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Author Topic: Hometown Hog Doggers Episode 1  (Read 3346 times)
Hog Doom
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« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2011, 11:43:52 am »

Lol good memory bump but was caught and then this one missed probally 60 miles apart.  This is why I run atleast 2 cds
Circle C
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« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2011, 11:55:43 am »

Y'all must be talking about this 460# hog....


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« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2011, 12:08:41 pm »

OHH what good memories the ETHD family has! Grin

Levi Hutchison L16Films
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« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2011, 12:37:32 pm »

Sorry guys I can't help you on the 460 pig that was before I met Michael. I just know he has been taught by some of the best around and has very well trained dogs. And he's looking to hunt he doesn't care about what other people think and he's not out there to try and be the next hog hunting star. And that's the type of person I'm looking to film. Someone who comes from the roots of hunting and keeps pushing the old style and original way of hunting
Hog Doom
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« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2011, 12:49:39 pm »

Who is some of the best around, I am in need of training.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2011, 01:26:10 pm »

Sorry guys I can't help you on the 460 pig that was before I met Michael. I just know he has been taught by some of the best around and has very well trained dogs. And he's looking to hunt he doesn't care about what other people think and he's not out there to try and be the next hog hunting star. And that's the type of person I'm looking to film. Someone who comes from the roots of hunting and keeps pushing the old style and original way of hunting

He seems like an ok kid. He talks well and you have done a good job on the video. Some of the things he has said and done a few years back has soured a few people on here but nonetheless probably a good kid. Your gonna catch some crap from all of us on here being new and in the business you are promoting...considering all the TV hog hunting everyone is not happy about...just makes an easy target.

You cant get mad when people call you out on the staged video...there is no doubt the daytime video was staged. Heck I might do the same to obtain the necessary footage needed for a few edits. Ill watch your future clips as well.

Rex Bumpus
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« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2011, 01:39:29 pm »

He seems like an ok kid. He talks well and you have done a good job on the video. Some of the things he has said and done a few years back has soured a few people on here but nonetheless probably a good kid. Your gonna catch some crap from all of us on here being new and in the business you are promoting...considering all the TV hog hunting everyone is not happy about...just makes an easy target.

x2,   I still have a laugh now and then about the 460# bo  that they somehow loaded up on front of a little four wheeler.  Good hog yes, 460# hog, no.   At any rate, I'd like to think he might have learned from past mistakes, and is older and wiser now.


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« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2011, 02:26:13 pm »

Lol good memory bump but was caught and then this one missed probally 60 miles apart.  This is why I run atleast 2 cds

I do as well. I used to hunt with one. Obviously anything can happen but catches seem to go a lot smoother and less dogs cut with two.

Rex Bumpus
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« Reply #28 on: December 09, 2011, 03:04:04 pm »

I like it better then the river people trailer Wink

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« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2011, 04:38:08 pm »

Hog against the fence looks like it got loose out of a pen, hog in woods is drugged or injured or been tied, you treated that hog pretty ruff draging it and loading it,  city people will look at this and say look, those are bad kids who are fighting sick hogs with pitbulls and have no respect for the animal they hunt, do you have the number to PETA and the Humane Society, i want to drop a nickel and make a donation, please delete this video and take it off the web, its a discrace!!!

While I agree that some of  what I have seen so far is staged...the video was not that bad. Making comments about supporting peta and hsus against another dogger is much more disgrace than that video.

Some of you dont get it, I was not advocating calling peta, I said city people will, videos like this are a dime a dozen on utube, that is where it belongs, when they come to file animal cruelty charges on you it will be too late, dont ruin it for the rest of us, you need to read the animal cruelty contact defintion from Texas, somebody could say this website is depicing pit bulls fighting hogs in a staged  fenced off area, films like these cause everybody to lose not just you, you are operating on lack of knowledge of what can happen to you from posting borderline videos that peta and hsoa could use for ammo to start a investigation of the owners of the site and you and anybody in that film.  I was not the only one that noticed that hog acting off if you notice.  What if a peta type was reading this and saw your video and forwarded it to a law enforcement offical, first thing they will ask is where did you get this, ETHD website, then it goes downhill from there......I dont think that hog was  found that day in the wild, especially the one next to the fence, was it let out of a pen or what??  Why dont you delete it and start over with something better than this attempt???

On another note...sounds like that 460 lb hog they caught a few years go just slipped by him....he said it was waist tall.  Grin There are some things that are way different than what I would do in the woods (shooting at a hog with dog on it) but it appears to be some good footage and well edited. Thanks for sharing.

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Levi Hutchison L16Films
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« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2011, 07:51:09 pm »

I think your blowing this a little out of proportion. Also I asked you to please not comment on my videos. You've already crossed the line with me and I am not nor will I ever take anything you say into consideration. I am sorry. But I will try to make my next few episodes "animal friendly" as possible.

Circle C
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« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2011, 09:39:21 pm »

I think your blowing this a little out of proportion. Also I asked you to please not comment on my videos. You've already crossed the line with me and I am not nor will I ever take anything you say into consideration. I am sorry. But I will try to make my next few episodes "animal friendly" as possible.

He's got every right to post on these forums as you do. You asked for feedback, you didn't ask for positive feedback.... Maybe you should be more careful of what you ask for on a public forum. Wink

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« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2011, 10:02:18 pm »

Levi...Although he seems to be a bit of a smarta.. that can be a touchy or careful situation on public forums.  Personally I didn't see anything bad in your videos. Just something that most doggers can pick out.

Rex Bumpus
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« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2011, 10:07:14 pm »

They are good videos, much more documentary like and interesting than what has been shown in the past on t.v. and much more pleasant than most of what is shown on youtube.

Things I would personally change if I were the one editing:

1. Dogs catching where the fence is seen just isn't a good thing.
2. Red hog in the river bottom, there is something up and it doesn't look right...to me she looks like she is give out.  I know it is hard to use a fresh hog in such a close proximity but that just doesn't look good.

I think you are well on your way.  I would like to see some interviews with old dog men and try to do something on the dogs themselves....to me it is marketable if you do it in a tasteful way and do a little cleaning up but otherwise good job!

Levi Hutchison L16Films
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« Reply #34 on: December 09, 2011, 10:21:06 pm »

I understand where all y'all are coming from and am taking it all into consideration. The one thing I have learned from posting on thus site is that it's a cut throat thing. Either you make it or you don't, and if I don't take what y'all tell me and use it then I won't make it. The only thing that bothers me is when people want to get offensive about this and just try to dilberatly shut me down and call my video a disgrace. There is a way better way to approach subjects like the past couple comments have been approached.

Sorry if I am maybe seeming cocky or like I'm not listening because I'm not, I'm just trying to stick up for myself in the most professional manner I can.

Levi Hutchison L16Films
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« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2011, 10:23:12 pm »

And PS you read my mind, I have already sat down with some of the"old men" of the sport.
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« Reply #36 on: December 09, 2011, 10:36:52 pm »

I will tell you what I tell my younger 'in-laws'....you just have to take opinions with a grain of salt, step back and look at what people are telling you; you do not have to agree with it or even do it their way but outside opinions are typically much more true even though they can seem vengeful at the time and everyone has a better way of doing things no matter who is doing it so just take it with a grain of salt.

I think you are headed in a good direction, criticism is the best tool to learn with if you can dance the dance and not loose your cool.

This forum can be tough at times but it is a great place with alot of knowledge and straight forward answers, I think once you get used to some of the personalities you will be just fine! just dance  Wink
salvation knls
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« Reply #37 on: December 09, 2011, 10:45:16 pm »

good stuff
Hog Doom
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« Reply #38 on: December 09, 2011, 10:50:34 pm »

There is many many different people on this forum with just as many different opinions .  One thing you got to learn is you are not going to please everybody and then some you will.  You got to take the good with the bad if you are going to come on a public forum and ask for feed back and opinions.  If it were me I sure nuff would be open minded and open for all kinds of advise but I don't think I would  do it on a public forum just to many different people with different ideals and opinions.  Pick you out some old time doggers and other folks hell some new ones they got good ideals too and get there opinions and then use your common sense and run with your show and never stop learning and always have open mind and you will do just fine.

To many people to many different ways to many opinions can only lead to argument's !

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
Hog Doom
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« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2011, 11:55:58 am »

I say bring on the negative feedback... That is honestly (IMO) what you need the most! What good does it do to you or anyone else that is making a movie, if the person watching it said, "good job" every time. We, as A/V editors/producers, need negativity to improve on what others view as inappropriate or inhumane. If you want your show to be VERY successful (IMO) it needs to be accepted by anyone who watches. Now after saying that, if you are not trying to reach a more broadened group of viewers, then show what you want and what you feel passionate about. Personally, I want to film and show what WE consider to be interesting, and although I like input and feedback, our films are really for us to just watch our dogs more closely to examine each of the dogs’ tactics and skills. Our videos are really just point-of-view shots of our excitement that we like to share. Like I said before, I like your editing skills, and I would have to agree with the others that the “old school” doggers would be a great addition on the sit down talks part. (JMO) but if you were to add couple more things like hunting with different groups of doggers, and showing how other people hunt as well would be good addition. I love seeing two different packs interact with each other… never know what kind of swine you’ll bring out when different people get together. I’ve had bad and good scenarios come from it. Either way men, you are on the right track (IMO), or your venture should turn out very successful. A lot better than the jokes we see on TV anyway… and P.S. The hog did look a little tired or something; maybe it was hurt or something, IDK, just was my first thought when I saw it. Probably won’t be something a non-dogger will spot, but just food for thought. Keep up the good work men!

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