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Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
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Topic: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show (Read 17089 times)
Catch Dog
Posts: 129
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #180
December 08, 2011, 11:39:47 pm »
Quote from: TonyB. on December 08, 2011, 11:29:08 pm
Okay Ugly,
Let me bring you up to speed.
For starters, I have never owned any parts of HDL. That said, I have no control over what HDL decided to do. Everything that happened with HDL was there decision making. I was a production company that was originally hired to videotape them in the woods, hunting hogs. After the first day of shooting, I explained that they would be a great reality show. While I will admit that if HDL had not been torn apart, by someone other than me, it would have definitely complimented the sport. Unfortunately, it was, and I had nothing to do with it.
So, in response to your post, if HDL would have belonged to me, it would still be a successful show on the air. As it was, it did not, so anyone who might be sour concerning the outcome should look at themselves, not me.
However, the show that I am working on will be nothing like HDL, but I can assure you this. IT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!!!
As for me recognizing that this is a community? Well duh? Why in the H - - - do you think I'm here? I need true talent.
In closing, let me send a message out to all the individuals who have been contemplating on whether or not they want to get involved with the show.
I spoke with a young lady earlier who told me about how much my post was being dogged on the site. I didn't even know how to respond to the post until today, but once I learned of it, I decided to defend myself and my intentions.
Its quite clear that a number of peoples opinions made her somewhat reserve about doing business with that I can only say this.
If what I am offering is anything less than what you are looking for, then you should follow your heart. I have been very candid and open about what I am looking for, but I need you to be sure of what you want to do. Long after all of the passionate opinions of some people on this site have been posted, there will come a time when me and my production team will have gone into the woods, shot the shows, presented them to the networks, and yes....made our money (however bad that may seem)
Its not a matter of whether it is going to happen, but how quickly we can make it happen. You've seen my work, and researched my company, so I am totally transparent at this point. I don't care to name names, I just want your talent. If its what you want, I'll expect to hear from you soon. If not, I totally understand.
I have a show to produce, and that's what I intend to do.
Vindictive people and their opinions will only go for so long, sooner or later, people begin to put 2 and 2 together and read between the lines.
You have my number.
Good night boys and girls, I'll be back again to play another day. I gotta get some sleep. But keep the comments coming, they get better with time.
Good Job Tony I liked the way you handled this in this post it was very professional except a few minor things. If you had handled it in this way from the beginning nobody would have gotten on you like they did. I know your passionate about what your doing, and that is clear but you got a little too defensive on here with some things you said. If you can find the right people that actually know what they are doing and you do what you say and eliminate some of the over dramatic hollywood side of these shows well I think you will have every chance to succeed. Keep handling the dogging you are receiving with this level of professionalism and make your show, and if it is like you say it will be you will earn respect.
Hog Doom
Posts: 3654
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #181
December 08, 2011, 11:48:19 pm »
"The day will come when I'll enjoy farting in the face of all my nay-sayers on this site...."
LMAO real professional there huh.
NAY says I
Victor dog food dealer. Cleveland Texas
Catch Dog
Posts: 129
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #182
December 08, 2011, 11:51:13 pm »
Quote from: Peachcreek on December 08, 2011, 11:48:19 pm
"The day will come when I'll enjoy farting in the face of all my nay-sayers on this site...."
LMAO real professional there huh.
NAY says I
I posted my comment before he posted that I guess I spoke to soon. Just trying to help the guy out seems like he means well but my 4 years of college it took to get my business degree the first lesson is professionalism it will sure get you a long way and if he would consistently show some some of us might get off his back.
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 24
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #183
December 08, 2011, 11:55:11 pm »
Hey Victor....
I just ya smell it?
Catch Dog
Posts: 129
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #184
December 09, 2011, 12:02:27 am »
Man you make it real hard for someone to even try to help you out. I really do not see how you run your production company if you cannot show any true professionalism. You want us here to support you be professional show respect. You have to show respect to get respect. You are going to take heat trying to start something like this you knew that getting into it so step up to the plate and take it and keep moving like a true businessman should.
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
Global Moderator
Hog Doom
Posts: 3633
It's a good day to have a great day!
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #185
December 09, 2011, 12:36:21 am »
Tony, heres what you wrote, For others I highlighted some of Tony's little remarks to share with those that may be tired of reading through all the BS
Hey Potter,
Thanks for the reply, but the 2 girls that I'm referring to are not the 2 girls on Lady Hoggers. That said, I was the guy who shot the first promo reel for the HDL girls, but I didn't own the idea, nor the video, so that's not mine to discuss. The 2 girls that I was referring to are members of the site, and I have nothing to say bad about them, only that for legal reasons we won't be working together.
As for the show that I am working on, someone suggested that it was a remake of the HDL me, this show will not only remain true to the sport, but it will include and entire posse of women. Upwards of 7 - 10.
I wish I could say that there won't be any Hollywood in it, but this is tv, so there will be. But I can make this promise to the hog hunters out there...IT WILL REMAIN TRUE TO THE SPORT!
Heres is what I wrote
The Saddest part is Tony has not understood that that the people on this forum are a community. The ones that do know what they are doing are not going to get caught up in this dog and piggy show, no matter how good the "pitch" sounds.
The people that may contact and want "fame and glory" are the the people that need some attention that are lacking somewhere else, so I hope they are good actors at "man handling a hog" cause all the editing in the world aint helping the "texas babes" in Florida look like they know what they are doing but the Production guys may have them looking like the "budweiser girls of Hog Hunting".
I am sure its all legal mumbo jumbo too complicated for a bunch of us redneck hog hunters to understand, but If your previous team was as good as you say, you are as good as you say, it just sounds FISHY that you did not have all your legal contracts hashed out before you began filming in first place, does not sound very professional, or something not adding up with your statements.
You already said you are not paying much but you will be getting paid, laughing all the way to the bank? You are in OUR neighborhood now fella, We are folks that do man handle hogs as you called it for sport and heritage (might help if you learned a little about subject your trying to talk about sound more credible), not the bottom feeders scamming internet forum for a with self esteem issues still dreaming of being rock stars
You may use this forum to pick up a few folks Tony, but like that other guy that used some people he too thought were real hunters. Did take long get those bubbles busted, yo may may want to research your "STARS" and hire a consultant to do some research on them before you go head over heals producing all these fine Hunters, wirth lots of Real experience that supposedly care about keeping the sport real! Of course maybe thats just what I heard that real companies do, rather than brag on their mad skills about going to the bank!
You said that was not HDL girls, so you fired these girls in middle of production or trhey fired you? where was the proffesional production company, consultants, CONTRACTS for these JAM UP HOG HUNTERS, AWKWARD CONTRADICTION AGAIN?
So how do I respond to this.....
1st, as I've said several times already, I wasn't calling Chance out, merely letting him know that I was on the site.
2nd, I have 3 daughters myself, all of which I consider totally beautiful, but like it or not, unattractive women don't hold the attention of men who ain't hog hunters. There, I said it, and I ain't taking it back.
Little girl, I do tv, and I don't apologize for it. If your a mud-duck, suck it up and realize that your not what I'm looking for. Crystal will tell you that I don't mince words, and I shoot straight....whether its with my M-16, or with my forward words, I tell it like it is.
But even saying that, I am respectful. My respect for the moderator of the site is the only thing stopping me from saying what I really want to say. I'm glad you like Crystal and Chance. I'm glad they're popular on this site, but again, I am not here for Crystal and Chance Ward, I am here to find talent for my show, and consultants.
Plain and simple.
Get a life little girl, and stay out of grown folks business.
WE SEE WHY YOU ARE HERE, You sure did shoot that straight, NOT TO CONTRIBUTE ANYTHING POSITIVE TO THIS SITE or FORUM , I see a drum roll coming on
Hey Alpha,
I can respect your statement....but if you've seen the pics of the women that have responded to my post....I don't for one moment regret what I said.
Look, people are doing everything in their power to put my show down and make others feel uncomfortable about doing my show....
Go ahead, get it all out. But when all the smoke is cleared, and the dust settles,
I will have more than likely got everything I need from this site, and I have the moderator to thank for it.
But this is my last time posting this statement.
So I really don't care about people bashing my post....go for it, I'm a big boy, I can take it....but me and
12 other people
from this site are gonna get a heck of a lot of money from their willingness to offer their talents.
To that I say.....see ya'll at the bank...
How am I suppose to take someones lawyers contacting me telling me to stop the production of a show that I asked them to be a part of, saying that it belonged to their client?
Its not possible to take that the wrong way.
But trust this....
Once you see what I have in mind, I can guarantee 2 things, we've never discussed it for HDL, and I will remain true to the sport, as I've always said. Put yourself in my shoes. I got screwed shortly after I finished the promo, and people acted like it never happened, but it did.
But that's okay. It forced me to totally restructure everything about the show, and find new talent, just so that I would have no legal problems, so that's what I did.
I still have a lot of respect for you, so much that I won't force a bad word about you, but I am going forward with my show. As much as I would have loved to have you in the capacity that we spoke of, I wouldn't expect you to go against the grain.
.....One thing is definitely for sure,,
as much hell as I've had to endure from this website
just because I mentioned that I was looking for beautiful women who knew how to hunt?
The ratings should be through the damn roof.
I hate that this site appears to have drawn a wedge between you and I. No one on here knows of the relationship between us prior to my post....
Maybe if they did, they'd recognize their own ignorance by trying to make me out to be bashing you.....
I haven't changed at all, you just haven't put yourself in my shoes...
Be safe my friend.
Okay Ugly,
Let me bring you up to speed.
For starters, I have never owned any parts of HDL. That said, I have no control over what HDL decided to do. Everything that happened with HDL was there decision making. I was a production company that was originally hired to videotape them in the woods, hunting hogs. After the first day of shooting, I explained that they would be a great reality show. While I will admit that if HDL had not been torn apart, by someone other than me, it would have definitely complimented the sport. Unfortunately, it was, and I had nothing to do with it.
So, in response to your post, if HDL would have belonged to me, it would still be a successful show on the air. As it was, it did not, so anyone who might be sour concerning the outcome should look at themselves, not me.
However, the show that I am working on will be nothing like HDL, but I can assure you this. IT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!!!
As for me recognizing that this is a community? Well duh? Why in the H - - - do you think I'm here? I need true talent.
In closing, let me send a message out to all the individuals who have been contemplating on whether or not they want to get involved with the show.
I spoke with a young lady earlier who told me about how much my post was being dogged on the site. I didn't even know how to respond to the post until today, but once I learned of it, I decided to defend myself and my intentions.
Its quite clear that a number of peoples opinions made her somewhat reserve about doing business with that I can only say this.
If what I am offering is anything less than what you are looking for, then you should follow your heart. I have been very candid and open about what I am looking for, but I need you to be sure of what you want to do. Long after all of the passionate opinions of some people on this site have been posted, there will come a time when me and my production team will have gone into the woods, shot the shows, presented them to the networks, and yes....made our money (however bad that may seem)
Its not a matter of whether it is going to happen, but how quickly we can make it happen. You've seen my work, and researched my company, so I am totally transparent at this point. I don't care to name names, I just want your talent. If its what you want, I'll expect to hear from you soon. If not, I totally understand.
I have a show to produce, and that's what I intend to do.
Vindictive people and their opinions will only go for so long,
sooner or later, people begin to put 2 and 2 together and read between the lines.
You have my number.
Good night boys and girls,
I'll be back again to play another day
. I gotta get some sleep. But keep the comments coming, they get better with time.
Yes TONY I imagine the inteelegent people will read between the lines sooner than later... hopefully
Hey Noah,
I know where your coming from, but what I have in mind will definitely be a breath of fresh air, and no, it hasn't been done yet.
I mean, there will be hunting shows from now till the cows come home, but the structure and writing of a show is what separates it. Just because a hog show has been done, doesn't mean that no other network will pick up another one.
It takes careful planning to create something that will be considered unique, while maintaining its true heritage.
Keep an eye out for it. I won't tell the name of the show just yet, but once I finish the pitch reel, I'll post it online after the networks have approved it, and picked up the show.
I won't waste my breath trying to get you to believe me, I'll just say, watch what happens.
The day will come when I'll enjoy farting in the face of all my nay-sayers on this site.
Stay tuned.
NO THanks TONY, I am not interested in filming for you or any other film companies that are not interested in this heritage. I have been contacted many times before and the answer remains the same until the right attitude comes along that is truly a professional with mine, everyone else dogs and our hunting heritage best interest at heart. Then myself as many other will open our homes, our history and our hearts. I dedicate way more hours than I should to protect the rights and heritage of using my dogs, to allow some cityslicker with a big attitude throw it all away for me for a minutes of facetime.
Here is your last peice of free advice from me. You need to check your remarks and attitude at the door, this is a private owned forum that can be a great home to many a good people to share and communicate. I have made friends all over this country from this sight, hell my huband is hunting bear in TN. with another member in the morning behind dogs. This is our life and our passion, not a reality TV show for somebody with a camera to gawk at.
So far you Bragged about how you will be at the bank profitting from what you have taking from this forum, Complained about how you are being treated, and talked about what a straight shooter and how real you will keepthe sport amd tell us you have 12 people frm this sight lined up already, and going to FART in OUR FACES, WEll DONE really TOny what is NEXT?
how about looking at your website? I watched the Slumber party video at this link
or atleast the first few seconds of it
Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 01:49:45 am by uglydog
Catch Dog
Posts: 129
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #186
December 09, 2011, 12:44:08 am »
Well said Ugly Dog very well said, and with true
Levi Hutchison L16Films
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 19
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #187
December 09, 2011, 06:38:53 am »
I'm kinda scared to post this because I don't want to get this roached off this site to but here's what we've come up with for a Internet series, It had to be put into two parts due to the length. Give us some feedback! Thanks!
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
Global Moderator
Hog Doom
Posts: 3633
It's a good day to have a great day!
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #188
December 09, 2011, 08:11:34 am »
looks like you already posted in it own thread, so I dont guess you are too scared,
Circle C
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
Posts: 5372
WWT Official Scorer
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #189
December 09, 2011, 08:20:21 am »
If , after reading this thread, anyone feels they need to contact Tony, it will need to be through a site other than ETHD. TonyB has been banned, and will never again be a member of ETHD.
He was pretty clear in his intentions. He wanted to find some "talent" from ETHD, then go make money. No harm in that. Except that it was pretty obvious that he does not care about how hog dogging is portrayed to the rest of the world. "MY INTENT IS TO REMAIN TRUE TO THE SPORT. " repeatedly making this statement, doesn't mean squat, when he doesn't KNOW this sport. You have to live it, to know it. If a handful of people manage to ruin the image of hog dogging, it won't take much until hog dogging is just a distant memory for all of us. Here at ETHD, we'd like our grandchildren to be able to legally hog dog, just as we, and our ancestors before us have. We will not help someone that does not care about our sport/heritage, or its future.
I thought about deleting this thread last night, but I wanted everyone that may have contacted Tony, to see just how "professional" he really is. I'll leave it up a while for everyone to see, just know that Tony can't respond....
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Bar R Ranch
Strike Dog
Posts: 326
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #190
December 09, 2011, 08:26:08 am »
Quote from: Circle C on December 09, 2011, 08:20:21 am
If , after reading this thread, anyone feels they need to contact Tony, it will need to be through a site other than ETHD. TonyB has been banned, and will never again be a member of ETHD.
He was pretty clear in his intentions. He wanted to find some "talent" from ETHD, then go make money. No harm in that. Except that it was pretty obvious that he does not care about how hog dogging is portrayed to the rest of the world. "MY INTENT IS TO REMAIN TRUE TO THE SPORT. " repeatedly making this statement, doesn't mean squat, when he doesn't KNOW this sport. You have to live it, to know it. If a handful of people manage to ruin the image of hog dogging, it won't take much until hog dogging is just a distant memory for all of us. Here at ETHD, we'd like our grandchildren to be able to legally hog dog, just as we, and our ancestors before us have. We will not help someone that does not care about our sport/heritage, or its future.
I thought about deleting this thread last night, but I wanted everyone that may have contacted Tony, to see just how "professional" he really is. I'll leave it up a while for everyone to see, just know that Tony can't respond....
Well said! I would like to compliment the moderators on handling this like true professionals
T-Bob Parker
Hog Doom
Posts: 4545
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #191
December 09, 2011, 08:42:47 am »
Thanks Chris. I was hoping it would be left up for his intentions to be put on display for the world.
That being said, I dont care how much money is offered, me and my Rockies jeans, red Justin ropers and nightgown that were borrowed from CWard will not be made famous by this douche.
Windows Down, Waylon Up.
Cutter Bay Kennels
Hog Doom
Posts: 4279
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #192
December 09, 2011, 08:48:38 am »
Thank you Chris. Anyone who has had the honor of meeting the Wards can't help but like your decision.
Cutter Bay Kennels
Big Game Blueticks
"To me it is not always about the game you caught, but the memories you can't let go of.
" Josh Farnsworth
Hog Doom
Posts: 3654
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #193
December 09, 2011, 08:49:11 am »
thanks Chris...... i was fixing to drive down to richmond and cut loose my pack of chit eaters at his house, he would have been gone in minutes.
Victor dog food dealer. Cleveland Texas
Catch Dog
Posts: 125
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #194
December 09, 2011, 08:52:12 am »
Just saw this thread this morning. Read all the way through it. It was kind of like a great book that ended very anticlimactic. I knew the bad guy would be banned at the end of it, but I thought it was going to be with one of those great one liners from Mike like "See Ya!" or something like that.
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 15
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #195
December 09, 2011, 09:00:38 am »
Quote from: Circle C on December 09, 2011, 08:20:21 am
I thought about deleting this thread last night, but I wanted everyone that may have contacted Tony, to see just how "professional" he really is. I'll leave it up a while for everyone to see, just know that Tony can't respond....
Thanks Chris for bringing this all to an end. I was getting quite aggravated with how my wife was being replied to last night. I always back her up 100% and wont let anyone respond to her like that. On the other hand she is also tough enough to take care of herself so I just sat back and let her defend herself ready to jump in at a moments notice if I needed too.
Married to TinyTexasCowgirl. I am such a lucky Man
Circle C
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
Posts: 5372
WWT Official Scorer
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #196
December 09, 2011, 09:03:59 am »
Quote from: sp on December 09, 2011, 08:52:12 am
Just saw this thread this morning. Read all the way through it. It was kind of like a great book that ended very anticlimactic. I knew the bad guy would be banned at the end of it, but I thought it was going to be with one of those great one liners from Mike like "See Ya!" or something like that.
Sorry you didn't approve of the ending.
Mike is out in God's country shooting elk/axis, and chasing the big toothys with Jesse Paul. Knowing that he was not available to do any forum maintenance, I took advantage of the situation. I told Mike that I would only handle this issue, if he would give me a 400% pay increase. He wasn't thrilled about it, but with him between a rock and a hard place, he agreed to my pay raise. Damn, I almost feel like that Tony guy now.... all about the money, and to hell with my friends/ associates.
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Hog Doom
Posts: 3241
Trenton Wilbanks Daingerfield,Tx
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #197
December 09, 2011, 09:55:29 am »
Quote from: Circle C on December 09, 2011, 09:03:59 am
Knowing that he was not available to do any forum maintenance, I took advantage of the situation. I told Mike that I would only handle this issue, if he would give me a 400% pay increase. He wasn't thrilled about it, but with him between a rock and a hard place, he agreed to my pay raise. Damn, I almost feel like that Tony guy now.... all about the money, and to hell with my friends/ associates.
But your " Intent to remain true to the sport " should have been enough for Mike to give you the raise anyways...
Hog Master
Posts: 1523
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #198
December 09, 2011, 11:32:00 am »
D@mn it. I read every page of this watching this Tony B douche bag try and explain how TRUE his intentions are, all the way to the bank and now I can't even pick on the boy...
Our houses are protected by the good lord and a gun, you might meet em both if you show up here unwelcome son..
Circle C
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
Posts: 5372
WWT Official Scorer
Re: Female Hog Hunters needed for reality show
Reply #199
December 09, 2011, 11:38:09 am »
Quote from: t.wilbanks on December 09, 2011, 09:55:29 am
Quote from: Circle C on December 09, 2011, 09:03:59 am
Knowing that he was not available to do any forum maintenance, I took advantage of the situation. I told Mike that I would only handle this issue, if he would give me a 400% pay increase. He wasn't thrilled about it, but with him between a rock and a hard place, he agreed to my pay raise. Damn, I almost feel like that Tony guy now.... all about the money, and to hell with my friends/ associates.
But your " Intent to remain true to the sport " should have been enough for Mike to give you the raise anyways...
I keep asking for percentage raises, and Mike keeps agreeing to them. Problem seems to stem from the starting pay of ZERO. No matter how many times he agrees to double, triple, or quadruple my pay, the total is still the same as the starting pay....
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
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