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« on: October 31, 2011, 10:42:05 pm » |
Well, it's been a year long deal, and finally, i bayed up pigs i've been feeding with dogs i've been raising!. Just a rehash, i'm 10 miles north of B'ham Al in a little town called Gardendale. Have 52 acres and i guess i'm at the end of the road. I'm on a plateau and have a 300ft drop to a nice sized creek in front and a 250 drop to a smaller creek behind me. The woods basicly run to tennessee.mif u use google earth and find gardendale al, look at highway 31 and you'll see the woods i run just east of 31. Well a year or so ago i started seeing hog sign, put up cameras, and sure enough, 30-40 pigs running the creek. A golf course across the creek from me, they said they shot over 50 since i started seeing them. But the ones left are now very smart. I found this board and soaked all this information up. Started picking up a dog here and there, cost me extra cuz i was shippin em from Texas, Okla, New Mexico,, but tonite it payed off. Got a cur from okla, Monty Bennet sold me a super nice female, ArrowBar sent me 3 plotts, one is 6 months old, Rio, and i have an old, spayed, cur mix girl from a guy i've hooked up with 60miles north of me. She's a help dog but will strike in fresh scent. Well, since, i've found these pigs, i've put out thousands of lbs of corn, learned how to make corn squeezins, and regularly cleaned out the fridge for them. I've killed to meat boars with my old pse mach flite 4, stuck two runnin my buddy's rough pack, and Tennesseehillbilly came down for a hunt and his son got to stick a nice sow. On that hunt, My Monty pup got her first look at a pig. Now to be honest, i was a little worried about my lil motley crew. I couldn't kick Monty's female out from under my feet. My old cur spent more time laying in the creek than hunting, my okla cur got out and hunted but wouldnt let you put him back in his pen after a run. My lil plott barked like a fool and was about to drive me nuts. Now to the hunt, more or less. Usually pigs come to my corn baits every nite or every other, but the acorns started dropping, and they are HUGE, and I've never seen so many, so i havent seen a pig in over a month. Figured they are gorging on acorns and they'd hit the corn once all the acorns are gone. So now i'm running my dogs n the afternoons i'm not on call at work. The 4 hog dogs and a american bulldog. I always put the dc30's on em, just in case we strike. Also have my hobbles. So we get set and head out this afternoon. I learned a good trick from the board i used on my okla cur, he dont like to pen up after a run, so i tied a 30ft piece of weed trimmer cord on his collar.. Never hung up, and when i wanted to grab him , i had that tail to grab. We make a good 3 mile or so loop down on the creek bed, starts to get dark, i decide to head home. Start walking up the incline towards my house and the plott and old cur chop once or twice just on the other side of the creek. I tear out that direction with the bulldog, Monty's dog and the okla cur. Dont have mt waterproof boots on, tear across the knee high creek, look up, and its a pretty steep 300'ft incline . Up my old arse goes!. By now, i'm hearing real baying and yelps every once n a while. The old cur will catch if she can or if she has help. So i tell the dogs get up and help and by golly they do! Except for the bulldog, who is still down on the creek, 200 ft below. ,, i get up the bluff, and you can hear the rally real good, get over ,, and the dogs are doing fantastic, old cur , Arrowbar 6 mo old Plott, and Monty's year and some change cur. 10-12 pigs, none smaller than 150, ma bunch alot bigger than that. One or two of the boars run out and the dogs evade, then boars regroup the the sounder. The bulldog finally makes it to the bay, and i'm hopin we gonna catxh some pigs! Ah,, negative, ,,, bulldogs first look at pigs, he thinks he's a baydog, and then loses interest. Now, I'm starting to worry, I'm a mile and a half from home, i've got a bay that's breakin, then regrouping, no gun, no cd,,, well, i take the catch dog and the okla cur, who aint done nothing to impress me during the whole bay,, and start heading now, the bay is broken and the other 3 dogs are 300-400yards off Calling the other dogs as i walk home, garmin tells me the two youngsters are headin my way. The old cur is out of range. Well , i get the 4 settled in their pens and head back with a rifle to try to find my old cur dog and the sounder. I figure if i can shoot one, she'll catxh it and i can catch her! But as i leave the kennels, she shows up on the garmin 900 yards off, and i know she is coolin off n the creek, sure enough, she's backand with a 1 "gash " on her shoulder, she's no worse for wear. Even though i didnt get to catch anything, i sure was proud of my old cur gal, Monty's lil cur female and Arrowbar's Plott gyp. They all bayed good and stayed with it a good while I learned i need to try a female american bulldog i have as a cd, she has crazy prey drive and i suspect she will be my hitter. Also, i won't take another walk without a firearm of some type. Monty, that gal is really comin along. Today, she was out hunting and i rarely saw her. my lil plott is the same way at just 6 mo old. My old lady cur from my buddy Stephen Baldwyn was worth her weight n gold, as she put these pups on pigs and she was showing them how to bay like a fool, sorry this is so long, but i am pretty jazzed right now. Headin to a high fence n miss. Fri for a weekend hunt. Will post pictures and give a report next week. Also will try to post some phone video i took of todays baying