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Author Topic: Lacy Feedback Updating some folks .  (Read 829 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: December 12, 2011, 03:19:52 pm »

Ok guys .  I had put on here before about getting some Lacys from Tom and I said I would keep the ones that emailed me which ended up being quite a few up to date on what was going on.  As yall know I got the Claire gyp bred here a couple weeks ago.  Well now my main Lacy gyp is in heat Bell she is a finished find dog 5 yrs old been with me since a baby finds hogs on her own dont need no help in doing it from any kind of dog and she is what I think is a pretty dang good hog dog.  You can send in a catch dog with this gyp are you can shoot over this gyp .  She will hunt short-med most the time "200-750" and long if need be but does not perfer it and she's got a ton of stick once on a hog, bays just ruff nuff to keep the hog facing her but will get with it with the catch dog if she has to if not she has rolled off to find other hogs many times.  Very very smart dog.

Here's the deal I want to breed these dogs because they are good dogs but I will only keep two are three from these two breedings I just don't have the room and to boot I got my dogs that I have had for years also and I do not want to get stuck with a bunch of pups.  If I can sell these pups I will do it so am asking for some more feed back just to see for sure how many I can get sold and gone.  I will keep only two are three for myself .  Reg dogs with TLGD.  Don't care to get in any aurgements about the other Reg. so please keep it right . 

If intrested please email me not pm me so I can keep a record on who wants what .

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Strike Dog
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« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2011, 04:54:08 pm »

help me out here, what is a gyp and a lacy and what is the make up of these breeds.?

new zealand dogger
Strike Dog
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« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2011, 04:59:57 pm »

gyp=female dog

Lacy is an all round working dog, they do anything from cattle work, bloodtrailing, hoghunting, etc they are made up of sight hound(thought to be a grey hound), English Shephard, and wolf..they are GREAT working dogs!!! they have tons of endurance and prey drive.

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Strike Dog
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« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2011, 05:06:11 pm »

gyp=female dog

Lacy is an all round working dog, they do anything from cattle work, bloodtrailing, hoghunting, etc they are made up of sight hound(thought to be a grey hound), English Shephard, and wolf..they are GREAT working dogs!!! they have tons of endurance and prey drive.
    is this a simmilar make to the cur as we have non of these breeds in nz ? this a stabilized breed ?...

new zealand dogger
Hog Doom
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« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2011, 05:49:51 pm »


Sent you a PM ...

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2011, 05:51:35 pm »

Where are you located and how much will you be selling them for.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2011, 09:53:57 pm »

I know there are some lacys in nz...there pretty established here in the states

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Hog Doom
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« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2011, 11:30:58 pm »


Hit the nail on the head about what makes up Lacy dogs.

I have had a lot of emails on just what I think about a Lacy dog as a hog dog.

I myself am not a Lacy expert and don't claim to be but I know what a good hog dog is .  I have hunted with many many many Lacy dogs due to me and Tom being such good friends threw a lot of years.   To me the Lacy dog is a shorter range hunter most I have seen hunt out in the range of 250 - 300 yds but there are some like my Bell dog that will hunt from around 250-750 some were n there.  From my experience the Lacy's are pretty dang gritty kinda dogs you run three four these dogs they will take care of a pretty good size hog themselves 200 lbs and under are for bigger hogs they will catch with the catch dog.  Very very smart dogs they are not dummies they catch on fast and they are very easy to trash break.  The Lacy dogs will start up fast but they mature late by this I mean they will be baying hogs at a young young age and finding hogs a good one at  12 to 18 months old if hunted right with the right dogs.  What I mean by maturing late is if you got a good one at two years old do not think that is the best he are she is gonna get because if they are doing that great at two years old doing it on his own then you will not see your best dog till he are she is four to five years old thats when they really tend to turn into the best dogs from what I have seen.  They can take a track are they can wind my Bell dog is a great wind dog but will also put her nose on the ground and find one .  I think she is better at winding than tracking myself which I like a lot .  They are very hot type of dogs and don't take much off of another dog they will stand their ground and sometimes are grouchy as hell to be honest with you.  Once on a hog a good one has got a ton of stick and just as much endurance and stamina very fast dogs , very quick dogs.  They tend to be a one man kinda dog and will hunt for you just off the relationship you and the dog has they aim to please .  Now the drawbacks as far as I  have seen Stubborn, love to piss you off but will make it up on the long run if you can stick with them, A little hot headed sometimes .  What I have learned from them is this if they are hunted with good dogs and hunted right and you have the patiences to put up with some of the chit they give you in the long run they are some very very good dogs.  My Lacy dog Bell and I have a love hate relationship .
She can make me so mad I will spit nails and the next thing you know turn right around and make me proud as a new born poppa it has happened a thousand times just ask any of my hunting buddies that have hunted with her .

Anyway just my take on the Lacy dogs anybody feel free to chime in !

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
Strike Dog
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« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2011, 09:05:05 am »

X2 not to mention there amazing escaping abilities and how high they can jump! Like you said they can frustrait you so much then turn around and make you proud. and they dont take anything off of any animal, my lacy male like to try to take on my brothers cat/lab but he's so quick that the cat/lab is spining circles! If you get a good one hold onto it, it will pay for its self and then some as it gets older. My 8 week old pup tried to take on my rams yesterday baying at them when they were at the molasas lick and the big Columbia ram(300lbs) stomped at her and she kept a baying, had to go haul her off cuz I didnt want her killed, they sometimes dont know when to quit. Like TexasHogDogs said one person dogs, they LOVE people but my female will only work for me no one else. I am hooked on the breed and will probably own one tell I die!

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