I would try to stay away from that

. I had a bad expereince with that kind of deal.
A while back I did the same thing with a guy one time because I had so many dogs and he was kind of in a bind. I lent him a dog and then later I went to get it back and he wouldn't give it to me. Because it was in his posession I was the one going to have to fight to get the dog back. It would have cost around $200 in court-type fees.
I was going to handle it the old fashion way but his ol lady called the cops and said I was threatening them. :

Finally I just said screw it and got another dog around a year and had it going in a couple months. That guy had probably already ruined my dog by running it with his trashy @$#% any ways.
I just ruined his name after it and now he can't find a good dog in this area if his life depended on it. Every one just sells him junk they want to get rid of....