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Author Topic: Phylosophical Bull Chit.  (Read 1387 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: December 16, 2011, 11:12:10 pm »

... seen some rip-your-guts out sad stuff over the last few weeks... stuff you wouldn't think exists in "America"... but does...

... in our society's ever continuing "dog eat dog" atmosphere... bad things, morally wrong things... are overlooked by even the highest safeguards in our culture...

... amonst the glistening high rises of our wealthy cities exist poverty and sadness unexplainable... not to mention what exists beyond our "known" sociological realm...

... many facets of this sadness I have been forced to witness in my current occupation as a service plumber(which I hate, but it pays the bills for now)... I am included by necessity to the inner workings of lives that, under normal circumstances, are not seen...

... mental illness is more prevalent than anyone would believe.  I see human beings every day that would honestly be better off in the ground than where they are presently.... and I would have no hesitation to help.   I could give many, many examples but I do not care to think of them  any more than my subconscious forces me to.

... through me, people have been baker acted.  Through me, children have been removed.  There is a profound sadness that comes with the understanding of a disfunctional society...

Not sure what point I was trying to make here, don't expect any comments... just thinking out loud so I might make sense of things for myself...

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Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
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« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2011, 11:25:43 pm »

 ...  :'and it gets worse every day  Cry
Hog Doom
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« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2011, 11:38:06 pm »

thats deep noah..... push the bong away now.. seriously I hear ya. it should be legal to cull some people.


Victor dog food dealer. Cleveland Texas
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« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2011, 03:56:15 am »

well noah don"t be to shocked it"s prevelent all around the world unfortunatly darwins law dosn"t always apply

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« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2011, 08:53:11 am »

When I saw the title to the thread I knew it was you before I glanced over to see who the owner was...cause I know how you think... Wink

mental illness...look up and read the info and then look at the youtube videos...
what gets me about mental illness is that once a human being turns 18 years old they have the right to their own decisions and when someone is mentally ill who can't make the right decisions but insist on making them then they are entitled to do so and the parents or would be caretakers have their hands tied...

I used to think that over pupuation would be the downfall of humankind but after much thought it is a symptom but not the root cause...after studying the economy and stock market some the real root cause of our downfall will be GREED...unless we learn from history which I doubt...


when the poor have enough there will be unrest...if there is famine there will be desperation and unrest...and this will be the trigger that starts what I perceive...

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Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2011, 09:06:27 am »

 The death and misery you see in this world unfortunately over time you do become immune to it and have a sick twisted sense of humor in regards to it.  The one thing you can never build up an immunity to is children,  The hardest part is trying to solve everyone elses problems then come home, level headed enough to try and solve yours.
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« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2011, 10:33:06 am »

Coming from a strict LEO family, I could tell stories that have brought my own momma to tears after 20 years of it passing but coming up in general conversation.

Sadly, we as Americans are numb to our own people suffering but will dish out hand over fist to countries that hate us and will not even attempt to pile their garbage in one central location because it would take to much effort.

People rely on doctors to tell them what is wrong and the end result is typically a form of heady medication that makes it worse.  Our family is not with out strife, we have had our battles but realities we thrown out there with a 'deal with it or die attitude', in the end no one died and they are better off today.

I commend you for helping those people make it to the facilities they needed since their families were not strong enough to do it themselves and removing those children giving them a chance for a little better life.

I agree, Greed will be the ultimate downfall but accountability is right there along with it.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2011, 12:50:51 pm »

While in college I worked a bicycle currier in downtown Houston. You see the big building and high rise condos but just blocks away are places you would not want to go after dark and most likely not even in the daylight. I went through on a bike. I know if a doctor sees a crash they stop and help but to see the people that clearly need help just sitting in filth made me lose all respect for the mental health community.

The mental health hospitals would dump them just outside downtown when they stopped getting paid for them from the state. I had many encounters with people that were clearly not right and should be getting serous help. Some were dangerous. When I saw a business owner getting attacked I stepped in to help. The man turned on me and I was forced to use force to stop him. The cop that showed up and got my statement told me he did not approve or disapprove of my actions but started calling me big daddy. After a few more encounters the bums or whatever you wanted to call them figured out that I was not the one to mess with. When I saw them harassing someone all I had to do was ride up and they would leave.

One evening I saw a bum I knew all too well. He was clearly not right in the head and very annoying. But never physically threatened anyone. A man had punched him and he had fallen into a building and his head was bleeding. The man was standing there saying he was going to hit him again. I quickly put myself between them and told him I was about to hit the man in the suit. I don't care how bad they are they are still human.

A judge had a bum take his brief case and start running. The judge pulled out a gun and shot him dead. The bum had not attacked the judge but took the brief case from on top of the judges car and the judge said he shot him because he could not run to chase him. No charges against the judge. About a year earlier a friend of mine was looking at his paper work as he started to cross a street with a green light. That bum the judge shot had grabbed my friend who was not happy about it just as a bus ran the light and would have hit my fiend. That bum that was clearly mentally ill saved my friends life and the judge shot him like a dog.

I saw building owner getting mad about bums pissing on the sidewalk. I asked him where they should pee. He said in a toilet. So I asked if they could use his toilet. Of course he said no. I said that is why they pee on the sidewalk because nobody lets them in so either let them in or stop complaining.

It is easy to see the see them all dirty and smelling bad and have disgust. It is hard to see them as human. But we need to remember that Jesus died for them too. If not for the grace of God we could be like them.

We send billions over to countries that send terrorist to attack us but we can't provide for these people? The Bible says to love your neighbor not just the ones that are not crazy ones.

Enough of my ramblings

"...A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself..." John Stuart Mill
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« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2011, 07:24:01 pm »

I am surprised everyday at the comments my kids n their friends make in passing.
For instance, a girl my daughter goes to school with is 17 n just had a baby last week. My daughter said that this girls mom was going to raise the baby as her own, daddy not n picture at all and the girl was gonna start college n summer so the preg was no big deal. Talked about it like it happens all the time.
Heard my kids talking with other teens about a party they attended. It shocked me how they talked about everyone was smoking dope n drinking n "Gettin busy" n their cars like it was no big deal. I often let my kids know what will happen if I EVER fund out they were that stupid.
Another thing::: I'm 36 years old n do not remember seeing commercials about sex enhancers or any stuff like that when I was little. Hell my kids see those commercials every day. What's wrong with this picture??
Catch Dog
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« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2011, 06:39:28 pm »

The problem with the picture is simply, SIN. Until we, as a nation, repent, ask God's forgivness, and turn from our sinful ways, things will only get worse.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2011, 10:27:48 pm »

HAHAHA... makes a person step back and look at the BIG PICTURE(well, it does me anyways  Grin )... a big picture that far too many sheep have entrusted to a select few wolves for too long...

As with all blights upon the face of known societies... the ones we are experiencing now are not so unlike those of the past...

We all have been guilty of bitching and moaning about this and that... "my religion is better than yours", "I think our tax dollars should pay for this and not that"... etc, etc, etc...

........ which brings me to my point of the evening... 

... Throughout history, it has been the men of vision that brought "order" to the chaos that is humanity...  Left to our own, we are a bunch of mean ass, intelligent monkeys for the most part....   Genocide, rape and plunder, or simply disreguard for conservation of finite natural resources...  We naturally, are quite caustic as a species...

... If not for the great "conquerors" of history, who knows what evil may have escalated in their abscence...

... May I use early Rome as an example(as our own country did in it's infancy)...

... Early Rome conquered surrounding countries... as a side effect of their ambition, the "stability" brought about by their violence allowed for "a civilized society to develop and bitch about everything they didn't like about it"....

Without men willing to make the hard decisions in life, TRULY hard decisions, we would not even have the CHANCE to bitch about the social grievances that consume so many of us...    Nations, carved out like a hunk of meat from the living body that is earth... by men with the vision to make our future possible...

... Hard decisions are a fact of life.   The older I get, the more I understand.  One must look at the greater good when it comes to the future of humanity... and not be afraid to use the sword to mantain it's stability...

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Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
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« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2011, 07:51:03 pm »

HAHAHA... makes a person step back and look at the BIG PICTURE(well, it does me anyways  Grin )... a big picture that far too many sheep have entrusted to a select few wolves for too long...

As with all blights upon the face of known societies... the ones we are experiencing now are not so unlike those of the past...

We all have been guilty of bitching and moaning about this and that... "my religion is better than yours", "I think our tax dollars should pay for this and not that"... etc, etc, etc...

........ which brings me to my point of the evening... 

... Throughout history, it has been the men of vision that brought "order" to the chaos that is humanity...  Left to our own, we are a bunch of mean ass, intelligent monkeys for the most part....   Genocide, rape and plunder, or simply disreguard for conservation of finite natural resources...  We naturally, are quite caustic as a species...

... If not for the great "conquerors" of history, who knows what evil may have escalated in their abscence...

... May I use early Rome as an example(as our own country did in it's infancy)...

... Early Rome conquered surrounding countries... as a side effect of their ambition, the "stability" brought about by their violence allowed for "a civilized society to develop and bitch about everything they didn't like about it"....

Without men willing to make the hard decisions in life, TRULY hard decisions, we would not even have the CHANCE to bitch about the social grievances that consume so many of us...    Nations, carved out like a hunk of meat from the living body that is earth... by men with the vision to make our future possible...

... Hard decisions are a fact of life.   The older I get, the more I understand.  One must look at the greater good when it comes to the future of humanity... and not be afraid to use the sword to mantain it's stability...

i agree 100%
Hog Doom
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« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2011, 09:38:35 pm »

Look at my quote

"...A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself..." John Stuart Mill
Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2011, 05:15:36 pm »

... Throughout history, it has been the men of vision that brought "order" to the chaos that is humanity...  Left to our own, we are a bunch of mean ass, intelligent monkeys for the most part....   Genocide, rape and plunder, or simply disreguard for conservation of finite natural resources...  We naturally, are quite caustic as a species...

... If not for the great "conquerors" of history, who knows what evil may have escalated in their abscence...

... May I use early Rome as an example(as our own country did in it's infancy)...

... Early Rome conquered surrounding countries... as a side effect of their ambition, the "stability" brought about by their violence allowed for "a civilized society to develop and bitch about everything they didn't like about it"....

Without men willing to make the hard decisions in life, TRULY hard decisions, we would not even have the CHANCE to bitch about the social grievances that consume so many of us...    Nations, carved out like a hunk of meat from the living body that is earth... by men with the vision to make our future possible...

... Hard decisions are a fact of life.   The older I get, the more I understand.  One must look at the greater good when it comes to the future of humanity... and not be afraid to use the sword to mantain it's stability...

Noah I agree with this statement to a point.  In order for all people to exist this is necessary.  however if we were left to ouw own devices only those strong enough to survive would, and there wouldnt be the need to cull people it would occur naturally.  Just a thought.  Grin
Hog Doom
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« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2011, 05:26:45 pm »

Maybe... or humanity might go the same direction Somalia did... a people left to their own devices... overtaken and brutalized by a bunch of thugs...

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Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
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« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2011, 12:25:45 pm »

That is true.. However in 1776 werent we left to out own devices?  And yet here we are...  Undecided
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