Went hunting this morning with hunting buddies. We went back to the same
place as 02/21/09 hunt and got into another group of hogs about 1/2
mile down from were we bayed yesterday. Anyways hunted for about
30 minutes and nothing then finally a buddies dog (Jake) brindle cur
struck, and waited untill the rest of the dogs got their to lead the bulldog.
By the time we got their the hogs were bayed pretty good so we sent our
camera guy/Kirk in the (orange sweater) to get some footage for us.
He did an execellent job,he video as much as he could and then sent the
catch dog in for some action!! Poncho my BMC ended up catching the big hog
as my blue pit (Tootsie) was getting jumped by the hogs when she was caught
on the other hog. She managed to hang in there for a couple of seconds as
the hogs started running. Anyways, no dogs hurt and good vidoe of the dogs baying.
Will try to post video later still down loading,