one is a brindle finished short to medium range bay dog. not much grit at all. tons of pictures in the woods with her on hogs. she will find bay and hold a hog. range verys sometimes real close in sometimes far out. she is independent. second is a female bmc. she is not that gritty either. she is very shy but once she warms up to u she is a hard hunter. not finished but shows lots of potential. she as well will find and bay a hog in the woods but has no interest to one in a pen. she will also bay varmits, but no livestock nor deer to my knowledge. I have a 100 percent finished rcd he is half airadale and half pit. large dg with a hard bite. he is very dependable and will honor anybay regardless of distance and will catch anything at the other end. last but not least. i have a large white female pit. logan-99 on here had it for sale as a started catch dog. i bought her took her to woods she went straight to bay but did not catch or even igknowledge there was a hog there. she looks goodand has a great handle no aggressin towards anything noteven a hog as of right now that i have evaluated. the first three you can take to the woods where there is hogs and come out with hogs. i also got a garmin with four collars and a shocking system i no longer am in need of. just hit me up my name is kenny b. 361 652 6653 or