:52 pm »

The land dictates really the kind of dog you need the smaller places need the ruffer type dogs to get them stopped before you get off the proptery, if you got 20,000 then sure why the hell not have loose dogs that can run and bay run and bay and never get off the land and most the time hardly ever get cut .

Not argueing with you but that's what I don't understand. It's always the opposite for me. My loose baying dogs usually have the hog bayed where they found it and everytime I've hunted with rough dogs one of them busted up a group of hogs and there were hogs and dogs scattered for miles.

Maybe you haven't hunted with GOOD rough dogs.

John Esker
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« Reply #54 on: October 16, 2011, 01:37:40 pm »

I just want to throw this out there. I hunt all over Texas, I like to travel, I think that different hogs react differently to different dogs. Some hog run from rough and bay for loose, some run from loose and bay for rough. Some just flat run no matter what until you got a cd or 2 hanging off of them.

Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member

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« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2011, 02:11:02 pm »

If people are running so called rough dogs & their hogs are breaking.  They need some new ones   

It's hard for em to run with a dog locked on each ear  Wink

Smiling like a killer
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« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2011, 02:31:25 pm »

I dont know maybe this is the problem,  I find this to be the case most them time .  A man will have three four loose baying bayem up kinda dogs and have one are two ruff dogs a buddy brings that are just ruff and not really schooled in shuting down are stopping holding bad  hogs such as in your video and they will run n get their butts handed to them and break the bay.  I have seen this alot.  Me and my buddy Cory decided not to go this morning for this very reason .  The place we were going holds big bad boar hogs the real deal cut-slash and kill kind.  Well I sold my old trackin system last week and he sold his and we only have four garmin collars not enuff for what we needed to do .  This place you have to have some very ruff shut them down holdem kinda dogs are you will be running till midnite.  I got dogs I have to take for these kinds of hunts on these kind of bad bad boars ,  Bo-Running Stop Dog , Duke Catch dog, Ole Blu find running stop dog and we take Corys catch dog Champ so four and we take Horn find dog help catch , Penny find dog help catch and Swig  find dog help catch all will jump in and help when we get on a bad bad hog all these dogs here working as one not many hogs get away from us anymore.  That may sound like a lot of dogs 7 but man when we get in on a 300 lber it is pretty to watch Duke on one ear, Champ on the other ear, Bo got him by the nose and making him scream and sit down Swig on the back end , Horn on the back end and Penny and Blu are gone looking for another one unless the hog is out of control then they will be in the mix too. It has taken a long long long time and was a never ending JOURNEY to get dogs that work together like this on big Big Bad Boar hogs but since we have gotten the right dogs we have not missed a big bad boar hog and no one has gotten cut are killed.  I  hardly hunt with many people no more and bring my dogs unless I can bring the whole crew and still I dont like to if I dont know their dogs simply because all mine all depend on each other to do their jobs and if you are missing one are two thats when you gonna get something killed are hurt badly .  They may have great dogs but its like tuning a engine you cross the plug wires and it runs like number 2 !

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
Florida Curdog
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« Reply #57 on: October 16, 2011, 02:52:44 pm »

Yeah. I usually take two dogs with me when I go to the woods & catch what ever. It's not very often I get to hear a bay. Those dogs in that video are my buddies pups. The bobtailed  male is 8 months old & the female is 11 months finding & stopping her own hogs. If that was the older dogs we wouldn't have heard a bark  Grin  We run these dogs because you have to shut em down quick on these properties. Loose dogs ain't gonna cut it there. Many have tried & didn't succeed. Them hogs start running when they hear the front gate squeak open.  Cheesy  Like you said earlier loose dogs are good for big pieces of property but in these tight spots  you have to shut em down.

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T-Bob Parker
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« Reply #58 on: October 16, 2011, 04:06:09 pm »

Well alright fine, ill give my opinion, I seek excellence. I prefer baying dogs to catching dogs, but neither style will work if they suck.


Both of these styles will produce hogs but I feel too often people attribute hogs getting away to dogs being too loose or rough when in reality the dogs are just ignorant, they ain't got engh hog sence.

Don't mean to toot my own horn but......... TOOT TOOT

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« Reply #59 on: October 16, 2011, 04:09:37 pm »

The land dictates really the kind of dog you need the smaller places need the ruffer type dogs to get them stopped before you get off the proptery, if you got 20,000 then sure why the hell not have loose dogs that can run and bay run and bay and never get off the land and most the time hardly ever get cut .

Not argueing with you but that's what I don't understand. It's always the opposite for me. My loose baying dogs usually have the hog bayed where they found it and everytime I've hunted with rough dogs one of them busted up a group of hogs and there were hogs and dogs scattered for miles.

Maybe you haven't hunted with GOOD rough dogs.  i was gonna say the same thing but didnt want to keep this going.

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