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Author Topic: need sum advice.  (Read 7354 times)
Strike Dog
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« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2011, 05:50:06 pm »

Ok curdawgs so im clear on this what your saying is that say me for instance comes along and talks to a land owner and he tells me yea go right ahead and hunt my place anytime you want you have my permission to but another guy hunts it to the other guy being you i should just go hunt and if i see you out hunting to just say to bad i got permission to so deal with it sorry but that's not how it's suppose to be done what you should do is respectfully tell the land owner thanks but you already have a man hunting your place and its an unwritten law amongst hog hunters not to hunt behind a hunter who already has permission to hunt
Circle C
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« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2011, 06:50:50 pm »


    I didn't think that rule existed in central Texas anymore... Shocked

The land owner rules. That means his rules go, if he said hunt then the other guys cant do nothing and you arent int he wrong at all for hunting there!

   I used to know a couple of backdooring SOB's from Brazoria county that had that same opinion...  Another phrase they liked to drop was "There's plenty of hogs to go around"   Evil

Circle C, Aint no body talkn about back doorin, Boss! We are talking about having permission from the owner. So where did back dooring come into the scene. Did he hunt with the other guys then get the landowners info? if so then it is back dooring. If not then you are only going by permission of the landowner, if he says you should contact them then hammer down and it would be ok to do so but it dont make you a bad person or a crook if the landowner gives you permission and you dont call them.

I definately dont appreciate being called an SOB if you were. Thats disrespectfull and I dont care if you are a medeator. I have never back doored anyone, have always been upfront and in many cases have lost time and money to do the right thing. I have never said anything disrespectfull to anyone on here and dotn expect that from anyone!
I wasn't calling you an sob.... I am saying there used to be a backdooring sob that used to say the same thing...

Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2011, 06:56:20 pm »

thanks for the help. i think.. didnt want to start up a mess here.. guess i will try to get ahold of the people who hunt there. and tell them the deal.. we are not trying to start anything withh other hunters or people for that matter...it would be the propper way. to let them know we will be hunting there. we did get permission. and the land owner wants the hogs gone.

 not trying to step on toes or break any old fashion rules..  but if u got land to hunt more land to hunt then what u can hunt. ( some people have alot of land to hunt more then what they can cover)  u shouldnt get mad when sumone else starts hunting a spot they got permission to hunt. just like u got permission.. now if u can cover all the land u hunt then thats fine.. but if u only go there every so often or just a few times ayear... ur not helping the land owner with their problem... honey holes are nice. and hold hogs. but i thought we are trying to help stop the hog problem and have fun doing it.. if the land owner dont want the hogs there. then they gotta go.. and if ur not doing the job. then sumone else has to and will.. just like any job. the job has to be done..  land owners dont want hogs for a reason.

 how many land owners u know of that says yea u can hunt hogs on my land  but only every so often.. or when people pay u to catch them a hog with ur dogs. then its fine.


Alex...huntin the world!
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« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2011, 09:38:46 pm »

Muddogger I don't think anybody was saying anything about your age in a negative way. Threads like this always get people going. I agree with what you think. many hog hunters think that when they get permission to hunt they own the land. Others just want to be treated with respect.

My two cents is that the land owner is the land owner. If he wants hogs gone and the hunter with permission ain't getting it done then that hunter may need some help. So I would say if you got permission get the other person's info and call them. Not to ask for permission from them but out of respect and to avoid a bad situation. They may think you are a poacher and things get ugly. I know for a fact people on here have got permission and then walked away when when they found out there was another hunter. But if you are 13 and you have to walk to hunt then you are limited to where you can hunt and people should respect that too even if you can get a ride. It seems to me that you are a a young man that shows respect to others and I have no doubt you will handle this in a respectful manner. I wish my 13 year old son had half the respect for others you have. So no matter what you do have a bit of respect from me.

"...A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself..." John Stuart Mill
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2011, 08:35:46 am »

thanks for the help. i think.. didnt want to start up a mess here.. guess i will try to get ahold of the people who hunt there. and tell them the deal.. we are not trying to start anything withh other hunters or people for that matter...it would be the propper way. to let them know we will be hunting there. we did get permission. and the land owner wants the hogs gone.

 not trying to step on toes or break any old fashion rules..  but if u got land to hunt more land to hunt then what u can hunt. ( some people have alot of land to hunt more then what they can cover)  u shouldnt get mad when sumone else starts hunting a spot they got permission to hunt. just like u got permission.. now if u can cover all the land u hunt then thats fine.. but if u only go there every so often or just a few times ayear... ur not helping the land owner with their problem... honey holes are nice. and hold hogs. but i thought we are trying to help stop the hog problem and have fun doing it.. if the land owner dont want the hogs there. then they gotta go.. and if ur not doing the job. then sumone else has to and will.. just like any job. the job has to be done..  land owners dont want hogs for a reason.

 how many land owners u know of that says yea u can hunt hogs on my land  but only every so often.. or when people pay u to catch them a hog with ur dogs. then its fine.


It matters because you are an inexperienced kid asking for advice from adults who more than likely have had experience and understanding of the situation. The majority of the concensus by reputable people here is to not hunt the property....not at this time until the landowner understands the situation or other person is contacted.

The point is the other hunter has permission to hunt the property and coming behind him and gaining permission to hunt is not right and lacks morals. This is not an "old fashion rule" it is how good people hunt. This is not a job...it is a hobby and it can possibly help the landowner. Determining how many times or hogs a person is catching is not the question, neither is the amount of property an individual has to hunt.

This role will be reversed one day and I be willing to bet you would want the same respect.

Rex Bumpus
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« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2011, 09:06:20 am »

thank u dub. and yes me and my dad will do our best to contatct the other guy. who is suppose to be huntin there. we dont want no one to intrude on us so we will do the same. we will do our best to get ahold of the other hunter and let them know.. we will be huntin that property. we dont want anything bad out of this.. but we asked the land owner and he said yes we got his permission.. now if the other hunt is not doing his job. then that is on him. we do it for the fun of the hunt.. and to help out land owners.. if we can make money we will. but thats not what its about. thats just a added plus if u can. the other hunter might only go there every so often. or might no sumthing we dont. but we got permission. and the land owner wants the hogs gone. so we are going to do our best and help the land owner..

 and to other hunters out there. if u got permission to hunt more land then what u can... just know that this sport is growing. and there is people starting or just getting into it... and there is always sumone out there looking for more spots to hunt... if u dont want to lose a property. or any body else huntin it..  it would be in ur best interest to make the land owner happy.. every peace of land is different.. but u are suppose to be helping the land owners with their problem.. not just hunting the land when u want to. or u hunt it when u are getting payed. or when u just want to.. know this... u got permission to help the land owner.. and if the landowner is not happy or satisfied.. other hunters will do what the land owner ask for.. and in this case thats getting rid of the hogs off their land. so dont get mad at another hunter if ur not getting rid of the hogs. u think that the land owner and the hogs are going to wait for u.. then u need to pull ur head out of the clouds.. and cum back to reality..  u do ur job and u wont have to worry about other hunters moving in..  and the job is getting rid of the hogs.


Alex...huntin the world!
Catch Dog
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« Reply #26 on: November 16, 2011, 09:30:46 am »

Ok curdawgs so im clear on this what your saying is that say me for instance comes along and talks to a land owner and he tells me yea go right ahead and hunt my place anytime you want you have my permission to but another guy hunts it to the other guy being you i should just go hunt and if i see you out hunting to just say to bad i got permission to so deal with it sorry but that's not how it's suppose to be done what you should do is respectfully tell the land owner thanks but you already have a man hunting your place and its an unwritten law amongst hog hunters not to hunt behind a hunter who already has permission to hunt

PeeWee, Im really not trying to argue with anyone about this. Nothing is ever wrong with common courtisy. I give coutisy everytime I can. What Im saying if you dotn then its not wrong. If anyone as a sportman cant run into another sporotmans in the woods hunting and not be respectful then they have a problem. When I run into someone all I have to do (and I actually have had to do this) is load up my dogs, I ask them how they are doing, have they seen anything, tell them the same about my hunt find out where they are headed and go the other way. Simple and easy.

I am a land owner and when I give folks permission to hunt my land, I do not expect them to call the other folks to warn them that they are coming. As a matter of a fact, I would be insulted if guy 1 thought that guy 2 should call and warn him. He doesnt pay for upkeep or taxes on my land and further more he didnt buy the land and is only a guest. He is in no position to get angry or insulted at anybody that I gave permission to hunt on my land for not calling him. When I hunt other ppls land, I always call the landowner everytime I hunt. If he says someone else is there then I dont go. If they are calling him like I do then there porobably wont be any run ins. If there is then I see it as a problem of the other guy for not notifying the landowner. I would NEVER EVER back door someone.

On another note, next Febuary when the WMA's open up for hunting, I call dibs on the Union WMA in northern Louisiana. Its about 11,000 acres but due to the unspoken "hunters rule" I should get excluvie use of this place. Huh?Huh???

Guys, dont try to make me out to be a bad "hunter" here. Like Im breaking some golden rule. I am courtious and I would and do call when I can and it is convinient. But I am a busy man and barely have time to hunt and spend time working and with family so if I dotn have time and I have permission from the landwoner then Im not going to track down some other hunter.

Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you!
Catch Dog
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« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2011, 09:50:46 am »

we talk to our land ownerS before we hunt and after... to let them know when we are there. and that we are trying our best to help them with their problem... yea its a hobby  or a job  or just good old fashion fun..  to hunt they way we do. and it might not be rite to go and ask people for permission to hunt their. but how do we know if sumone is already hunting it. u never know that till u ask the land owner.. but if the land owner want the hogs gone. and already has sumone that has permission to be hunting it.  then yes that could be wrong on our part for asking permission...  but we ask alot of people and they say yes or no.. the land owners choice. not ours... and if they say yes. then will will start hunting that peace of land..  now in this case. we cant just move in and kick out. thats why i asked for advice.. and if my age has sumthing to do with hunting. then i must be a man. i asked for permission. and i got it. if the other hunter is not making the land owner happy. then thats on  him... we will not just move in on this property. and start hunting. we will do our best to find the other hunter. and let him know. i was raised to respect adults and others.. but if u look at me or find out how old i am. and start saying that u are to young to know rite from wrong or have no morals. or do u even have a ride to hunt. then you urself must not have any.  again im not trying to start anything here. like  i said i was asking for advice and got sum... if U dont agree with what im asking or doing. then mind ur own buisness..talking about my age. or morals makes u look like u dont want younger people in this sport.. and might be worried u might lose sum land to a younger person or another hunter.. plain and simple if u make the land owner happy.. then u wont have any problems losing a spot u got permission to hunt.. the other hunter must not be doing sumthing rite . in order for the land owner to give me permission to hunt that land now..                              DID YALL EVER THINK ABOUT THAT

Alex...huntin the world!
Hog Doom
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« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2011, 09:52:53 am »

I would have to agree with both arguing parties here... It is a good, old, unspoken rule to not step on another mans' toes, and that is hunting any kind of animal not just hogs. As an ethical hunter you will find out that doing what is "right" might not always show imediate results, but in the end, everything seems to work out for the better. Since the landowner gave you permission,and needs the hogs gone, that is your ticket in and get the job done. BUT! The main problem with that is trespassing or poaching... if the other hunters see you out there, "they" are right, there could be problems. It is better to just avoid that problem by trying to get in touch with the other hunters. Who knows, you may be able to link up with the other hog hunters and double up on the land...? Could be a little easier to spread 'em out and run 'em down! You never know man... My best advice would be that you should always try to be respectful, even if the other party is not. Karam comes back to us all, and esspecially in the hunting world. Either way it goes, you have permission, there is a hog problem, and it needs to be taken care of. I would just expect to have someone ask you what you are doing if you don't get a hold of the other hunters. It is just respect to "all of us hog doggers" to try and not step on each others' toes... and you can see that you have a good amount of opinions on this matter. LOL! Good hunting to ya and be safe out there muddogger98!

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Strike Dog
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« Reply #29 on: November 16, 2011, 10:02:47 am »


Catch Dog
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« Reply #30 on: November 16, 2011, 10:13:01 am »

I would have to agree with both arguing parties here... It is a good, old, unspoken rule to not step on another mans' toes, and that is hunting any kind of animal not just hogs. As an ethical hunter you will find out that doing what is "right" might not always show imediate results, but in the end, everything seems to work out for the better. Since the landowner gave you permission,and needs the hogs gone, that is your ticket in and get the job done. BUT! The main problem with that is trespassing or poaching... if the other hunters see you out there, "they" are right, there could be problems. It is better to just avoid that problem by trying to get in touch with the other hunters. Who knows, you may be able to link up with the other hog hunters and double up on the land...? Could be a little easier to spread 'em out and run 'em down! You never know man... My best advice would be that you should always try to be respectful, even if the other party is not. Karam comes back to us all, and esspecially in the hunting world. Either way it goes, you have permission, there is a hog problem, and it needs to be taken care of. I would just expect to have someone ask you what you are doing if you don't get a hold of the other hunters. It is just respect to "all of us hog doggers" to try and not step on each others' toes... and you can see that you have a good amount of opinions on this matter. LOL! Good hunting to ya and be safe out there muddogger98!

Agreed, well spoken. Good hunting to all of you guys!

Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you!
T-Bob Parker
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« Reply #31 on: November 16, 2011, 10:21:06 am »

I made reference to your age because your first opening section of the thread sounded like a young man wanting to know the right thing to do and I thought that was great! As you've continued to post and get your lself all wadded up I can say as a guy who works with kids, you dont sound  like a teenager. I now must assume you already have your mind made, and that you were seeking the approval of people you've never met on a world wide internet forum.  

I dont care if you are 13 or 35. I was just trying to offer some help. If your a kid, then your one of the argumentative thick headed types that were being discussed and I think y should relax and do what you feel is right. If your a grown man, then update your stats, its a little strange to present yourself as a 13 year old

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Strike Dog
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« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2011, 10:33:33 am »

I made reference to your age because your first opening section of the thread sounded like a young man wanting to know the right thing to do and I thought that was great! As you've continued to post and get your lself all wadded up I can say as a guy who works with kids, you dont sound  like a teenager. I now must assume you already have your mind made, and that you were seeking the approval of people you've never met on a world wide internet forum. 

I dont care if you are 13 or 35. I was just trying to offer some help. If your a kid, then your one of the argumentative thick headed types that were being discussed and I think y should relax and do what you feel is right. If your a grown man, then update your stats, its a little strange to present yourself as a 13 year old

Judging by some of his past posts, I think it is a dad and son that both post under the same name??? Huh?
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2011, 12:26:22 pm »

I made reference to your age because your first opening section of the thread sounded like a young man wanting to know the right thing to do and I thought that was great! As you've continued to post and get your lself all wadded up I can say as a guy who works with kids, you dont sound  like a teenager. I now must assume you already have your mind made, and that you were seeking the approval of people you've never met on a world wide internet forum. 

I dont care if you are 13 or 35. I was just trying to offer some help. If your a kid, then your one of the argumentative thick headed types that were being discussed and I think y should relax and do what you feel is right. If your a grown man, then update your stats, its a little strange to present yourself as a 13 year old

Judging by some of his past posts, I think it is a dad and son that both post under the same name??? Huh?

ryan u and blake do alotta hunting down here in my area. and i have had permission to hunt some of the same spots yall hunt. but i would never do that to yall. even though im sure with me liven a cpl miles from those spot i could catch more hogs then yall. instaed of hunting it by myself i would rather give yall a call hook up and bring a cpl of dogs and give some hogs he!!. get ahold of blake and lets make a run sometime here soon.

Dogs hit the ground noses down! That's how we roll...
Hog Doom
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« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2011, 12:53:45 pm »

I made reference to your age because your first opening section of the thread sounded like a young man wanting to know the right thing to do and I thought that was great! As you've continued to post and get your lself all wadded up I can say as a guy who works with kids, you dont sound  like a teenager. I now must assume you already have your mind made, and that you were seeking the approval of people you've never met on a world wide internet forum. 

I dont care if you are 13 or 35. I was just trying to offer some help. If your a kid, then your one of the argumentative thick headed types that were being discussed and I think y should relax and do what you feel is right. If your a grown man, then update your stats, its a little strange to present yourself as a 13 year old

Judging by some of his past posts, I think it is a dad and son that both post under the same name??? Huh?
Whats going on Big Chris!!!? Been a little while... think I had my buddy from work with us last time I saw you and your crew...? But He!! yeah, lets do that. We go every weekend, and would love to do work bro! If you know of a place that we haven't been in a while then lets give em he!!... just let me know man.

ryan u and blake do alotta hunting down here in my area. and i have had permission to hunt some of the same spots yall hunt. but i would never do that to yall. even though im sure with me liven a cpl miles from those spot i could catch more hogs then yall. instaed of hunting it by myself i would rather give yall a call hook up and bring a cpl of dogs and give some hogs he!!. get ahold of blake and lets make a run sometime here soon.


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Hog Doom
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MR. Whitten

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« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2011, 04:48:43 pm »

hell i just got through going thru this post . and being an older gentleman all i can say is . unless you own the land there ain't no such rule i ever heard of that states just because someone else is huntin that land you shouldn't or you should call anybody except the landowner and tell them you are going hunting . where do you guys come up with all this . when i was a coonhuntin hell granny hall would tell just about anybody to go ahead and hunt or fish her property . alot of times we'd meet other hunters down in them bottoms and we'd just wind up huntin together . i'm gettin older by the day but i know this much there ain't no such rule spoken or unspoken ya'll get over it .

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2011, 04:58:41 pm »

hell i just got through going thru this post . and being an older gentleman all i can say is . unless you own the land there ain't no such rule i ever heard of that states just because someone else is huntin that land you shouldn't or you should call anybody except the landowner and tell them you are going hunting . where do you guys come up with all this . when i was a coonhuntin hell granny hall would tell just about anybody to go ahead and hunt or fish her property . alot of times we'd meet other hunters down in them bottoms and we'd just wind up huntin together . i'm gettin older by the day but i know this much there ain't no such rule spoken or unspoken ya'll get over it .
LOL! I guess it is just a new thing with the new generation then... but every hog hunter I have met goes by that rule. I think it is just to avoid confusion and confrontation. I am with both sides on this... if the landowner has a problem it needs to be taken care of, PERIOD. I just know that we have a few plots of land that we hunt, and if we came accross someone on any of them, besides Big Chris LOL, we would deff ask what/why were they doing? and if they have permission? Now if they have permission that is another story... it's not like you can tell or ask them to leave. What happens if the other hunters hunting are rifle hunters and you have your dogs, or say add that senerio to the others about guys having permission but not notifying the landowner. Then one of them shoots one of your dogs. What then? I just think nowadays with how fast this is growing, and how many people are hunting hogs in so many diff ways, that it is just good practice to be as well informed as you possibly can. You know? It all really comes down to common courtesy I think.

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T-Bob Parker
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« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2011, 06:25:04 pm »

I'll tell why I follow that rule, outside of a few guys who know i enjoy hunting with them, and a few guys i know thru here, i dont like or trust most other hog doggers. Im sure plenty are good folks, but I've met several who are simply looking for something to make smoking dope more exciting. I've met some who if impressed by a dog, will simply steal it. I've met a few who are just unsavory.

all the explaining i feel like giving.

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« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2011, 07:10:47 pm »

In my opinion there would be two rerasons a person wouldnt follow that standard. They are desperate for hunting places and lack hunting morals.

The type of person that will come in and hunt behind someone else or back door another hunter are typically not the kind of people a respectable person would want to associate themselves around.

A lot of this can be avoided by visiting with the landowner.

Rex Bumpus
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« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2011, 08:43:41 pm »

hell that ain't the point of it . now if you pull up to hunt and you see someone else allready there you go to your other spot . you don't dump dogs out on top of someone that wouldn't be right for nobody . but unless you and the landowner have reached an agrement that you have exclusive hoggin rites to the property or  you lease the hog rites this is just the way it is . most these land owners want results and if you are not giving it to them trust me they will look elsewhere for them . thats how i picked up all the farmland i hunted from the trappers they wasn't gittin it done . just remember your honeyhole you are so fond of is some farmer or ranchers nightmare . and i am one of the most ehtical hunters around been at this damage control since it was no more than the coons in the cornfields . nothin makes me madder than goin down the road and lookin over and seeing 100 hogs out in somebodys hay field and one little hog trap stuck off in the corner , you can bet i'm gonna stop and talk to somebody . and be ashured i'll give them my card and tell them i can and will help them out with the problem if whoever can't get it done . cause i hate hogs love a good dog but hate hogs . in my opinion we all as hog doggers should be of the same mind to get the hogs under control and restore the o so fragile balance in the wildlife envirment of texas .

hattak at ofi piso

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