« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2011, 10:43:18 am » |
A good brain/trainability seem to be a common denominator... Another reason I now prefer to avoid straight bull blood dogs.... A catch dog with a "cur" brain, desireable yes?
... Next question for all you hard core bulldog guys.... If u could have a CD with identical weight/hardness of catch BUT with a more athletic cur style body.... Would you not want that, or is there something about the awkward typical bull build you feel makes a better CD?
Welcome to the Gun Show
Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2011, 11:13:49 am » |
Well I like one that is around 60-65 lbs. One that has some leg on him for leverage , one thats is built even threw out his body, nice deep broad chest , one that has some bone on him, big nice stout head with a deep squared muzzle were he can get a mouth full , One that has thick thick teeth med-long thick is a must , the long teeth that have no mass to them tend to get broke off quick . I like dogs that are heavier than they look to the eye when you try to pick that dog up you go damnnnnnnnn . I like to be able to feel the power n a bulldog soon as you touch him you can feel it for sure. A hard hard mouth once he is caught I dont even mind taken a ear when me when it is all said and done. A athletic dog is a must with speed and quickness, I dont care how great a dog looks if he is slow he aint gonna make it speed kills and that is a must for me. One with a straight mouth a crooked mouth dog aint gonna last long and above all one that has a heart with no quit.
Seems like a lot huh that is the perfect catch bull dog ,dog to me. Dogs like that are kinda hard to find these days unless you know were to look. I lucked out and got a good one last year that fits all of that and I got a young dog from a friend that Iam hoping will fit that bill this year.
The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2011, 11:14:55 am » |
5/8rednose 1/4dogo 1/4 lab if I could make one from scratch
If my math is correct that'd be a heck of a 1 1/8 dog  haha Haha apparently autotype doesn't know what an 1/8is Her is is 5/8rednose 1/4dogo 1/8lab 
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2011, 11:21:30 am » |
Being a bulldog breeder for over 25 yrs this is my take. Some Pits are just freaks . There head , body , weight is all out of proportions. I have seen some that you would think could not pop a grape but when locked down you need a crowbar to get them off little PIN heads small teeth but the power in these kinds of dogs is very misleading some may look like they are frail till put to the test and then they are monsters in sheep's clothing . They may look all out of proportions but are sticks of dynamite . These dogs are out there I have seen them and witnessed them. The kinds of dogs that just make you shake your head and say damn were the hell did that come from .
The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2011, 11:40:39 am » |
I've seen them too, no doubt bite strength has less to do with head shape than the dog... I have seen a couple pits that were good, fast athletes.... But still got that brain issue lol... Not acceptable to me
As for walk-in vs. RCD, what I'm after should be able to do both...
...all of this was brought about when, on a hunt down south, discovered a major hole in my program... A CD Athletic enough to slip into a big palmetto head and catch without making the hog break... A necessity for hunting that terrain... Which is why many south Florida hunters use straight catch curs instead of bulldogs...
Welcome to the Gun Show
Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2011, 11:46:49 am » |
Just for reading purposes I will give you a example of one of these Little pin head dogs.
I had a little bulldog named Cannon Ball he was little maybe 40 lbs soaking wet out of proportion little short thick teeth didnt look like much a real calm nice dog would not hurt a flea but learned to hate a hog. I went and got this dog from a friend I had given him to and I had bred this liter. Well Tom had a friend that had caught a big boar hog in one of them trailer kinda traps and they could not get the hog out of the trap he was big bad and mean and just a dangerous kinda hog with teeth . He called me and ask if I thought I could get him out the trailer I said well I can't but I got something that will. I drove up with little Cannon Ball Tom had never seen him as I had just got him back. There were a few older men standing around and saying what are you gonna do with that ahahahahahahahahah little thing. I said am gonna get that hog outta there. The one guy said aint no way man I said well I bet you 50 bucks I will have that hog out of that trailer in less than five mins and in your pen after I turn this bulldog loose he said you are on aint no way I got to see. This trailer had a walk in gate at front of it and a little gate at the back of it , Told Tom when I holler you open that little gate , told this one guy to stand in front of that gate and hold Cannon Ball and soon as I holler and tom opens that gate you let him go he said ok . Waited for the hog to get turned just right and I hollered Tom pull the gate and if you was not looking u missed it hahaahahahahah the dog hit that hog so fast you could not hardly see it . He locked on I got inbehind the hog legged him and walked him out of the trailer over to the pen and Tom was trying to break Cannon Ball off ahahahahah he could not get him off and by now i was wore out holding the big hog so Tom took out his pocket knife and ole Cannon Ball got his trophy ahhahahahahahah and I got me 50 bucks . Tom said damn man damn I open the gate and it happen so fast I didnt even see the dog hit the ear ahahahahahahhahahahahahahaah the dog was faster than my eyes . ahhaahhahahaahha. The looks on them peoples face was worth a million dollars man .
The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2011, 11:48:46 am » |
I agree man you got to have the brains for sure its a must. Just kinda scrolled threw all of this . Yeah a Bulldog without any smarts is worthless really and a lot of them will get a man in big trouble.
The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2011, 12:04:28 pm » |
i have stayed out of this because i love to read but hate the bashing of people that take a different path
that being said i have a dog now not sayin he is a perfect dog but he fits what i want to a T
25-26inches at the shoulder athlectic built deep chested long legs travles with a long stride good thick long neck around 80 pounds a smart dog one that can be droped on a small property on the ground with just a strike dog or by him self has a good nose dog cant fight and shake the pig just hold it must have a handle tapped on the head and told caught hog lets go can be trusted in the box with anything will go to a single bark or a solid bay it dont matter has the lung and brains to run farther and hold longer
Well, the devil made me do it the first time The second time I done it on my own Lord, put a handle on a simple headed man And help me leave that black rose alone
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2011, 12:08:13 pm » |
Sounds like a nice dog, got a picture of him?
Welcome to the Gun Show
Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
Boar Collector
« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2011, 12:08:34 pm » |
5/8rednose 1/4dogo 1/4 lab if I could make one from scratch
If my math is correct that'd be a heck of a 1 1/8 dog  haha Haha apparently autotype doesn't know what an 1/8is Her is is 5/8rednose 1/4dogo 1/8lab  Lol just giving a hard time. Sorry to take away from the post!
"Them pigs can run.. but they'll only die tired"
« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2011, 12:09:54 pm » |
My ideal dog is about 65 - 75 pounds of athleticism, I lean towards Pits because I personally like their personalities but honestly I could care less about breed if I could find one that was built right. The dog we have right now is some sort of Mastiff Heinz 57 but he has NO hesitation about his job and his personality makes him a pleasure (except that he whines in the box with no stop / solution) but he is too wide making a little less agile and having a gait more than a smooth stride when he runs. I like a long legged, deep chested / girthed dog with a longer nose built for running, here are a few examples of the athleticism that I prefer over the short and wide dogs: Nickel was a AB x Leopard but he was started (IMO) wrong with hesitation on larger hogs and once he was off if you didn’t grab him he was coming back for WHATEVER he could put his teeth on, which is unacceptable to us so we gave him back to the man who raised him. I sure wish we had gotten him when he was smaller because I always thought he had a great potential that was missed out on.  Ruger was probably 65 pounds when a gator got him but he was laid back and never said a word. Once he caught a hog he was at the truck or sitting beside you waiting to go back to load up. He was a protector of our little boy and didn’t allow strangers near him, he also played ball and could be trusted around all livestock etc.  I want a dog with no hesitation, our currs will catch pretty much anything but there are times where they do back up and bay, I do not want that in our catch dog but I also want the trainability portion / brains that our currs have because I do not need some nutso catch anything no mannered bull dog running around because he is more of a liability than an asset to me. I am also one of the few that prefer a 5 or 6 month old puppy than an 8 to 10 week old one.
« Reply #31 on: December 27, 2011, 12:13:38 pm » |
 the black dog noah ( and no i dont run him with out a vest it was about 120 that night)
Well, the devil made me do it the first time The second time I done it on my own Lord, put a handle on a simple headed man And help me leave that black rose alone
« Reply #32 on: December 27, 2011, 01:25:35 pm » |
I think for what its worth that a lot of folks confuse catching anchoring and holding a hog for catching and fighting a hog. There is a big big difference . A dog that will catch lock down press his body into the hogs, anchor a hog and hold him in my opinion is way way better than a dog that will catch a hog on the ear and start to fight the hog by shaking out of control and just general fighting the hog if that happens the hog is not under control he is just caught and this is were lots of dogs meet there makers curs and catch dogs. So look for that when you are looking for a good catch dog.
The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2011, 02:07:47 pm » |
Completely agree on the anchor aspect, BIG difference... Having a dog with some ASS/leg sure does help on those big hogs.... Especially if you don't have a pile of other dogs with him to help catch...
W-Tate nice looking dog, little finer built than what I'd like but built good! What is he?
Mr Mason's Catdo's are a good "type" example of what Im leaning towards... Athletic Dogo crossed on a hard catching cur dog...
Welcome to the Gun Show
Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2011, 02:25:17 pm » |
noah that was 6 months ago he is alot thincker now he is a pitxdane the black dog so far has been the real deal he will be 2 in feb. been on several big pigs i have sent him to a single bark in open country as far as 750 yards he uses his brain i hear mr masons catdos are good dogs i like there build also i recently picked up a pitxairdale he is comeing along he had a rough life befor i got him but he is make a catch dog has alot of drive and hunt
Well, the devil made me do it the first time The second time I done it on my own Lord, put a handle on a simple headed man And help me leave that black rose alone
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2011, 02:31:46 pm » |
To your last question I would say whatever consistently catches and their is no doubt ever in my mind that it may start baying. My only scare in a cur catchdog type would be that in a bad situation with a bad boar in a tight spot and myself or a friend and dog gets ass handed to him and begins to bark instead of engaged. I have been lucky to hunt over the last decade with some guys with great curs that can shut most any hog down under 150. Been plenty of times I brought my CD and been able to just tie him up and leg 150 pound boars or barrs cause a good cur was already locked down. I have also seen at some of the catchdofg comps back in day where a great cur that actually won a competition in past and he had never in his years bayed and I know and have hunted with the owners, o I believe them. It was a head to head major collision and low and behold the cur finally bayed up. It was a big mean boar as well, I thought to myself if we were in a tight place and I was down there I would/ve been screwed. A Bulldog it could happen as well but I think you have a better chance with a great straight pit or AB to continue to battle. I also seen plenty of good mixes of cur bulldog. CWARD, I know some guys in Cleveland that had a Cur x Black lab that was a hell of a catchdog, I wonder if it was same one. They called him Blackie or Black dog but I remember them telling me it was half cur as well. That was a good catchdog. It hink my bulldog beat him though so it may be a differant one if you say this one never lost. Either way it was a good dog and seen him do good in woods as well. Got a little sidetracked but Noah the way you word it about awkward bulldog would make it sound like you may have not hunted with an athletic pit or AB. Some can be very fast and athletic, I can see maybe your point though because on a whole they are not as athletic as curr, I'm just talking about the cream of the crop since you are saying ideal. I don't think anyone's ideal CD would be an awkward chainsaw breathing pit or AB. I would agree that the thing most cur mix catchdogs bring is better heat tolerence typically but the good ones will die before they would ever bark. I also have seen bulldogs that have smarts as well. A good dogman or woman can put some serious obediance on a bulldog sort of like what CWARD described although those seem to be some of the best if you can break one off verbally. I've never even tried that, I've always wanted my CD to have to be broken off but would be great to see a surefire CD you could call off and he would go lay down.
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2011, 02:44:58 pm » |
I like mine two ways athletic or somethin like a lineman hittin a 2nd grader  
Matt H Cleveland, OH
« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2011, 03:27:02 pm » |
To your last question I would say whatever consistently catches and their is no doubt ever in my mind that it may start baying. My only scare in a cur catchdog type would be that in a bad situation with a bad boar in a tight spot and myself or a friend and dog gets ass handed to him and begins to bark instead of engaged. I have been lucky to hunt over the last decade with some guys with great curs that can shut most any hog down under 150. Been plenty of times I brought my CD and been able to just tie him up and leg 150 pound boars or barrs cause a good cur was already locked down. I have also seen at some of the catchdofg comps back in day where a great cur that actually won a competition in past and he had never in his years bayed and I know and have hunted with the owners, o I believe them. It was a head to head major collision and low and behold the cur finally bayed up. It was a big mean boar as well, I thought to myself if we were in a tight place and I was down there I would/ve been screwed. A Bulldog it could happen as well but I think you have a better chance with a great straight pit or AB to continue to battle. I also seen plenty of good mixes of cur bulldog. CWARD, I know some guys in Cleveland that had a Cur x Black lab that was a hell of a catchdog, I wonder if it was same one. They called him Blackie or Black dog but I remember them telling me it was half cur as well. That was a good catchdog. It hink my bulldog beat him though so it may be a differant one if you say this one never lost. Either way it was a good dog and seen him do good in woods as well. Got a little sidetracked but Noah the way you word it about awkward bulldog would make it sound like you may have not hunted with an athletic pit or AB. Some can be very fast and athletic, I can see maybe your point though because on a whole they are not as athletic as curr, I'm just talking about the cream of the crop since you are saying ideal. I don't think anyone's ideal CD would be an awkward chainsaw breathing pit or AB. I would agree that the thing most cur mix catchdogs bring is better heat tolerence typically but the good ones will die before they would ever bark. I also have seen bulldogs that have smarts as well. A good dogman or woman can put some serious obediance on a bulldog sort of like what CWARD described although those seem to be some of the best if you can break one off verbally. I've never even tried that, I've always wanted my CD to have to be broken off but would be great to see a surefire CD you could call off and he would go lay down.
i agree with alot of what he said
« Reply #38 on: December 27, 2011, 03:31:56 pm » |
but on the other hand i totally know what noah is saying wanting a great catch dog with brains , i have has a couple pits in my life and 1 was a great little catch dog that i raised from a pup and had around many different dogs people etc..1 day that dog tryed to jump on a 4 month old puppy out of the blue? after that i never trusted her around my kids or dogs so she meet her maker. but i know people have raised their on line for many generations and they claim absolute no people or dog aggression. i just aint been fortunate enough to see 1.
« Reply #39 on: December 27, 2011, 03:37:29 pm » |
I like mine two ways athletic or somethin like a lineman hittin a 2nd grader   They are definitely muscled up!! Id love to see a pic of them on a hog!!!