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A little something to think about
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Topic: A little something to think about (Read 6012 times)
Alpha Dog
Posts: 645
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #20
January 13, 2012, 04:05:46 pm »
Quote from: BA-IV on January 13, 2012, 03:51:37 pm
Before you judge me, I've been in multiple countries for more than a layover so don't put your foot in your mouth on that one. I've defended this country and sacrificed the first year of my kids life for the war against Iraq not to mention the humanitarian missions I've been deployed on. I am all for the constitution and we were founded Under God. That's been being done away with for years now just like our rights have been trampled on. As a citizen you voice your opinion through voting, it's a right many men have died to defend. This country is going to $hit so whether you wanna sit back and watch it, do something about it, or change with it is simply your prerogative. Simply put, this country is rapidly doing away with the principles we were founded upon.
Well said and thank you.
Matthew 3:2 “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
Hog Doom
Posts: 3543
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #21
January 13, 2012, 04:10:35 pm »
Somebody pass the salt please !
The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
Bay Dog
Posts: 69
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #22
January 13, 2012, 04:19:40 pm »
Quote from: BA-IV on January 13, 2012, 03:51:37 pm
Before you judge me, I've been in multiple countries for more than a layover so don't put your foot in your mouth on that one. I've defended this country and sacrificed the first year of my kids life for the war against Iraq not to mention the humanitarian missions I've been deployed on. I am all for the constitution and we were founded Under God. That's been being done away with for years now just like our rights have been trampled on. As a citizen you voice your opinion through voting, it's a right many men have died to defend. This country is going to $hit so whether you wanna sit back and watch it, do something about it, or change with it is simply your prerogative. Simply put, this country is rapidly doing away with the principles we were founded upon.
Thank you for your service. Your overseas deployments have shown you firsthand the reality of living abroad. I also cannot fathom many of your experiences, you are a breed of your own, the reason our nation still exists. With that being said i wont put my foot in my mouth for you or anyone else for that matter, isnt that a beautiful facet of our constitution that still exists today. My great grandparents came to ellis island with not a dime in their pockets. Through hard work and a willingness to immerse themselves culturally they built what most would consider a small empire. I have not taken advantage of anything in my life. Since i can remember i have never taken anything in my life for granted. I question everything, but most of all i listen. I have been exposed to a great deal of very respectable people and places. More then most people no matter their age. That isnt what i wanted to talk about in this thread. I never intended on a battle nor would i like to continue one. I just disagree with your opinion put simply.
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #23
January 13, 2012, 04:20:23 pm »
I don’t know about y’all, but I think this country was founded on the belief of FREEDOM. Of course there are other reasons, but the main one was for freedom. Freedom to do what makes you happy, and what you believe in. I agree that this country has a lot of areas that need improvement, but that doesn’t mean that it is turning into #2… It just needs the right people to stand up for the right things. There are MANY things that need improvement, without being specific, and there are MANY things that need to be changed back to the way they were. I’ll say one, and that’s CHRISTmas not X-MAS! REALLY??? The contradicting hypocrites that are doing the changing, IMO, are the problem now days. Is it really that hard for people to understand if they want something changed, that they need to do something about it? What do you think one of the worst wars (civil war) in country’s history was about? The people decided to do something about what they did not like. Our nation of people just going with the flow is the problem IMO. When we continue to sit back and let the Big Wigs make all of the decisions is when this country is going to go to #2. This is a democracy, and I think that if you believe that is the case then the only option is to educate yourself on what is really going on, get organized, and do something about what you believe in. AND I’m not talking about the “occupy protests”… I’m talking about real organization here. JMO that is a great post bailey508, and a lot of that is more than true, it is REAL. I just believe there is another side to this country as well, and that people just need to start realizing that if they sit around waiting for change it will never come. The only way to run this democracy is the way it was supposed to be run, and that’s by the people for the people. IN GOD WE TRUST!
Long live the United States of America!!!
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Bar W
Strike Dog
Posts: 491
Hello. My name is Mark and I'm addicted to hunting
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #24
January 13, 2012, 06:52:58 pm »
ca10j do you hog hunt?
Bay Dog
Posts: 69
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #25
January 13, 2012, 09:14:06 pm »
I do indeed...
Jared H.
Boar Slayer
Posts: 1058
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #26
January 13, 2012, 10:02:50 pm »
Quote from: ca10j on January 13, 2012, 02:49:36 pm
I defend my beliefs just like you do. I also do not live my life in accordance to ANY text. Nothing written by another mortal shall bind me. I know its hard for you to believe or maybe even fathom but alot of our worlds problems would be solved if every bible of every religion was burned... Hell if your to scared to burn them ill do it. We are our own makers, we make our path and we create our own wealth. If you really seek change then stop praying for it and start being the change you seek in this world. To anyone getting upset with me or the fact that a 20 year old has the right to an opinion, you know where the back button it. I suggest you use it.
Opinions like this is what I feel is the beginning of the end of our country. I just hope your eyes are opened before your number is called.
Jeremiah 16:16
There our two types of pain: The temporary pain of training or the permenant pain of failure. Choose wisely...
Bay Dog
Posts: 69
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #27
January 13, 2012, 11:53:09 pm »
Quote from: Jared H. on January 13, 2012, 10:02:50 pm
Quote from: ca10j on January 13, 2012, 02:49:36 pm
I defend my beliefs just like you do. I also do not live my life in accordance to ANY text. Nothing written by another mortal shall bind me. I know its hard for you to believe or maybe even fathom but alot of our worlds problems would be solved if every bible of every religion was burned... Hell if your to scared to burn them ill do it. We are our own makers, we make our path and we create our own wealth. If you really seek change then stop praying for it and start being the change you seek in this world. To anyone getting upset with me or the fact that a 20 year old has the right to an opinion, you know where the back button it. I suggest you use it.
Opinions like this is what I feel is the beginning of the end of our country. I just hope your eyes are opened before your number is called.
LOL you're a funny guy:) I like working with people like you!
Boar Slayer
Posts: 1180
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #28
January 14, 2012, 09:31:02 am »
Y'all tell him ! Hot diggedy dog , this post sure was interestting. Sorry if I mis spelt any words. I didn't get any of that
fancy book learnin this arrogant young feller obvios got. Is the best of the free life behind us now? I believe so.
"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be. But PERFORMANCE indicates what the animal actually is."
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #29
January 14, 2012, 10:13:52 am »
Quote from: jimco on January 14, 2012, 09:31:02 am
Y'all tell him ! Hot diggedy dog , this post sure was interestting. Sorry if I mis spelt any words. I didn't get any of that
fancy book learnin this arrogant young feller obvios got. Is the best of the free life behind us now? I believe so.
LMFAO! That's great!!!
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Bay Dog
Posts: 43
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #30
January 15, 2012, 01:40:15 pm »
Many, many men and women have given their lives for you to be able to have that education, and the ability to have the freedoms that you so richly enjoy. If you do not live by the written word of a man then you are part of the problem this USA has. You are in my opinion are part of the me generation, if it's not about me first then it means nothing to me. I will repeat you are part of the bigger problem. I do not hate you I feel sorry for you because one day, as others have stated< the real world will kick in and you may have to rethink things. I hope God continyes to bless you, and I pray that he will open your closed eyes.
Hog Doom
Posts: 4180
Dinah Psencik from Dayton Tx.
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #31
January 15, 2012, 02:11:49 pm »
Our govt. has become too big. Middle aged people who were raised in America can remember a time when we weren't so managed and herded like cattle. We don't need our govt involved in every aspect of our lives but thats what it seems that its coming to.
A television can insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in like a computer.
Strike Dog
Posts: 420
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #32
January 15, 2012, 07:17:30 pm »
While we are being "more open and more realistic," I am not 100% sure what you mean by the "normalcy" of how Americans live their lives everyday, maybe you don't believe in the good ol days, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there with more than 20 years under their belt that can reminisce on memories that fit the definition of "the good ol days." If you take the time to open your eyes and ears I promise you will learn something besides what the textbook says, and you might just even be amazed at the way people used to live. Heck, you might even be envious of them and some of their hunting stories. I know I am. On that same note, I LOVE this country, what it stands for and what it allows someone who is willing to shed blood, sweat and tears become. Great people and great opportunities have emerged because of that freedom. Coming from a family full of veterans, and supporting a little brother who is currently a United States Marine, they have the passion for this country, to defend it,WITHOUT even having been in a different country long enough for a layover. Oh, and they don't compare the U.S. to any other, because she is uncomparable. Congratulations if you are 20 years old and have a phd, I'm not quite sure if I've ever heard of that, but I'll keep an open mind. ("If you never been educated," it would probably stand out in the intelligent things you have to say anyways.) -Just kinda rubs me wrong that you assume anyone who thinks different than you doesnt have an education as great as yours. Although you might be well versed, I wouldnt totally pride yourself on the fact that others on this site would be proud to have a son "as well versed" as you- i could be wrong though. I see where you are coming from on several aspects of what you are saying, but don't limit yourself to what you are "comfortable with." America was built on beliefs, and can grow and flourish under the beliefs of others today.
Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man and work like a dog
Swine Stoppers
Bay Dog
Posts: 56
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #33
January 15, 2012, 07:34:24 pm »
Alpha Dog
Posts: 598
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #34
January 15, 2012, 08:22:37 pm »
Bay Dog
Posts: 69
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #35
January 15, 2012, 08:37:16 pm »
Quote from: BigNoseKate on January 15, 2012, 07:17:30 pm
While we are being "more open and more realistic," I am not 100% sure what you mean by the "normalcy" of how Americans live their lives everyday, maybe you don't believe in the good ol days, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there with more than 20 years under their belt that can reminisce on memories that fit the definition of "the good ol days." If you take the time to open your eyes and ears I promise you will learn something besides what the textbook says, and you might just even be amazed at the way people used to live. Heck, you might even be envious of them and some of their hunting stories. I know I am. On that same note, I LOVE this country, what it stands for and what it allows someone who is willing to shed blood, sweat and tears become. Great people and great opportunities have emerged because of that freedom. Coming from a family full of veterans, and supporting a little brother who is currently a United States Marine, they have the passion for this country, to defend it,WITHOUT even having been in a different country long enough for a layover. Oh, and they don't compare the U.S. to any other, because she is uncomparable. Congratulations if you are 20 years old and have a phd, I'm not quite sure if I've ever heard of that, but I'll keep an open mind. ("If you never been educated," it would probably stand out in the intelligent things you have to say anyways.) -Just kinda rubs me wrong that you assume anyone who thinks different than you doesnt have an education as great as yours. Although you might be well versed, I wouldnt totally pride yourself on the fact that others on this site would be proud to have a son "as well versed" as you- i could be wrong though. I see where you are coming from on several aspects of what you are saying, but don't limit yourself to what you are "comfortable with." America was built on beliefs, and can grow and flourish under the beliefs of others today.
All that i wanted was a friendly discussion like you have provided. Everyone else immediately judged me for my wordy non conservative talk, dubbing me an inconsiderate child. I did not intend to upset anyone or to have a childish internet bashing. I was just defending a country that i LOVE. I understand the opportunities it has to offer and continues to offer. I appreciate every brave man and woman in uniform. I understand America has a lot of controversial policies and does many controversial things, but the fact that we can judge and critique this is what i find so beautiful about this nation. I also do not think it is very fair for you to assume that because im so young that i have not been through a lot so to speak. Im not saying i've had a ruff life or that im better then anyone else. Im just saying my opinion is equal to anyone of yours even if it is liberal and my "worldly experience is very little". Nothing i've said this far could have possibly been meant to show off, i never even mentioned my dads Ferrari, my moms Mercedes, my Porsche or any other material objects for that matter. (heavily joking) But on a lighter note lets stop this bickering and have more people say how they feel about America and less of you guys nag me over my liberal philosophies.
Strike Dog
Posts: 420
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #36
January 15, 2012, 09:27:45 pm »
Quote from: wine6978 on January 15, 2012, 08:22:37 pm
Quote from: Swine Stoppers on January 15, 2012, 07:34:24 pm
Hahaha! Ya'll are awesome! Best hunting partners a girl could ask for!!
I'm all down for friendly discussion and friendly difference of opinons. I value what others have to say and what they believe in. Personally,I think that's where we are given the most opportunity to learn from others. I still stand by what I said earlier, the attitude you had in earlier posts kinda rubbed me the wrong way. And I'm not dubbing you anything, just suprised at your approach to a "friendly disscussion," -came on kinda strong, but I guess that's just the difference between you and me.
Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man and work like a dog
Hog Catching Machine
Posts: 2109
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #37
January 15, 2012, 09:33:52 pm »
"for every liberal there are thousands of dead veterans and hard working salt of the earth conservatives that made , and keep it possible to beleive the way they do "
Bay Dog
Posts: 69
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #38
January 15, 2012, 09:57:09 pm »
Quote from: jdt on January 15, 2012, 09:33:52 pm
"for every liberal there are thousands of dead veterans and hard working salt of the earth conservatives that made , and keep it possible to beleive the way they do "
Im a liberal and you can bet your ass if i didnt think i could make a difference in peoples lives through my pursuit of science i would have a gun in my hand and an insurgent in my sights. Being a liberal does not make you a softy... I uphold my right to bare arms.
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Re: A little something to think about
Reply #39
January 15, 2012, 10:14:10 pm »
Hey, jmo ca10j, but the one thing that I see wrong with all of this is just what most are saying... There is a way to have a friendly discussion with out having an arrogant attitude. I am young myself, and I HAVE been through a lot in my day. I used to have the same chest pumping attitude when I was challenged on my opinions and beliefs as well. I have not served in the armed forces, I am not a policeman or firefighter, but I have been a working tax payer for the past 12 years, and also have a college education. During this time, what's seems to be a life time, I have learned one very important lesson. That is to know your "opponent" and to pick your battles. This has also continued into having two of my best friends die within a month of each other, purchasing my first home, getting married, my daughter being born premature and having to be care flighted a hour away, one of my best friends screwing me over royally, starting the hog doggin' life style, and the list continues to build. So the only advice that I can give you because you do seem to be a smart individual is sometimes less is more. It seems like you "know" what you believe in, but it also seems it is loosely based as well. For you to take such a defensive stand also shows that you are not so sure about some things too. There is not always a need to battle, fight, or argue when you "know" something to be true, and are not open to any other opinions or suggestions. A lot of the folks who commented on this post probably have 10 years or more on you... And I'm sorry but with age comes experience, and that's something that you can't buy or find from being abroad for a little amount of time. So my only suggestion would be pay attention. You'll find that the more you listen the more people will talk, and some of that conversation could give you a new light on life. This is a great board and there are plenty of people willing to help you learn and give you advice and suggestions, but they will not do that if you don't have the right attitude. I hope you find something that will humble you as I did at my young age, and that it will prepare you better for your years to come. Best wishes.
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